SEOPress Pro - Seo WordPress Plugin

Nulled WordPress Plugin SEOPress Pro - Seo WordPress Plugin v7.9.2 NULLED

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Co7ur a mis à jour SEOPress Pro - Seo WordPress Plugin avec une nouvelle entrée de mise à jour:


= 7.4 (30/01/2024) =​

  • NEW Add Shipping properties to Product schema (automatically added to your existing products schemas)
  • NEW Add ‘Description’, ‘Email’ and ‘VAT ID’ properties to Organization schema (SEO, Social Networks, Knowledge Graph to configure)
  • NEW Bulk action to generate alt text from media filename
  • NEW Export your 404 errors list to a CSV file (SEO, Tools, Redirections tab)
  • NEW ‘seopress_export_404_query’ hook to filter the 404 errors...

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Co7ur a mis à jour SEOPress Pro - Seo WordPress Plugin avec une nouvelle entrée de mise à jour:


= 7.5 (28/02/2024) =​

  • NEW SEOPress REST API with context 🎉
  • NEW Custom table for our content analysis feature 🎉
  • NEW Course schema updated with new properties (PRO)
  • NEW Quickly block search results crawling with robots.txt file (PRO)
  • NEW Add VAT ID and Telephone fields to the installation wizard
  • INFO Rename Twitter to X
  • INFO Increase the default min height of our Universal SEO Metabox
  • INFO Disable search results indexing on first time...

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Co7ur a mis à jour SEOPress Pro - Seo WordPress Plugin avec une nouvelle entrée de mise à jour:


= 7.9 (18/06/2024) =​

  • NEW Allow to generate alternative text with AI directly from the media modal (PRO)
  • NEW Export slug changes to a CSV file (SEO, Tools, Redirections) – PRO
  • INFO Bump required PHP version to 7.4 (recommended 8.2+)
  • INFO We no longer use the first image of your post content for social media to improve performances
  • INFO Strengthened security
  • INFO Improve UX to generate alt text for media from filename
  • FIX Remove Home item from...

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