Jobpilot - Job Portal Laravel Script

PHP Script Jobpilot - Job Portal Laravel Script v3.18.0

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Jobpilot - Job Portal Laravel Script - Download Jobpilot - Job Portal Laravel Script free


Jobpilot is a modern and complete Job Portal system for your organization. With tons of feature, you can Buy, Sell And Find Just About Anything using this application. Buy And Sell Everything From Used Cars To Mobile Phones And Computers, Or Search For Property And More All Over The World!. .

Key Features​

  • Laravel 8 (Latest Version)
  • Templating system based on Bootstrap 4
  • Beautiful User Interface
  • Lightweight...

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Co7ur a mis à jour Jobpilot - Job Portal Laravel Script avec une nouvelle entrée de mise à jour:

Jobpilot Job Portal Laravel Script 3.18.0

v3.18.0- 6th june 2024​

fix: New account creator welcome email.
fix: Display default job logo when no company logo is provided.
fix: Issue with deleting language data.
fix: Issue with deleting SEO content.
fix: Update issue in the 'About' CMS.
fix: Confirmation email sending issue.
fix: Job description character limit issue.
fix: Translation issue on the About page.
fix: Currency translation error in the admin panel.
fix: Company link issue on the home page.

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