Jobpilot - Job Portal Laravel Script

PHP Script Jobpilot - Job Portal Laravel Script v3.18.0

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v3.18.0- 6th june 2024​

fix: New account creator welcome email.
fix: Display default job logo when no company logo is provided.
fix: Issue with deleting language data.
fix: Issue with deleting SEO content.
fix: Update issue in the 'About' CMS.
fix: Confirmation email sending issue.
fix: Job description character limit issue.
fix: Translation issue on the About page.
fix: Currency translation error in the admin panel.
fix: Company link issue on the home page.
fix: Incomplete warning message in the pricing plan.
fix: Duplicate custom question field on the edit job page.
fix: Blog slug creation issue.
fix: Job alert issue for candidates.
fix: User Role manager script with variable issues.
fix: FAQ "no data found" missing issue.
fix: PayPal purchase plan issue.
fix: Company profile verification issue.
fix: Expired job issue.
fix: Invoice issue.
fix: Translation error in the admin place listing.
fix: Duplicate custom question field on the edit job page (duplicate entry).

Style: Fix design issues on the job details page.
Style: Fix issues with hiding the bell icon.