DeepSound - Ultimate PHP Music Sharing & Streaming Platform

DeepSound - Ultimate PHP Music Sharing & Streaming Platform v1.5.2

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Download Free DeepSound - The Ultimate PHP Music Sharing Platform Nulled
Deep Sound
is a high-quality music sharing & streaming PHP script, Deep Sound is the best way to start your own music streaming website! our platform is fast, and secured, and it is being regularly updated.

Deep Sound is the only music platform in the market that fully support native mobile apps, thanks to our advanced API system!
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Co7ur a mis à jour DeepSound - Ultimate PHP Music Sharing & Streaming Platform avec une nouvelle entrée de mise à jour:

v1.5.1 [13/01/2023] Changelog


See what's new added, changed, fixed, improved, or updated in the latest versions.
v1.5.1 [13/01/2023]
FIXED clicking on the username in the message section goes to 404.
FIXED clicking enter on the search bar refreshes the bar.
FIXED clicking load more on the albums page causes the to load albums repeatedly.
FIXED webp upload issue.
FIXED You can not scroll down in the album songs on the mobile browser.
FIXED {{ads}} showing in spotlight page.
FIXED when you...

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