Asset CleanUp Pro - Performance WordPress Plugin

Nulled WordPress Plugin Asset CleanUp Pro - Performance WordPress Plugin v1.2.5.1 NULLED

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Asset CleanUp Pro - Performance WordPress Plugin - Permet de décharger les styles et scripts inutilisés

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Télécharger Asset CleanUp Pro - Performance WordPress Plugin Nulled Free Premium La mise à niveau vers le plugin premium vous permet de décharger les styles et scripts inutilisés sur des pages supplémentaires telles que :

  • Pages de taxonomie telles que les catégories par défaut de WordPress, les balises et celles créées sur mesure telles que les catégories de produits de WooCommerce.
  • Pages d'auteur...

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Asset CleanUp Pro v1.2.1.9 Nulled

Download Asset CleanUp Pro v1.2.1.9 - Performance WordPress Plugin Nulled Free
v1.2.1.9 - 10 September 2022

* On pages without any unloading rules, do not make any DB calls or trigger extra PHP code to retrieve any load exceptions as they are irrelevant in this situation since the assets are loaded anyway
* Optimised the code to avoid triggering DB calls to the "options" table to check specific transient values
* Remove extra DB queries related to "post_format" as this taxonomy is...

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Asset CleanUp Pro v1.2.2.0

Download Asset CleanUp Pro v1.2.2.0 - Performance WordPress Plugin Nulled Free
= v1.2.2.0 - 17 September 2022

* Option to unload plugins via "Plugins Manager" when REST API calls are made via define('WPACU_LOAD_ON_REST_CALLS', true); that can be set in wp-config.php / read more:
* "Test Mode" now applies within the Dashboard as well (if there are unloading rules in 'PLUGINS MANAGER' -- 'IN THE DASHBOARD /wp-admin/') in case the...

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Co7ur a mis à jour Asset CleanUp Pro - Performance WordPress Plugin avec une nouvelle entrée de mise à jour:

Asset CleanUp Pro v1.2.2.1

Download Asset CleanUp Pro v1.2.2.1 - Performance WordPress Plugin Nulled Free
= v1.2.2.1 - 26 September 2022

* Show any special settings in "Overview" -- read more:
* Make sure the plugin unload rules for REST API calls (read more: apply on AJAX calls as well (e.g. when a plugin uses jQuery AJAX code to fetch information from a REST API call)
* Notify the admin when the...

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Co7ur a mis à jour Asset CleanUp Pro - Performance WordPress Plugin avec une nouvelle entrée de mise à jour:

Asset CleanUp Pro v1.2.2.2

Download Asset CleanUp Pro v1.2.2.2 - Performance WordPress Plugin Nulled Free
= v1.2.2.2 - 30 September 2022

* "CSS & JS Manager" -- ("Posts" | "Pages") -- Notify the admin if there aren't any posts/pages where assets could be managed - e.g. in fresh WordPress installations or when a website just doesn't have articles ("posts")
* Make sure Asset CleanUp Pro is not loading by default when DIVI builder previews are triggered (e.g. when the "et_pb_preview" query string is in the URI)...

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Co7ur a mis à jour Asset CleanUp Pro - Performance WordPress Plugin avec une nouvelle entrée de mise à jour:

Asset CleanUp Pro - Performance WordPress Plugin v1.2.2.4

v1.2.2.4 - 30 October 2022
* Improvement: If an asset is an unloaded through the CSS/JS manager and a preload (via LINK tag) was already set through another plugin (e.g. "Pre* Party Resource Hints") or within the theme, for instance in functions.php, make sure to strip the preloading as it's useless if the actual asset is not loaded in the first place
* "Plugins Manager" improvement: Compatibility with "Premmerce Permalink Manager for WooCommerce" plugin (if the URL of the product is...

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Asset CleanUp Pro v. - Performance WordPress Plugin

Download Asset CleanUp Pro v. - Performance WordPress Plugin Nulled Free
v1.2.2.5 - 6 November 2022

* "CSS/JS Manager": If a handle has inline code associated with it, mention the size (e.g. bytes, KB) of that inlined LINK or SCRIPT (just like it's mentioned for the LINK tags with the "href" attribute and SCRIPT tags with the "src" attribute)
* Higher accuracy in detecting (for optimization) the LINK tags that are loading CSS/JS files
* Improvement: In case a WordPress...

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Co7ur a mis à jour Asset CleanUp Pro - Performance WordPress Plugin avec une nouvelle entrée de mise à jour:

Asset CleanUp Pro v1.2.2.7

Download Asset CleanUp Pro v1.2.2.7 - Performance WordPress Plugin Nulled Free
= v1.2.2.7 - 22 November 2022

* Preload CSS/JS: If a tag (LINK/SCRIPT) is wrapped by Internet Explorer comments, make sure the wrapping is preserved when the asset is preloaded, otherwise, the preloading would occur in all browsers when its meant to be loaded only by Internet Explorer
* CSS/JS manager via "Manage in the front-end view": Make sure to notify the admin about hardcoded assets wrapped by...

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Co7ur a mis à jour Asset CleanUp Pro - Performance WordPress Plugin avec une nouvelle entrée de mise à jour:

Asset CleanUp Pro v1.2.2.9

Download Asset CleanUp Pro v1.2.2.9 - Performance WordPress Plugin Nulled Free
= v1.2.2.9 - 18 December 2022

* Sometimes, when "Preview Changes" is used (e.g. when DIVI theme is enabled) from an edit page area, the preview doesn't trigger because of a JS error from script(.min).js
* Fix: Prevent undefined errors from the newly added "tag_output" object within the hardcoded assets list

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Co7ur a mis à jour Asset CleanUp Pro - Performance WordPress Plugin avec une nouvelle entrée de mise à jour:

WP Asset CleanUp Pro v1.2.3.0 NULLED - 6 February 2022
* Improvement: Make sure the plugin unload rules by page type are always triggering in any WordPress setup, disregarding the post status (if the page is only for administrators, the rule will take effect)
* WPML Fix: Prevent Asset CleanUp Pro from triggering whenever /?wpml-app=ate-widget is loaded (in some environments, the content returned was empty and the automatic translation area was not loading)
* PHP 8+ Fix / Sometimes when "Manage in the Front-end...

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Co7ur a mis à jour Asset CleanUp Pro - Performance WordPress Plugin avec une nouvelle entrée de mise à jour:

WP Asset CleanUp Pro v1.2.3.1 NULLED - 2 March 2023
* Improvement: When using plugins such as "Learndash", the post types weren't detected in the permalinks structure when plugin unload rules had to be applied
* Fix / PHP Warning: Undefined array key "script_src_or_inline_and_noscript_inline_tags" in [...]/templates/meta-box-loaded-assets/_assets-hardcoded-list.php / Sometimes, if there are no STYLES OR SCRIPTS to be detected on a specific page (it rarely happens), the list of assets will not be fetched in PHP 8+...

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