Asset CleanUp Pro - Performance WordPress Plugin

Nulled WordPress Plugin Asset CleanUp Pro - Performance WordPress Plugin v1.2.5.1 NULLED

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* Backend Speed Improvement: The plugin processes its PHP code faster, thus reducing the total processing time by ~40 milliseconds for non-cached pages (e.g. backend speed testing plugins such as "Query Monitor" and "Code Profiler" were used to optimize the PHP code)
* "Overview" area: Added the option to clear any rules set for plugins that are deactivated / deleted
* Fix: Sometimes rules were applied to hardcoded assets incorrectly as different tags without content were considered to be the same
* Fix: Make sure the "Update" button is disabled when submitting the form from the CSS/JS manager
* Fix in the "CSS/JS manager" area: If an attribute is set (e.g. "defer') to show "everywhere", make sure that "On this page" is not checked
* Fixes in "Overview" area: If an attribute is set (e.g. "defer") to show "everywhere", it shows multiple times (instead of just once) when WPML plugin is enabled; If the path to the site URL was e.g., the "href" value from "Overview" was not including the "blog" path, causing 404 Not fFund errors and confusing the administrator
v1.2.5.0 - 11 April 2024
* Added "wp wpacu update" CLI command to be used in updating the plugin, in case the most recent version doesn't show yet in the list from "wp plugin list" (basically, it attempts a "force" download of the latest version)
* Fix: "JavaScript" was shown instead of "stylesheet" when specific unload rules were applied
* Fix: Make sure the right message is shown to the popup that has a loading spinner (e.g. when the rules from "Plugins Manager" were all turned off, the message from clearing the cache was shown instead)
v1.2.4.9 - 27 February 2024
* "Plugins Manager": Allow the option to unload a plugin depending on the logged-in user role (e.g. for a "subscriber" that has access to the Dashboard, specific plugins that you know are useless for this type of user, could be unloaded to make the Dashboard load faster)
* CSS/JS manager: When the "src" of a SCRIPT tag or "href" of a LINK tag starts with "data:text/javascript;base64," and "data:text/css;base64," respectively, a note will be shown with the option to view the decoded CSS/JS code
* Improvement: Added the option to change the way the assets are retrieved ("Direct" as if the admin is visiting the page / "WP Remote POST" as if a guest is visiting the page) from the CSS & JS manager within the Dashboard (for convenience, to avoid going through the "Settings" as it was the case so far)
* Fix: In some environments, the tags with "as" attribute were not properly detected (e.g. when "DOMDocument" is not enabled by default in the PHP configuration) - 31 January 2024
* Improvement: Apply "font-display:" CSS property for Google Fonts when they are loaded via Web Font Loader (source:
* Plugin's "License" page: When the information is fetched, make sure the AJAX call is never cached to make sure the latest information is always shown
* Higher accuracy in detecting the "type" and "data-alt-type" attribute before determining if an inline SCRIPT tag has to be minified
* Fix: Make sure "WP Super Cache" & "W3 Total Cache" plugins are working fine when caching pages if "Smart Slider 3" plugin is enabled - 9 November 2023
* Rank Math & other SEO plugins compatibility: Prevent Asset CleanUp Pro from triggering, thus saving extra resources, whenever URIs such as /sitemap_index.xml are loaded to avoid altering the XML structure or generate 404 not found errors
* Plugins Manager: Make sure the user roles from "If the logged-in user has any of these roles:" are translated into the language chosen for the current admin to avoid any confusion (e.g. if the language chosen in the admin's profile is German, then show "Abonnent" instead of "Subscriber")
* CSS/JS Minifier: Prevent calling @is_file() when it's not the case to avoid on specific environments errors such as: "is_file(): open_basedir restriction in effect" - 2 March 2023
* Improvement: When using plugins such as "Learndash", the post types weren't detected in the permalinks structure when plugin unload rules had to be applied
* Fix / PHP Warning: Undefined array key "script_src_or_inline_and_noscript_inline_tags" in [...]/templates/meta-box-loaded-assets/_assets-hardcoded-list.php / Sometimes, if there are no STYLES OR SCRIPTS to be detected on a specific page (it rarely happens), the list of assets will not be fetched in PHP 8+
* Fix: Plugin unload & load exception rules weren't working on specific environments within "Plugins Manager" - 6 February 2022
* Improvement: Make sure the plugin unload rules by page type are always triggering in any WordPress setup, disregarding the post status (if the page is only for administrators, the rule will take effect)
* WPML Fix: Prevent Asset CleanUp Pro from triggering whenever /?wpml-app=ate-widget is loaded (in some environments, the content returned was empty and the automatic translation area was not loading)
* PHP 8+ Fix / Sometimes when "Manage in the Front-end view" is enabled, the following error shows up when managing assets: Uncaught Error: json_decode(): Argument #1 ($json) must be of type string, array given in [...]/classes/Main.php
* PHP 8+ Fix / The following notice triggers when WP_DEBUG is enabled - Deprecated: strlen(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($string) of type string is deprecated in [...]/classes/OptimiseAssets/OptimizeCommon.php
Download Asset CleanUp Pro v1.2.2.9 - Performance WordPress Plugin Nulled Free
= v1.2.2.9 - 18 December 2022

* Sometimes, when "Preview Changes" is used (e.g. when DIVI theme is enabled) from an edit page area, the preview doesn't trigger because of a JS error from script(.min).js
* Fix: Prevent undefined errors from the newly added "tag_output" object within the hardcoded assets list
Download Asset CleanUp Pro v1.2.2.8 - Performance WordPress Plugin Nulled Free
For Changelog Check Inside readme.txt
Download Asset CleanUp Pro v1.2.2.7 - Performance WordPress Plugin Nulled Free
= v1.2.2.7 - 22 November 2022

* Preload CSS/JS: If a tag (LINK/SCRIPT) is wrapped by Internet Explorer comments, make sure the wrapping is preserved when the asset is preloaded, otherwise, the preloading would occur in all browsers when its meant to be loaded only by Internet Explorer
* CSS/JS manager via "Manage in the front-end view": Make sure to notify the admin about hardcoded assets wrapped by Internet Explorer comments
* Hardcoded assets improvement: Use fewer resources when the unloading is triggered
* Fix: In rare cases when an option value remained empty in the database (e.g. edited directly through phpMyAdmin), add_option() was used instead of update_option()