Bricks Builder - Build WordPress Sites That Rank

Nulled WordPress Plugin Bricks Builder - Build WordPress Sites That Rank v1.9.9 [BETA]

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Download Bricks Builder v1.5.6 Final - Build WordPress Sites That Rank Nulled
v1.5.6 - Oct 19, 2022
Full Changelog:

New CSS control property: “id”NEW
Improved border-radius builder controlIMPROVE
Bricks admin message: Show only for users with manage_options capabilityIMPROVE
Icon/Icon List/Icon Box: Cannot select SVG (ControlPopup)FIX
Class lock locks element ID tooFIX
Video element: Custom SVG icon doesn’t start the videoFIX
WooCommerce: Mini Cart isn’t scrollableFIX
Element conditions: “User role” condition not workingFIX
Customizer: PHP notice if no menu items existFIX
Related Posts element: Image height not working (external files)FIX
WooCommerce error when Bricks finds a possible query in the page but it is not a products queryFIX
Infinite Scroll: Not working properly on blog/archivesFIX
Form submit error: “No action” if form is on blog pageFIX
Letter Spacing: Missing default unit (px)FIX
Bricks templates included search resultsFIX
Nav Menu element: New “Text align” setting for mobile menuFIX
Dynamic data: Separator in post terms not working: {post_terms_post_tag: | }FIX
Double slash in default templates CSS file pathFIX
Builder: Custom taxonomy dropdown option missingFIX
Release 1.5.5
This release comes with a good number of improvements in regard to performance, workflow, and third-party plugins.
New Dynamic Data In-Builder Settings:
You can now show the dynamic data label (e.g. “Post title”) and/or key (e.g. “post_title”) in the dynamic data dropdown. There is also a setting to auto-expand the builder panel when the dynamic data dropdown is visible (in the same way the code control already works).
This is super helpful when working with a lot of dynamic data.

The dynamic data search now looks not only for the label but also the key (e.g. acf_property_price).
Got A Large Site That Is Lagging? Try This …
Take advantage of the new “Disable WordPress custom fields in dropdown” setting. It’ll skip adding the WP custom fields to the dynamic data dropdown in the builder. Those custom fields (e.g. cf_my_custom_field) are still parsed normally. Especially on larger sites, it can result in saving a potentially large query.
Full Changelog:
Element Conditions: New “does not contain” operand for dynamic data
Theme style & template condition: Support for post type “Media” (attachment)
Dynamic Data: Support for Metabox field type “switch”
Button element: New “HTML tag” setting
Dynamic data dropdown (builder): New settings to show label and/or key; expand panel; include key in search
New filter: bricks/screen_conditions/scores (to extend template & theme style conditions)
Improve bricks_is_builder_call: Caused conflicts with frontend AJAX calls (e.g. WP Grid Builder)
Control number: Remove mouse up/down listener
Mobile-first: Largest breakpoint should cover entire builder canvas width
Improve loading (performance) of local SVG files
Element Conditions: Don’t localize ACF true/false value
Bricks Settings: Use input type “password” instead of “text” for the “Remote Templates Password” field
WooCommerce Cart & Checkout pages always contained/boxed
Updated: French translation
Improved builder data sanitiser: Add missing ‘parent: 0″ to root elements
Builder data infinite loop prevention (logic addresses revisions & template inserts too)
Updated: VueJS 3.2.31 to 3.2.40
Image element: Icon not centered & “custom” HTML tag
Image gallery: Classes applied twice
Background video position
Background video set on non-desktop breakpoint was not rendered
Element Conditions: Add/delete was not using correct index
Element Conditions: Value is not accepting dynamic data tags
Rank Math: Missing images in the sitemap XML
Rank Math: Error on page-sitemap.xml
Dynamic data: For large postmeta tables, the page loading time was too high
Dynamic data: Add support for “@”
Sticky header: Sub settings not visible in builder on breakpoints larger than “desktop” (default)
Posts dropdown: Including post type “attachment” breaks query results
Button on canvas: “light” hover/ selected style
Image Gallery & Posts element: Gap issue
Download Bricks Builder v1.5.4 Final - Build WordPress Sites That Rank Nulled Free
Sep 28, 2022 - v1.5.4

This week’s release contains our most requested feature to date: Elements Conditions (4600+ upvotes).
Element conditions documentation:
Originally labeled “Conditional Display Logic” we now refer to it as “Element Conditions” to avoid any confusion with the CSS “display” property.
If the element conditions are not met the element is not rendered on the frontend (it doesn’t hide the element via “display: none”).
As mentioned in the Academy article we’ll soon provide an Element Conditions API as well that allows you to add your own conditions to the builder interface. Extending the built-in conditions is going to be an ongoing effort as well. Which should go nicely hand-in-hand with our smaller, more frequent update cycle 🙂
Full Changelog:
  • Element Conditions (Conditional Display Logic)NEW
  • Link control: “Link to” using dynamic data should support composed linksNEW
  • Counter element: Add dynamic data support to “Count from” & “Count to” settingsNEW
  • Add “.has-overlay” class to element with gradient/overlay settingNEW
  • Updated: German translationIMPROVE
  • Updated: Norwegian translationIMPROVE
  • Updated: Hebrew translationIMPROVE
  • Updated: Persian translationIMPROVE
  • Colon removed from custom attribute nameIMPROVE
  • Shape Divider: Add “position: relative” to direct child elementsIMPROVE
  • Page Settings: “disable header/footer” doesn’t work when page is rendered via a templateFIX
  • Image element with tag + link + CSS filter on hover: transition issueFIX
  • Map element: Remove inner .div and apply all styles to map root (fixes height 100%, etc.)FIX
  • Dynamic Data: Error nested groups with MetaboxFIX
  • Builder: Avoid “Maximum call stack size exceeded”FIX
  • Nav menu: Sub menu active background color overridden by normal background colorFIX
  • Bricks > Settings > Custom CSS: Backlash breaks with external files loading methodFIX
  • Builder: Custom breakpoint naming collision with default breakpointFIX
  • Custom CSS: “root{” is not workingFIX
  • JetEngine Repeater: When pulling the repeater field inside of a posts query loop doesn’t workFIX
  • Paid Memberships Pro: Bricks content always showsFIX
Download Bricks Builder v1.5.3 - Build WordPress Sites That Rank Nulled
Sep 19, 2022 - Release – 1.5.3

This version marks the first update in our new release cycle. We hope you enjoy it.
Full Changelog:


Copy & paste global elements cross-site
Cart: Add dynamic data to enable a custom list of products
Video element: Remove “data-bricks-video-options” attribute
Extend converter: Add “position: relative” to direct children of element with overlay (which uses position: absolute)
Stronger minification for bricks.min.js (now 18% smaller)
Pie Chart: Add support for color variables (bar & track)
Nav Menu: Show active menu styles in builder
Nestable Slider: ‘Items to show’ value injects CSS on lower breakpoints
Query loop in builder: Icon JavaScript error
Align Main/Cross Axis button (if selected) do not switch accordion to “Direction”
Linked icon: Styles not applied
Overlay: Explicitly set ‘position: absolute’ overridden by ‘relative’
Query Loop {post_title} text not previewing correctly in builder
Meta Box: Group field query loop not working when data is set programmatically
ACF Relationship (bi-directional) not loading featured image
Metabox Views: Inside query loop doesn’t pick up the right post information
Dynamic data “echo” tag: Using commas inside an argument not working
Margin/Padding placeholder values show always base breakpoint value
Accordion inside nested accordion not toggling correctly
Builder element action & spacing: Wrong position after duplicating or deleting active element
Testimonials: “Items to show” setting not applied
Download Bricks Builder v1.5.2 - Build WordPress Sites That Rank Nulled
Sep 12, 2022 - Release – 1.5.2

If you are updating from 1.5, please make sure to read the 1.5.1 changelog entry first, as 1.5.1 contains multiple significant styling changes. Especially the position: relative change under “Breaking Change”. Thank you.

Introducing A Smaller, More Frequent Update Cycle
As already publicly announced in the forum: this release marks the start of our new one to two-week release cycle. This should help bring more manageable & frequent updates to everyone.
The full announcement about the new update cycle:
Full Changelog:


Updated: Russian Translation
Updated: Polish Translation
Skip loading theme styles for unregistered elements
Nav Menu: Styles not applied on frontend when “Show mobile menu toggle” set to always or never
Custom CSS: “root” missing space
Theme Styles – Disable Image Captions Not Working
Carousel: Items to scroll parameter is missing
Pseudo Elements: Backslash removed
Background Image: Custom size removes background-repeat
Fix: Icon/SVG HTML attribute render
Select control “clearable” property not applied (builder)
Posts element: “.image-wrapper” HTML is always rendered (Layout: List)
Query Loop + Pagination: Element Custom CSS not applied when page > 1
Dynamic Data: Featured image as background image is missing on Blog page template (frontend)
Fatal error when using ACF Relationship in a loop and pulling other ACF fields
Icon element: Inherit font-size for ‘i’ tag inside linked icon