Bricks Builder - Build WordPress Sites That Rank

Nulled WordPress Plugin Bricks Builder - Build WordPress Sites That Rank v1.9.9 [BETA]

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  • Builder: Sync Global Classes (Notifications)
  • Builder: Always show “View on frontend” icon & new keyboard shortcut (CMD/CRTL + SHIFT + V)
  • Builder: New interface icons
  • Comments element: New setting “HTML tag” for comments title
  • Form element: New field settings for “autocomplete” & “spellcheck”
  • Maintenance Mode: New settings to “Render header” & “Render footer”
  • Performance: Minify Bricks inline CSS
  • Popup: New setting “Show again after .. hours”
  • Icon List: New “Icon color” setting & color specificity
  • Image element: Support “image_size_names_choose” WP core hook to set custom image size label
  • Builder: Minimise element duplication lag
  • Builder: Improve performance for class add/remove; element rename/delete
  • Builder: Remove variable picker icon overlap (legacy spacing controls)
  • Builder: Settings indicator reset not 100% clickable
  • Builder: Color palette variable picker font-weight (400)
  • Carousel element: Lightbox link should include “href”
  • Nav menu element: Hamburger aria-label (open/close mobile menu)
  • Page settings: Scripts only available to user with “unfiltered_html” capability
  • Popup: Allow interaction with page content when backdrop is disabled (pointer-events)
  • Products element (in footer): Empty loop/no products found on archive pages
  • Remove SVG overflow: hidden rule
  • Rich text element: CTRL + P keyboard shortcut shouldn’t open the browser print dialog
  • Updated: Google fonts
  • Dynamic data: Remove outermost curly brackets only (while parsing)
  • Builder: “hidden” icon shows on wrong breakpoint(s)
  • Builder: Click on element without settings, then reload tab triggers unsaved changes message
  • Builder: Condition with DD causes 503 HTTP error
  • Builder: Jiggling section (when container padding set)
  • Builder: Fix variable picker icon z-index (visible under classes dropdown)
  • Builder: Remove variable picker from CSS filter setting
  • Bricks settings: Can’t add more than two remote templates
  • Bricks settings: “Save Bricks data as Gutenberg data” not working
  • ACF clone fields setup on Group or Flexible Content display wrongly (wp-admin)
  • Accordions: Hash link pointing to parent element (e.g. section) toggles first accordion item
  • Button: “.outline” class not added when no “Style” is set
  • Comments element: Existing comments don’t show when comments are closed
  • Dynamic data: Don’t translate ACF true / false field value in element conditions
  • Form element: Email HTML content broken
  • Form element: “all_fields” rendered twice in confirmation email
  • Image element: CSS selector should target element root whenever possible
  • Image gallery element: Masonry layout images overlap on slow network when loading=lazy attribute added (via plugins, etc.)
  • Multiple radio filters using same taxonomy don’t work when combined with other filters
  • Photoswipe defer breaks enqueue due to “src” replace in URL
  • Polylang Pro + ACF translated field group: Creating post validation failed in Bricks 1.9.8
  • Post (title, etc.) element condition generates PHP warning on 404 page
  • Products element set as main query in search template bug (irrelevant post type included)
  • Query loop: Ignore “Is main query” if query loop is disabled
  • Query filter: Sort meta numeric value not working with decimal number; Select filter trigger on “submit” not working
  • Video element: playsinline attribute was always set
  • WPML & Polylang: Query loop infinite scrolling returns the wrong language or wrong template might load
  • WPML + Multicurrency Language URL format causing currency incorrect in Bricks Rest API
  • WooCommerce: My account dashboard template overrides custom endpoint templates
  • WooCommerce: Google fonts set in Woo template not loading

Full changelog​

  • Style tab: Setting indicatorNEW
  • Code Element: Dynamic Data SupportNEW
  • Toolbar: Breakpoint Setting IndicatorNEW
  • Duplicate Page (WP & Bricks data)NEW
  • New DD tag: post_slugNEW
  • Popup: New setting ‘Disable backdrop’NEW
  • CSS Variables ManagerNEW
  • Code element: New setting “Suppress error message”NEW
  • Filter Datepicker: New setting “Date format” (to get correct min/max date)NEW
  • New filter: bricks/nav_menu/menu (set nav menu programmatically)NEW
  • Cache remote templates (client-side, via IndexedDB, for 7 days)NEW
  • DD filter array_value: Support WP core custom fields (e.g. cf_xxx:array_value|key)NEW
  • New custom JavaScript events: bricks/tabs/changed, bricks/accordion/open, bricks/accordion/closeNEW
  • New spacing control UI + toggle (margin, padding)NEW
  • New DD tag: wp_user_author_url & Support DD tags author_xxx (in user query loop)NEW
  • Posts: Metro Layout new setting ‘Columns’NEW
  • Structure Panel: Show Custom CSS/Interaction indicator (if set on a class)NEW
  • Datepicker control: New “options” control property to customize Flatpickr instanceNEW
  • Bricks settings: Optimize get_users query (avoid any memory limits)IMPROVE
  • Builder: Flex basis input not expandingIMPROVE
  • Builder: Unsplash scrollbar needs higher contrastIMPROVE
  • Code review: Sort echo function names alphabetically (A-Z)IMPROVE
  • Pagination: Add flex-wrapIMPROVE
  • Popup: Improved performance (for AJAX-loaded popups)IMPROVE
  • Query loop: “No results” should take HTML tag setting into accountIMPROVE
  • Show Bricks 1.9.7 admin notice only to users who can perform the stepsIMPROVE
  • Structure panel: Fix rename lagIMPROVE
  • Structure panel: Fix reorder lagIMPROVE
  • Template element: Performance improvementsIMPROVE
  • Updated: Font Awesome from 6.4.2 to 6.5.1IMPROVE
  • Builder: Generate new element IDs when using “Save as template” (avoid duplicate element ID issue)IMPROVE
  • Change bricksToggle function to a BricksFunction to avoid adding multiple events when function reruns through 3rd-party pluginIMPROVE
  • Progress Bar: Don’t show label if emptyIMPROVE
  • Compatibility with WooCommerce 8.8.2IMPROVE
  • Remove filter: bricks/code/disable_signaturesIMPROVE
  • More flexible echo filter: bricks/code/echo_function_namesIMPROVE
  • Builder: Auto-select chosen image/SVG/video (media modal)IMPROVE
  • Canvas: Gap below iframe after switching to smaller breakpointIMPROVE
  • Form element: Remove redundant aria-label (if label tag is rendered)IMPROVE
  • Icon List: Icon line-height issueIMPROVE
  • Settings Panel: Add setting indicators (theme styles, page settings, template settings)IMPROVE
  • Term Query: Add number placeholder valueIMPROVE
  • WooCommerce: Center error noticeIMPROVE
  • Global class manager & dropdown: Performance issuesIMPROVE
  • Appearance > Menus > Menu item: “Multilevel” option not savedFIX
  • Bricks Settings: LastPass browser extensions blocks Remote Templates “add” buttonFIX
  • Builder: ACF relationship/post object loop 1st image from custom field always emptyFIX
  • Builder: Element Custom CSS: Broken CSS class namesFIX
  • Builder: First in-loop result with DD tag not rendered correctly (for x-template elements like Heading)FIX
  • Builder: Shortcode element placeholder width and height incorrectFIX
  • Filter – Checkbox element: Space in meta value causes issueFIX
  • Filter – Checkbox element: JavaScript error on taxonomy pageFIX
  • Filter element: Indentation gap not applying on disabled optionsFIX
  • Filter – Input placeholder: echo dd tag doesn’t work after filteringFIX
  • Filter: Meta Query merge logic bug when original query has predefined Meta QueryFIX
  • Form element: Input validation performance issueFIX
  • Form submissions: Form name not shown if form element located in header/footer templateFIX
  • Image Gallery: Masonry layout issue inside Nested tabsFIX
  • Image element: Wrong selector for border radiusFIX
  • Instagram element: Token regeneration not workingFIX
  • Live search: Custom tag structure issues (table)FIX
  • Mini Cart element: Offcanvas ‘bottom’ incorrect top value (if admin bar enabled)FIX
  • Product gallery element: Missing product gallery image outputs PHP errorFIX
  • Nestable Slider: ‘Items to show’ incorrect for breakpoints larger than base breakpointFIX
  • Nested dynamic tag: Not working correctly in element conditionFIX
  • Nested echo tag: Not executed in frontend (if whole page only has one DD tag on heading element)FIX
  • Form submissions: PHP Fatal Error “WP_List_Table class not found”FIX
  • Query loop meta_query with ‘relation’ key outputs PHP errorFIX
  • Polylang: Search results not working on translated pageFIX
  • Post comments: Fix comment_form_default_fields syntaxFIX
  • Posts element: Sort & filter works only on every second clickFIX
  • Query Filter: “Hide empty” still shows in SafariFIX
  • Query Loop: Nested echo tag not workingFIX
  • Query loop: Random seed not working if query set as Main Archive QueryFIX
  • Query loop set as main query: Dynamic tag in parameters not workingFIX
  • Query filter element with Condition might cause undefined after filter callsFIX
  • Rich & Basic Text elements: Limit words adds additional ‘p’ tagsFIX
  • Save Bricks data as Gutenberg data: replace post_content tag brackets with parenthesis to avoid infinite loopFIX
  • Session expired text rendered (when using Formidable form with AJAX enabled)FIX
  • Filter – Select: Sort returns every post within a categoryFIX
  • Tax Query: Not used when marking the query as Main Archive QueryFIX
  • Term Query with Query Editor and Infinite Scroll: Always returned same resultFIX
  • Infinite scroll returns empty result on archive page if query element ID was duplicated in another template (Bricks: Save as template)FIX
  • Text shadow: Double unitFIX
  • Undefined array key “comment” (when using ReviewX plugin)FIX
  • AJAX Pagination: Custom icons reset to default (after enabling Query Filter)FIX
  • Builder: Link to External URL: Can’t link to file URLFIX
  • Border control: border-width: 0 when using CSS variables & PHP 7.xFIX
  • DD tag url_parameter: Not parsing if colon exists in URLFIX
  • Attributes setting: DD tag echo nested with other DD tag not working insideFIX
  • Image gallery: Masonry layout images overlapFIX
  • Builder: Typo in Nav nestabled dropdown settingsFIX
  • Query Loop: ACF Post Object (not multiple) inside ACF Repeater has no resultFIX
  • Basic text: Inconsistent behaviour if emptyFIX
  • Builder: Click to edit element not working (if element ID consists of only numbers)FIX
  • Builder: Lightbox clickable in preview (breaks canvas)FIX
  • Builder: Margin/padding placeholder values not inherited correctly (mobile-first too)FIX
  • Builder: Textarea control: Scrollbar covers DD pickerFIX
  • Canvas: Footer disappears (if scaling disabled)FIX
  • Color Palette: Change to ‘raw’ CSS variable value not updatedFIX
  • Custom Breakpoint: Single-letter Label (styles are not applied)FIX
  • Custom breakpoints: Naming conflict “Landscape”FIX
  • Custom breakpoints: Naming conflict “Portrait”FIX
  • Drag element into the structure panel not working after inserting a templateFIX
  • Excerpt: Keeps formatting when dragged onto the canvasFIX
  • Masonry layout: Lazy-load images can cause overlap (if slow network)FIX
  • Page settings: Undo/redo code affect builder historyFIX
  • Social Sharing element: Tooltips can cause overflow (align right)FIX
  • Structure panel: ‘Hidden’ icon shows on wrong breakpoint (after builder load)FIX
  • Text Link element: SVG Icon selector too unspecific (within Dropdown)FIX
  • Theme Styles: Apply Container min/max-width to #brx-content.wordpressFIX
  • Theme Styles: Popup ‘Breakpoint’ settings missingFIX
  • WooCommerce: Single template product schema missingFIX
  • Polylang: Search results return all languages (with Query Loop set as main query and term include/exclude)FIX

Full changelog​

  • Fix add/update postmeta for user without builder access issue FIX
  • Bricks settings: Lost password options show incorrect page title FIX
  • Post comments: Allow to select multiple fields FIX
We just released a mandatory security update with Bricks

A leading security expert in the WordPress space just brought this vulnerability to our attention, and we instantly got to work, providing you now with a verified patch.

As of the time of this release, there’s no evidence that this vulnerability has been exploited. However, the potential for exploitation increases the longer the update to is delayed.

We advise you to update all your Bricks sites immediately.

Full changelog​

  • Query Sort & FilterNEW
  • Live Search (AJAX)NEW
  • SVG element: Dynamic Data SupportNEW
  • Query loop: No results template (type: section)NEW
  • Builder: Order element classes via drag & dropNEW
  • Social Sharing: “Excerpt” setting for WhatsApp share buttonNEW
  • Builder: Save via keyboard shortcut inside TinyMCE editorIMPROVE
  • Div element: Show flex child controls (if inside flex parent)IMPROVE
  • Form element: Don’t apply field border to submit buttonIMPROVE
  • Form element: Rename “Field margin” to “Spacing”IMPROVE
  • Form: Custom field name with non-single word required validation issueIMPROVE
  • Form: Add label “for” attribute to radio and checkbox inputIMPROVE
  • Reset password action: use reset_passwordIMPROVE
  • Form: Generate nonce using AJAXIMPROVE
  • Theme Styles: Always show font-variation-settings (Typography)IMPROVE
  • WooCommerce: Support woo_order_ DD tags (in view order templates)IMPROVE
  • Builder: CSS Grid overlay not updated when changing styles on class levelFIX
  • Builder: CSS Grid overlay not updated on window resizeFIX
  • Builder: Custom ID and Custom CSS selector affected when switching between elements with custom IDFIX
  • Page settings: Custom code replaced by the template’s page settingsFIX
  • Disable query merge: Not working in builder with populate content (term archive)FIX
  • Form login action: PHP Notice about undefined index loginRememberFIX
  • Global Class Manager: Accessible with “Edit content” capabilitiesFIX
  • Interactions: Animation opacity stays at 0 when conditions are unmetFIX
  • Related Posts element: Default overlay CSS missing unitFIX
  • Rich Text: Font size applied to links inside textFIX
  • Social Sharing: SVG icon + padding shrinks iconFIX
  • Theme Styles: CSS placeholder value inherited from the wrong breakpointFIX
  • Dynamic data: author_meta:ID not workingFIX
  • Dynamic data: inside nested post query (no result in builder)FIX
  • Vue.js 3.4 causes HTTP 500 & 508 errors (on builder load)FIX
  • WooCommerce: Notices not compatible in (Woo 8.5.1+)FIX
  • WooCommerce templates: Page settings CSS missingFIX
  • WooCommerce: Checkout Order Table element not showing order lines (in builder)FIX
Download Bricks Builder v1.9.5 - Build WordPress Sites That Rank Nulled Free

Full changelog​

  • Maintenance ModeNEW
  • Unlimited Remote Template URLsNEW
  • Popup render via AJAXNEW
  • Popup: New “Display on breakpoints” popup settingNEW
  • Create & select template tags when creating a template in the builderNEW
  • Gradient: New conic and radial gradient settings (shape, position, size, angle)NEW
  • New filter: bricks/builder/image_size_options (to modify image size options in the builder)NEW
  • Scroll snap: Add “unset” option (to disable scroll snap on specific breakpoint)NEW
  • WMPL & Polylang: Add language code to post title (in builder panel)NEW
  • Mini Cart element: New setting “Don’t close on click outside mini cart”NEW
  • Custom Authentication Pages: Access default WP login page via URL param “brx_use_wp_login”NEW
  • Custom Login Page: Support “redirect_to” URL parameterIMPROVE
  • Load more (Query loop): Hide button when there are no resultsIMPROVE
  • WPML & Template element: Use the translated “Template” elementIMPROVE
  • Adobe Fonts: Use CSS names instead of font slugFIX
  • Condition: “is not” always returns true when comparing against post status (multi-select)FIX
  • Copy & paste all elements breaks the structure (in specific instance)FIX
  • Counter element: Duration not working correct if count number is very smallFIX
  • Custom Fonts (admin screen): PHP 8 error with Japanese languageFIX
  • Dynamic data: “echo” function not rendering with non-roman character argumentsFIX
  • Dropdown: ::before gets added on mobileFIX
  • Element classes dropdown: Unable to open the dropdownFIX
  • Form element: Loading spinner doesn’t show without an icon setFIX
  • Form element: Reset password action hidden fields not removedFIX
  • JetEngine: Posts field in the query loop returns empty resultFIX
  • Nestable Accordion + Infinite scroll or Load more: JavaScript of fetched item not reinitialisedFIX
  • CMB and Pods: PHP errorFIX
  • Page Settings: Footer scripts were not save (with Bricks settings “auto-expand panel” enabled)FIX
  • Pie Chart element: Support use of CSS variable colorsFIX
  • Polylang: Use the correct language-specific search templateFIX
  • Polylang: Media translation issue (with Carousel)FIX
  • Posts element: Grid columns breaking (sometimes)FIX
  • Reading Progress Bar element: Styling issue on Safari desktop/iOSFIX
  • Related Posts element: “Max. related posts” is not 3 (when using default single post template)FIX
  • Settings injected via bricks/element/settings hook not being used by Carousel or Related PostsFIX
  • Page settings not applied for post status draftFIX
  • Spanish translation: Wrong hCaptcha notice labelFIX
  • Theme update: Missing CSS if element with same custom CSS “id” used on different pageFIX
  • WooCommerce: Products query settings not reflected on the canvasFIX
  • WooCommerce: Undefined variable $order (Template: Pay)FIX
  • Heading & Basic text element: “0” is not renderedFIX
Jun 6, 2023

Bricks 1.8​

The highlight of this release is the new menu builder that allows you to build fully customizable, accessible desktop & mobile menus. It also includes a mega menu & multilevel dropdown functionality.

Full Changelog:​

  • Mega MenuNEW
  • Mobile Menu BuilderNEW
  • Template element: New “Render without wrapper” settingNEW
  • ACF: Link Field supportNEW
  • Menu BuilderNEW
  • Update to Google Fonts API v2 (full variable font support) & fontfaceObserver.jsNEW
  • New “visibility” setting under Style > Layout > MiscNEW
  • Query Loop: New “Is main query (archive)” setting (solves archive pagination 404 error)NEW
  • Popup: New setting to configure popup close trigger (backdrop click, ESC key press)NEW
  • Parse nested dynamic tag (echo:)NEW
  • New Bricks setting: Auto scroll element into view (builder)NEW
  • Product Meta element: New “Link typography” settingNEW
  • Section element: Add “Query loop” capabilitiesNEW
  • Map element: Infobox “Width” settingNEW
  • Metabox: Post field support :value filter to get the post IDNEW
  • Product Gallery: New image size settings for main image, thumbnails, and lightboxNEW
  • Product Rating element & DD tag: Option to output empty stars ratingNEW
  • New filters: bricks/query/result & bricks/query/result_countNEW
  • Conditions: New “Date & Time” conditionNEW
  • Comments form: New “Cookie consent” settingsNEW
  • Nav menu: Mega menu supportNEW
  • Nav menu: Multilevel supportNEW
  • Automatically stop playing audio or video inside popup (when popup is being closed)IMPROVE
  • Search element: Make search “Icon” accessibleIMPROVE
  • Post comments element: Use “required” attribute; type “email” for email input; type “url” for website input; remove “novalidate” from formIMPROVE
  • Default pages & posts: Render post title (h1)IMPROVE
  • Nav Menu: Sub menu “Icon color” on hoverIMPROVE
  • List element: Prevent wrapping & align-items settingIMPROVE
  • Ability to use dynamic data for styles inside query loop (set on element ID, not class)IMPROVE
  • Theme Styles: Lightbox video width/height support for %, vh, vw unitsIMPROVE
  • Only run search overlay ESC logic if visibleIMPROVE
  • Sticky Header: Increase transformY to -101% to prevent browser edge casesIMPROVE
  • WooCommerce Mini Cart: Product title might overflow remove iconIMPROVE
  • Code & Rich Text element: Re-renders after adding a class (in builder)IMPROVE
  • Builder: Load “Inter” font locally in Bricks (instead via Google fonts)IMPROVE
  • Author element: Clear settings indicator after resetIMPROVE
  • Query loop: Remove or ignore “Order meta key” if irrelevantIMPROVE
  • WordPress comments compatibilityFIX
  • Global element with query loop set: No results on the frontendFIX
  • Basic text element: HTML tag doesn’t update on canvasFIX
  • Elements that need JavaScript to init not working with infinite scrollFIX
  • Query Loop: “Exclude current post” & “Child of” setting not working outside templateFIX
  • Syntax error: video.php (line 231)FIX
  • Page without interaction: Popup interactions with animation not working (“bricks-animate” not enqueued)FIX
  • PHP error with Google Fonts enabledFIX
  • Dynamic data: PHP error (in builder) when trying to output ACF date field in specific formatFIX
  • Avoid getting template preview settings accidentallyFIX
  • Form: Confirmation email ‘reply-to’ not workingFIX
  • RTL: Colors & CSS filter input range sliders reversed (builder)FIX
  • Interaction not applied to Button with href=”#” or emptyFIX
  • ACF: Same field “name” in different field group causes problems (when using different return format)FIX
  • Nav menu: Typography precedes active typography when added in the wrong orderFIX
  • Nav menu: Sub menu text-align not workingFIX
  • Nav menu: Mobile nav missing active typography stylesFIX
  • Theme Styles: Lightbox width/height not workingFIX
  • Woo Lightbox: Wrong images if gallery is empty/ contains different imagesFIX
  • Plugin “WooCommerce Additional Variation Images” breaks the lightboxFIX
  • WooCommerce Loop: Impossible to exclude current product and another productFIX
  • WooCommerce Pagination + SEO Plugins (link rel=next/prev)FIX
  • Customizer: WooCommerce Products per row/page not workingFIX
  • Product Meta: Spacing not working in vertical directionFIX
  • Dynamic data: background-color missing in template (with external files)FIX
  • Theme Styles: Duplicated text-decoration settings for linksFIX
  • Bricks > System information: Upload size showing red if value is 1GFIX
  • PHP warning: Missing array key “preview_or_post_id”FIX
  • Image Gallery: Missing border & box-shadow with “Masonry” layoutFIX
  • Sidebar: Missing default WordPress stylesFIX
  • Excerpt element: Custom “More text” doesn’t showFIX
  • Custom Fonts: zlib compression breaks custom fonts screen/duplicated fontsFIX
  • Page CSS: Not generated on builder save (loading method: external files)FIX
  • Interactions: Minor animation glitches (at the very end)FIX
  • Form: Checkbox label toggles incorrect checkbox (if used inside loop)FIX
  • Builder: Background video not playing after editor or page refreshFIX
  • Maps: Infobox lightbox not workingFIX
  • Carousel: Lightbox on first image doesn’t open after every cycle (with “loop” setting enabled)FIX
  • Heading: Adding multiple line breaks (br) not possibleFIX
  • WooCommerce: Quantity button not working (with WooCommerce Composite Products plugin)FIX
  • Dynamic data background images not working in query loops (with mobile first)FIX
  • WP sitemap: Bricks Templates indexingFIX
  • WooCommerce: “shop_table_responsive” class not mobile responsiveFIX
  • Duplicated CSS: Bricks template & global classes (inline styles & external files)FIX
  • Copy/Paste element below selected element not workingFIX
  • Lightbox: Zoom icon misalignmentFIX
  • Image: object-position field not visible (when editing class)FIX
  • WordPress element: Error message after removing custom (ACF) taxonomyFIX
  • Map element: Infobox image size set but no images selected generates errorFIX
  • Builder: Hover over pseudo class “clear” icon makes it grow (in Safari)FIX
  • Lightbox: Prev & next buttons shouldn’t show when there is only one itemFIX
  • Custom element: Nested repeater controls (DnD not working)FIX
  • Builder: Tooltip not completely visible (out of viewport)FIX
  • Builder: Breakpoints font “Menlo” on Windows not displayedFIX

Full Changelog:​

  • Woo Cart Items element: “Remove from cart” icon color & size settingsNEW
  • Social Share: Automatically add “aria-label” to links (accessibility)NEW
  • Custom fonts: Automatically update @font-face rules whenever viewing/editing a custom font in wp-admin areaIMPROVE
  • Shape Divider: Rename “Flip horizontal” & “Flip vertical” to “Flip x-axis” & “Flip y-axis”IMPROVE
  • WooCommerce Product Gallery: Lightbox (Photoswipe 5)FIX
  • Carousel: Lightbox not working with “Adaptive height” enabledFIX
  • Lightbox Video: Media file autoplay in background and unable to pauseFIX
  • Background video scale for local videosFIX
  • Dynamic data tag that contains a link disappears on the canvasFIX
  • Link with anchor tag not working if Interaction with “click” trigger is set on an outer element (e.preventDefault)FIX
  • Form file upload with required does not pass validationFIX
  • Taxonomy element: “Separator” renders ul without liFIX
  • Locked global class selected: Theme styles are not editableFIX
  • Media Upload: Bricks textarea style effects the upload screenFIX
  • Multiple dynamic data tags in contenteditable: Only the last DD tag is rendered on the canvasFIX
  • Theme style “Link” overwrites Icon Box icon color with a link if Post Content element with “Bricks” source used as templateFIX