Bricks Builder - Build WordPress Sites That Rank

Nulled WordPress Plugin Bricks Builder - Build WordPress Sites That Rank v1.9.9 [BETA]

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Full Changelog:​

  • Form: Send Confirmation EmailNEW
  • Taxonomy element: New “Disable links” setting & DD :plain filterNEW
  • Add body classes to page (via page settings)NEW
  • Shortcode element: New “Disable render in builder” settingNEW
  • New dynamic data tag: term_slugNEW
  • Taxonomy element: Add “Size” settingNEW
  • Structure panel: Copy & paste all elements (to & from the clipboard)NEW
  • Updated lightbox: Photoswipe to 5.3.7 & new “Lightbox ID” setting to group images under one lightboxNEW
  • Video element: New “Preview image” setting to properly lazy load YouTube & Vimeo videos (iframe is only loaded on thumbnail click)NEW
  • Video element: Support unlisted Vimeo through the new “Privacy hash” settingNEW
  • Heading element: New “Custom tag” setting (plus dynamic data support)NEW
  • New dynamic data tag: term_countNEW
  • Query Loop: New action hooks: bricks/query/before_loop & bricks/query/after_loopNEW
  • ACF: Choice fields (radio, select, checkbox, button group) support :value filterNEW
  • Query Loop: Set “Random Seed TTL” to “0” to deactivate itIMPROVE
  • Compatibility: WooCommerce Gift Cards (plugin)IMPROVE
  • Inline custom font @font-face declarations (no more FOUT)IMPROVE
  • Custom fonts: Optimize frontend queriesIMPROVE
  • Element ID styles skipped using external files & global elementsFIX
  • get_the_ID inside builder is not able to get populate content IDFIX
  • Disable WP REST API render: Nestable elements not showing on canvasFIX
  • Interactions: Load more doesn’t work on search results and custom post type archiveFIX
  • Canvas: Elements “jump” because of highlight element label overflowFIX
  • Link in SVG: Uncaught Type errorFIX
  • Use background-image via dynamic data per breakpoint (external files)FIX
  • Loading Time: Logo with missing SVGFIX
  • Remove .brx-grid class (to add “align-items: initial” on grid without class)FIX
  • Custom Font on class » missing @font-face rulesFIX
  • Author Archive: Author DD tags show random valuesFIX
  • Pricing table: Price set to “0” does not showFIX
  • Conditions: User role “is not” not working if the user has multiple rolesFIX
  • WooCommerce: Mini Cart Close icon color selector overwritten by Mini cart icon colorFIX
  • WooCommerce Cart: “.woocommerce-notice-wrapper” still added when {do_action:woocommerce_before_cart} is added via Bricks in cart templateFIX

Full Changelog:​

  • Integration: Adobe Font/TypekitNEW
  • New Bricks settings: Smooth scroll (CSS)NEW
  • List Element: Add “Icon” SettingNEW
  • Popup: Enable scroll (body)NEW
  • Template import: Create non-existing pseudo-elements & pseudo-classesNEW
  • Popups: New open/close popup JavaScript helper functionsNEW
  • Control spacing: Link opposite sides (vertical and horizontal margin/padding)NEW
  • Video element: More Icon settingsNEW
  • Dynamic data: parse _cssId (frontend only)NEW
  • Heading: Set default HTML tag in theme stylesNEW
  • Query Loop: “Child of” support multiple IDs (comma-separated)NEW
  • Copy element ID to clipboard (from element panel & context menu)NEW
  • Form element: Validate required fields in the backend tooNEW
  • New filter: bricks/form/validate (validate form submission)NEW
  • Custom Fonts at the top of the font-family dropdown listIMPROVE
  • Color Palette: Improve delete color actionIMPROVE
  • Updated Google fonts library (plus reduce Google font JSON file in builder by 80%)IMPROVE
  • Builder: Provide pageSettings & templateSettings on window.bricksDataIMPROVE
  • Nav Menu: Various accessibility improvementsIMPROVE
  • Query Loop: Tax Query “include_children” options control instead of checkboxIMPROVE
  • Query Loop: Order by ‘Random’ creates duplicates (new loop setting: “Random seed TTL”)IMPROVE
  • Scroll Interactions: Support % and ‘vh’ unitsIMPROVE
  • Video element: Updated control descriptions (related video, theme styles)IMPROVE
  • WooCommerce Mini Cart: New “Close” icon (cart details)IMPROVE
  • Use dynamic data filter “text” to render email in link without mailto:IMPROVE
  • Builder lag when editing classes (on complex pages)IMPROVE
  • Query Loop: “Disable query merge” for Term queriesIMPROVE
  • Template element in header: Missing styles (loading method: inline styles)FIX
  • Text gradient plus CSS selector: Wrong selector (in builder)FIX
  • Reset element ID styles resets class too (when class is selected)FIX
  • Saving global class changes without element changes creates empty revisionFIX
  • Specificity: p:last-of-type+h(x)FIX
  • Basic text adds “p” tagsFIX
  • Custom Breakpoint containing “desktop”: Styles missing on the frontendFIX
  • Template/Shortcode Element: Renders template with status draft/trashedFIX
  • DD “url_parameter:error” can’t be retrieved as a URL parameterFIX
  • Specificity: Theme Style Link StylingFIX
  • Image element: Photoswipe lightbox JS error query loop + paginationFIX
  • Nav Mobile Menu: Missing close animation because of missing “visibility” transition value + z-index issuesFIX
  • Dynamic data inside gradient not parsedFIX
  • Query Loop: Querying posts from specific category + offset pulls the current page into the loopFIX
  • Populate content: Empty term archive shows populate content dataFIX
  • Loop + Nestable Elements: Only first nestable element visible on canvasFIX
  • Background Video: Scale setting overrides iframe transformFIX
  • Disable query merge not working in the archive with pagination (> page 2 )FIX
  • Heading element: Can’t reset “HTML Tag” settingFIX
  • Nestable Tabs: Remove default styles from “Content” block element insideFIX
  • Undo/Redo not working in header/footer templatesFIX
  • Interaction conditions comparison incorrect as the data is typeof stringFIX
  • ACF file type ‘file’ returns the post title if the value is emptyFIX
  • Custom control value: Replace all “%s” occurrences in CSS rule valueFIX
  • Contenteditable elements inside nested query loop: Console error if the result is emptyFIX
  • Object cache causes WPML unable to get the correct popup templateFIX
  • WP Gridbuilder: Facets on WooCommerce archiveFIX
  • Input, Select, Textarea: Remove default display styleFIX
  • WooCommerce: Archive template won’t use Bricks template if 1st post in product category result is set to ‘Render with WordPress’FIX
  • Missing media query if border-style not setFIX
  • Theme Styles: “Site Background” applies to html & body tag (boxed layout)FIX
  • Video Element: Dynamic data overlay image inside query loop doesn’t showFIX
  • WooCommerce Cart: Changing the shipping method changes the increments of the quantity inputsFIX
  • Fix border controls CSS in RTLFIX
  • Fatal error: Uncaught Error: [] operator not supported for strings (if same attribute has been set already)FIX
  • Logo: Provide dynamic data for image sourceFIX
  • Global Element in loop: Styles (due to missing global element class)FIX
  • Builder Access: Edit contentFIX
Feb 22, 2023 - Release – 1.7
This release focuses on tying up a lot of loose ends, third-party plugin compatibility issues, general bug fixes, and improvements. Plus, of course, a few new handy features.

Builder Lag On Complex Pages​

Users working on complex pages (plus a lot of global classes) often experienced a serious lag while editing in the builder. 1.7 comes with a completely overhauled logic of how the state of elements and classes in the builder is updated, which should remedy this sort of lag.
Due to the nature of this change, please inform us immediately (via email or the forum) if editing elements or global classes in the builder, or using the undo/redo feature is causing any issues.

New Experimental Setting: Disable Chaining Element & Global Classes​

When working with global classes on a Bricks element, the element class is chained to the global class like this
The reason for this default is to ensure a global class with styles defined on different elements does not cause any conflicts. This can occur as the CSS selector of a styling control is set on the control itself.
The possibility of this happening is rather low. But still, it is there, which is why we introduce this setting as an experiment first.
You can enable this setting under: Bricks > Settings > Performance > Disable chaining element & global class
Once enabled global classes are output without the element class like: .my-global-class
Meaning you can use your global classes on non-Bricks elements too.
If the feedback is positive, the next step is to provide one global class CSS file (when using the external file CSS loading method) rather than loading those rules inline.

Prevent Deleting All Global Classes By Accident​

This bug, despite multiple reports, we were never able to replicate.
1.7 addresses it by only updating the global classes in the database if not empty.
The only minor downside is that you’ll always have at least one class in the global class dropdown. You can always manually delete by removing the bricks_global_classes entry from the wp_options table.

Full Changelog:​

  • New experimental setting: Disable chaining element & global classNEW
  • New dynamic data tag: do_actionNEW
  • New Query Loop Control: Disable query mergeNEW
  • Dynamic data: Output value for {woo_product_rating:value} instead of the star ratingNEW
  • Form element: Parse dynamic data in “Custom Redirect URL”NEW
  • Create multiple global classes at once (separated by space)NEW
  • Element Conditions: Support true/false as comparison valueNEW
  • Prevent deleting all global classesNEW
  • Query Loop: Change “Include children” control to a true/false dropdownNEW
  • Minimize builder lag on complex pagesIMPROVE
  • Form element: Flatpickr date input styled differently on mobileIMPROVE
  • Product quantity input should dispatch input change eventIMPROVE
  • Learndash: Automatically enqueue assets for course grid shortcode (ld_course_list) added in BricksIMPROVE
  • Carousel: Remove “Size” option of Image control & add “Lightbox image size” settingIMPROVE
  • Custom attribute: Output attribute value of “0“IMPROVE
  • Icon with link: Apply custom attributes to link tag instead of iconIMPROVE
  • Builder font-size control: Missing placeholder on lower breakpointsIMPROVE
  • Updated for WooCommerce 7.4 (cart template, quantity input)IMPROVE
  • Canvas with disabled scaling not centered on lower breakpointsFIX
  • Builder: Breakpoint builder width precedes entered breakpoint widthFIX
  • Rich text element: Updating content in canvas is not reflected in the left panel when typingFIX
  • Canvas: Disappearing ChangesFIX
  • Pricing Tables: Repeater styles not visible on canvas (mobile-first)FIX
  • Builder: Fix remember last selected global classFIX
  • Builder: Console warnings about missing source map filesFIX
  • Nestable Slider: Builder Access (“Edit content” rights)FIX
  • Background video on a global class not renderedFIX
  • Bricks + Fluent formsFIX
  • Builder: Image upload no longer works after inserting a templateFIX
  • Image element: Image overlay option missing when global- or pseudo-class activeFIX
  • Image gallery: Removing all images individually doesn’t properly clear setting (causes error in HappyFiles Gallery element)FIX
  • Builder: Image Gallery default gutter breaks masonry layoutFIX
  • Image height 100% stretches image in CSS gridFIX
  • Image: object-position setting partly visibleFIX
  • Theme styles: Pricing tables overwritten by default styles (using external files)FIX
  • Theme Styles: WooCommerce button settings overridden on archive “add to cart” buttonFIX
  • Theme Styles: Button outline style gets overriddenFIX
  • Default CSS: Apply “width: auto” to input type “radio”FIX
  • Element Conditions: AND + OR bug between condition setsFIX
  • Element conditions not applied to global elementsFIX
  • WooCommerce Products Filter: Wrong settings for :hoverFIX
  • Themify Icon Font: Some icons missing a letter in the HTML markupFIX
  • Fluent Form preview output PHP Notice: Undefined indexFIX
  • PHP Fatal Error: Object Cache + ACF + ACF Extended Pro (due to closure)FIX
  • ACF Repeater and Metabox Group values are incorrect when inside a user custom query (PHP)FIX
  • Posts element: Apply gradient to custom “CSS selector”FIX
  • border-color added if only border-radius is setFIX
  • Interactions: Animation fadeIn with different target applied opacity 0FIX
  • WPML: Render header/footer template of requested languageFIX
  • Compatibility: Learndash filter causing quiz to render empty contentFIX
  • Copy & paste global class styles: Custom CSS “root” replaced by the class name of copied styleFIX
  • SVG element: SVG styling controls are not visible when editing a global classFIX
  • Fix {woo_product_on_sale} positioningFIX
  • Posts element: {post_excerpt} incorrect on archive pageFIX
  • Query Loop in footer on product category archives is emptyFIX
  • Autosave message appears even after manual saving changesFIX
  • Divider element: Fix Icon alignment & Link heightFIX
  • Popups & Interactions: Animation duration & Animation Delay don’t work correctly with *Out animationsFIX
  • Rich Text: empty
    tags when using ACF field type “WYSIWYG”
  • Builder: Disabled Header (with position left/right) still takes up width on canvasFIX
  • Sticky Header slide up causes vertical scrollbar on WindowsFIX
Feb 22, 2023 - Release – 1.7
This release focuses on tying up a lot of loose ends, third-party plugin compatibility issues, general bug fixes, and improvements. Plus, of course, a few new handy features.

Builder Lag On Complex Pages​

Users working on complex pages (plus a lot of global classes) often experienced a serious lag while editing in the builder. 1.7 comes with a completely overhauled logic of how the state of elements and classes in the builder is updated, which should remedy this sort of lag.
Due to the nature of this change, please inform us immediately (via email or the forum) if editing elements or global classes in the builder, or using the undo/redo feature is causing any issues.

New Experimental Setting: Disable Chaining Element & Global Classes​

When working with global classes on a Bricks element, the element class is chained to the global class like this
The reason for this default is to ensure a global class with styles defined on different elements does not cause any conflicts. This can occur as the CSS selector of a styling control is set on the control itself.
The possibility of this happening is rather low. But still, it is there, which is why we introduce this setting as an experiment first.
You can enable this setting under: Bricks > Settings > Performance > Disable chaining element & global class
Once enabled global classes are output without the element class like: .my-global-class
Meaning you can use your global classes on non-Bricks elements too.
If the feedback is positive, the next step is to provide one global class CSS file (when using the external file CSS loading method) rather than loading those rules inline.

Prevent Deleting All Global Classes By Accident​

This bug, despite multiple reports, we were never able to replicate.
1.7 addresses it by only updating the global classes in the database if not empty.
The only minor downside is that you’ll always have at least one class in the global class dropdown. You can always manually delete by removing the bricks_global_classes entry from the wp_options table.

Full Changelog:​

  • New experimental setting: Disable chaining element & global classNEW
  • New dynamic data tag: do_actionNEW
  • New Query Loop Control: Disable query mergeNEW
  • Dynamic data: Output value for {woo_product_rating:value} instead of the star ratingNEW
  • Form element: Parse dynamic data in “Custom Redirect URL”NEW
  • Create multiple global classes at once (separated by space)NEW
  • Element Conditions: Support true/false as comparison valueNEW
  • Prevent deleting all global classesNEW
  • Query Loop: Change “Include children” control to a true/false dropdownNEW
  • Minimize builder lag on complex pagesIMPROVE
  • Form element: Flatpickr date input styled differently on mobileIMPROVE
  • Product quantity input should dispatch input change eventIMPROVE
  • Learndash: Automatically enqueue assets for course grid shortcode (ld_course_list) added in BricksIMPROVE
  • Carousel: Remove “Size” option of Image control & add “Lightbox image size” settingIMPROVE
  • Custom attribute: Output attribute value of “0“IMPROVE
  • Icon with link: Apply custom attributes to link tag instead of iconIMPROVE
  • Builder font-size control: Missing placeholder on lower breakpointsIMPROVE
  • Updated for WooCommerce 7.4 (cart template, quantity input)IMPROVE
  • Canvas with disabled scaling not centered on lower breakpointsFIX
  • Builder: Breakpoint builder width precedes entered breakpoint widthFIX
  • Rich text element: Updating content in canvas is not reflected in the left panel when typingFIX
  • Canvas: Disappearing ChangesFIX
  • Pricing Tables: Repeater styles not visible on canvas (mobile-first)FIX
  • Builder: Fix remember last selected global classFIX
  • Builder: Console warnings about missing source map filesFIX
  • Nestable Slider: Builder Access (“Edit content” rights)FIX
  • Background video on a global class not renderedFIX
  • Bricks + Fluent formsFIX
  • Builder: Image upload no longer works after inserting a templateFIX
  • Image element: Image overlay option missing when global- or pseudo-class activeFIX
  • Image gallery: Removing all images individually doesn’t properly clear setting (causes error in HappyFiles Gallery element)FIX
  • Builder: Image Gallery default gutter breaks masonry layoutFIX
  • Image height 100% stretches image in CSS gridFIX
  • Image: object-position setting partly visibleFIX
  • Theme styles: Pricing tables overwritten by default styles (using external files)FIX
  • Theme Styles: WooCommerce button settings overridden on archive “add to cart” buttonFIX
  • Theme Styles: Button outline style gets overriddenFIX
  • Default CSS: Apply “width: auto” to input type “radio”FIX
  • Element Conditions: AND + OR bug between condition setsFIX
  • Element conditions not applied to global elementsFIX
  • WooCommerce Products Filter: Wrong settings for :hoverFIX
  • Themify Icon Font: Some icons missing a letter in the HTML markupFIX
  • Fluent Form preview output PHP Notice: Undefined indexFIX
  • PHP Fatal Error: Object Cache + ACF + ACF Extended Pro (due to closure)FIX
  • ACF Repeater and Metabox Group values are incorrect when inside a user custom query (PHP)FIX
  • Posts element: Apply gradient to custom “CSS selector”FIX
  • border-color added if only border-radius is setFIX
  • Interactions: Animation fadeIn with different target applied opacity 0FIX
  • WPML: Render header/footer template of requested languageFIX
  • Compatibility: Learndash filter causing quiz to render empty contentFIX
  • Copy & paste global class styles: Custom CSS “root” replaced by the class name of copied styleFIX
  • SVG element: SVG styling controls are not visible when editing a global classFIX
  • Fix {woo_product_on_sale} positioningFIX
  • Posts element: {post_excerpt} incorrect on archive pageFIX
  • Query Loop in footer on product category archives is emptyFIX
  • Autosave message appears even after manual saving changesFIX
  • Divider element: Fix Icon alignment & Link heightFIX
  • Popups & Interactions: Animation duration & Animation Delay don’t work correctly with *Out animationsFIX
  • Rich Text: empty
    tags when using ACF field type “WYSIWYG”
  • Builder: Disabled Header (with position left/right) still takes up width on canvasFIX
  • Sticky Header slide up causes vertical scrollbar on WindowsFIX
Download Bricks Builder v1.7 (BETA) - Build WordPress Sites That Rank Nulled Free
Feb 15, 2023 - v1.7
Bricks 1.7-beta is now available as a manual download for testing & providing feedback to help us roll out a stable 1.7 soon:
As with any beta release: Please do not use it on any production/live website!
This release focuses on tying up a lot of loose ends, third-party plugin compatibility issues, general bug fixes, and improvements. Plus, of course, a few new handy features.
Builder Lag On Complex Pages
Users working on complex pages (plus a lot of global classes) often experienced a serious lag while editing in the builder. 1.7 comes with a completely overhauled logic of how the state of elements and classes in the builder is updated, which should remedy this sort of lag.
Due to the nature of this change, please inform us immediately (via email or the forum) if editing elements or global classes in the builder, or using the undo/redo feature is causing any issues.
New Experimental Setting: Disable Chaining Element & Global Classes
When working with global classes on a Bricks element, the element class is chained to the global class like this
The reason for this default is to ensure a global class with styles defined on different elements do not cause any conflicts. Which can occur as the CSS selector of a styling control is set on the control itself.
The possibility of this happening is rather low. But still, it is there, which is why we introduce this setting as an experiment first.
You can enable this setting under: Bricks > Settings > Performance > Disable chaining element & global class
Once enabled global classes are output without the element class like: .my-global-class
Meaning you can use your global classes on non-Bricks elements too.
If the feedback is positive, the next step is to provide one global class CSS file (when using the external file CSS loading method) rather than loading those rules inline.
Prevent Deleting All Global Classes By Accident
This bug, despite multiple reports, we were never able to replicate.
1.7 addresses it by only updating the global classes in the database if not empty.
The only minor downside is that you’ll always have at least one class in the global class dropdown. You can always manually delete by removing the bricks_global_classes entry from the wp_options table.
If you still experience global classes being wiped, please email us immediately.

Same if you notice any .undefined class names on an element. It’s very important that you stop working on this site, and email us right away.

We’ve added an additional logging feature to Bricks that should help us debug this issue further.
Full Changelog:


New experimental setting: Disable chaining element & global class
New dynamic data tag: do_action
New Query Loop Control: Disable query merge
Dynamic data: Output value for {woo_product_rating:value} instead of the star rating
Form element: Parse dynamic data in “Custom Redirect URL”
Create multiple global classes at once (by separating them via space, dot, or comma)
Element Conditions: Support true/false as comparison value
Prevent deleting all global classes
Query Loop: Change “Include children” control to a true/false dropdown
Minimize builder lag on complex pages
Form element: Flatpickr date input styled differently on mobile
Product quantity input should dispatch input change event
Learndash: Automatically enqueue assets for course grid shortcode (ld_course_list) added in Bricks
Carousel: Remove “Size” option of Image control & add “Lightbox image size” setting
Custom attribute: Output attribute value of “0“
Icon with link: Apply custom attributes to link tag instead of icon
Builder font-size control: Missing placeholder on lower breakpoints
Updated for WooCommerce 7.4 (cart template, quantity input)
Canvas with disabled scaling not centered on lower breakpoints
Builder: Breakpoint builder width precedes entered breakpoint width
Rich text element: Updating content in canvas is not reflected in the left panel when typing
Canvas: Disappearing Changes
Pricing Tables: Repeater styles not visible on canvas (mobile-first)
Builder: Fix remember last selected global class
Builder: Console warnings about missing source map files
Nestable Slider: Builder Access (“Edit content” rights)
Background video on a global class not rendered
Bricks + Fluent forms
Builder: Image upload no longer works after inserting a template
Image element: Image overlay option missing when global- or pseudo-class active
Image gallery: Removing all images individually doesn’t properly clear setting (causes error in HappyFiles Gallery element)
Builder: Image Gallery default gutter breaks masonry layout
Image height 100% stretches image in CSS grid
Image: object-position setting partly visible
Theme styles: Pricing tables overwritten by default styles (using external files)
Theme Styles: WooCommerce button settings overridden on archive “add to cart” button
Theme Styles: Button outline style gets overridden
Default CSS: Apply “width: auto” to input type “radio”
Element Conditions: AND + OR bug between condition sets
Element conditions not applied to global elements
WooCommerce Products Filter: Wrong settings for :hover
Themify Icon Font: Some icons missing a letter in the HTML markup
Fluent Form preview output PHP Notice: Undefined index
PHP Fatal Error: Object Cache + ACF + ACF Extended Pro (due to closure)
ACF Repeater and Metabox Group values are incorrect when inside a user custom query (PHP)
Posts element: Apply gradient to custom “CSS selector”
border-color added if only border-radius is set
Interactions: Animation fadeIn with different target applied opacity 0
WPML: Render header/footer template of requested language
Compatibility: Learndash filter causing quiz to render empty content
Copy & paste global class styles: Custom CSS “root” replaced by the class name of copied style
SVG element: SVG styling controls are not visible when editing a global class
Fix {woo_product_on_sale} positioning
Posts element: {post_excerpt} incorrect on archive page
Query Loop in footer on product category archives is empty
Autosave message appears even after manual saving changes
Divider element: Fix Icon alignment & Link height
Popups & Interactions: Animation duration & Animation Delay don’t work correctly with *Out animations
Rich Text: empty - tags when using ACF field type “WYSIWYG”
Builder: Disabled Header (with position left/right) still takes up width on canvas
Sticky Header slide up causes vertical scrollbar on Windows
v1.6.2 Nulled

Thank you
Download Bricks Builder v1.6.2 - Build WordPress Sites That Rank Nulled Free
Jan 16, 2023
Release 1.6.2

This first release of the year focuses on various improvements & bug fixes and introduces a few new settings & dynamic data field types.
Full Changelog:
Logo element: Setting for lazy or eager loading
Image element: Setting for lazy or eager loading
ACF: Support Field Type “Flexible Content” & {acf_get_row_layout} DD tag
Meta Box: Support Field Type “Image Select”
Excerpt element new setting “Keep formatting” & DD {post_excerpt:format} filter to keep HTML
Taxonomy element: New “Order by” setting
Image element: New “Show title” setting
Metabox: Support Nested Group (non-cloneable)
Frontend: Slower page load (since 1.5.7)
Generate more compact border & border-radius shorthand syntax
Parse Custom CSS to prevent style corruption
PHP error in searchform.php
Lost classes (browser back button issue)
CSS Grid: Overlay icon missing & no grid item controls when styled on a global class
Interactions: Animation + content loaded “flickers”
Interactions: Bug when using “Enter Viewport” & “Leave Viewport” together
PHP Warning: Undefined array key ‘mailchimpGroups’ (Form mailchimp action)
Gradient/Overlay: Apply to “Background” breaks position: absolute (in builder)
Form element: No action set with specific template conditions
Theme Style: Form Field ‘Margin’ not applied
Yith WooCommerce Product add-on causing builder cannot drag & drop
Popup Template: Add element via DnD to canvas not added to structure panel
Excerpt element in query loop on archive page shows archive description instead of post excerpt
Query Builder: Include/exclude posts options always from post type “Posts”
WooCommerce: Order overview is not responsive
ACF post object field always returns current post title with a link (even when field is empty)
DD {woo_add_to_cart} being sanitised causing “woocommerce_loop_add_to_cart_link” filter incomplete
DD JetEngine & Metabox media or gallery field always returns post title when the field is empty

Full Changelog:​

  • CSS Grid LayoutNEW
  • Woocommerce: AJAX “Add to cart” button (single product)NEW
  • New DD tag: {woo_product_stock_status} (useful for element conditions)NEW
  • DD tag {woo_product_stock} supports ‘value’ filterNEW
  • Page Settings > SEO: New “Document Title” settingNEW
  • New setting: “Direction” under Style > Layout > Flex (for non-layout elements)NEW
  • Search element: Add overlay ‘Title tag’ settingNEW
  • Search element: Add “for” attribute to form label (a11y)NEW
  • Video element: New iframe “title” settingNEW
  • Remove background-color: transparent from “a” (normalizeCSS)IMPROVE
  • WooCommerce: Related Product CSS problem with breakpointsFIX
  • WooCommerce: Order Receipt template woocommerce_receipt_ action hook missingFIX
  • WooCommerce classes on body tag all across the siteFIX
  • WooCommerce: Products element has wrong aria-label on image linkFIX
  • Sticky header: background-color transition missing .brxe-block selectorFIX
  • Overlay/Gradient: Specificity issue with #id > *FIX
  • Popups & Interactions: JS console errorsFIX
  • Popup A merged/added into popup B, etc.FIX
  • Missing Popup styles in paginated loopFIX
  • Posts element: Initial load in builder incorrect styleFIX
  • Posts element: Masonry layout empty on canvasFIX
  • Video element: Dynamic data for Vimeo URL not renderedFIX
  • Video element: Overlay image style not generated in query loop (frontend)FIX
  • Image Gallery: Caption positionFIX
  • Icon SVG inherits CSS properties on all children causes unknown borderFIX
  • Icon Box element: Theme style “Icon align” not used (external files)FIX
  • Map element: Big close image if jQuery not used on current pageFIX
  • Custom CSS: “root” selector of inserted element gets overridden with ID of the original elementFIX
  • Nestable Slider: Type “fade” selected, only the first slide is visibleFIX
  • Sticky Header .slide-up causes content to jump upFIX
Popup Builder
Disable Bricks Lazy Load on Specific Image (via loading=eager HTML attribute)
Button element: Parse dynamic data tag inside “External URL” (composed links)
Video element: Support composed URLs (text + dynamic data)
Support comments pagination
WooCommerce Add to cart: Add “clear” option for variable products
SEO: Add “title “tag to image (if custom title is added via the media library)
Image Gallery element: Add attachment ID via “data-id” attribute
New filter: bricks/registered_post_types_args (allows users to display non-public CPTs in builder)
New dynamic data filter “:raw” to skip parsing tag
New style setting: “cursor” (under Style > Layout > Misc)
Social Sharing element: Set icon, background, and color individually
Skip lazy loading background images with HTML attribute set to loading=eager
Theme Styles: Provide “column-gap” & “row-gap” controls for all layout elements
Progress Bar element: Add dynamic data picker to “Percentage” setting
New translation: Hungarian
Builder: Auto-expand number inputs that contain CSS functions
Code element: New “Render without wrapper” setting
New dynamic data filter: url (e.g. ACF field type “file” to output plain URL)
New Converter option: Entry animation to interactions
Capabilities: Set “No access” for individual user & dropdown for SVG upload & code execution
Theme Style: Provide “Padding” setting for button size “Default”
Convert web-safe CSS var colors (e.g. “red”, etc.) in builder
Post Content element: Don’t render when WordPress content is empty
Posts element: Apply isotope filter typography to “ul” instead of “li”
Post Social Sharing element: Validation error due to XML tag
Updated: swiperJS from 8.0.6 to 8.4.4
Updated: splideJS from 4.0.7 to 4.1.4
Canvas: Hide element action buttons if active element is not visible (display: none)
Post content element: Remove Bricks default “ol” & “ul” styles
Bricks Settings: Disable autocomplete (e.g. Remote templates URL + password fields)
TranslatePress: Fix image translation (cause: lazy load) & builder language
Query Loop: Element ID used instead of class in custom CSS on mobile breakpoints
Overlay/Gradient on global class won’t add .has-overlay for position: relative
Nav Menu element: Required Icon settings not available on mobile-first
Theme Styles: Hover styles show always on the canvas
Builder: Values from lower breakpoint show as placeholder on higher breakpoints
Inner Container setting: Placeholder shows values from parent container
Animation classes are not removed after they ran (in builder)
Basic Text: causing line break
Template element: Notice: Undefined index (templates.php line 258)
Nav menu: Overflow issue
Mobile first: Deleted pseudo class leaves values in CSS without selector
Windows: “Insert element after active element” shortcut not working
.brx-header-Left class name typo
Empty cart template: Not showing after cart is cleared
Nestable Slider: Custom arrows are displayed even though “Show arrows” is off
RTL: Builder tooltip position
WooCommerce Product Price: Missing styles
Slider: Content align icons are swapped
Lazyload causing {featured_image} 404
Heading element: Separator align icons wrong axis
Shape Divider: Triangle concave split/gap on mobile
Builder: Removing last shape divider, does not clear setting properly
“Convert Bricks data to Gutenberg blocks” setting not working
SEO Page Settings: Title & Permalink not updated
Fix ‘Warning: Undefined array key’ (assets.php line 2214)
Builder: Hamburger toggle not shown on mobile breakpoint
Custom Tag “table” uses display: flex instead of “table”
Pagination element: AJAX not working if query is set to Posts element query
Shape Dividers: Linked Icon element uses position: relative from shape divider
Header right/left: Custom width not set on canvas
Carousel: “Items to scroll” on breakpoint skips slides on other breakpoint
Image element: Overlay conflict with caption
Slider element: Apply default min-height: 50vh to .swiper-slide instead of root
Interactions: Animation delay doesn’t work / Content Loaded Delay doesn’t allow decimals
Dynamic background image not using set size (front end)
Element Conditions: ACF true/false issue
Dynamic data tag ‘woo_product_excerpt’ formatting removed
Add to cart element inside query loop redirects to single product page
Exported template empty with zlib compression enabled
Products element: “On Sale” checked shows all products
Code element: CSS in builder not correct with code execution enabled
Query Loop: Wrong context if ACF Repeater field nested inside ACF relation loop
Posts element: Error when loaded through a Template element inside the builder
Popup Trigger “Mouse leave window” not working in Firefox/Safari
Learndash: Breadcrumbs added to Bricks elements (that use the_content filter)
Dynamic data: “featured_image” shows featured image from populate content (if no featured image exists for current page)
Edit content permission: Should not be able to remove global classes from element
Element Conditions: “or” not working on 2nd+ condition group
Nestable Slider: Scrolling on mobile devices triggers resize event
Download Bricks Builder v1.5.7 - Build WordPress Sites That Rank Free Nulled
Nov 4, 2022 - v1.5.7
NOTE: If the dynamic data picker inside the builder does not automatically add the curly brackets {} around the dynamic data tag, please re-download 1.5.7 from your account.
Full Changelog:

  • Related products: Add settings for alignment & image heightNEW
  • Remove custom admin_footer_textNEW
  • Image: Parse dynamic data in the “External URL” fieldNEW
  • New dynamic data filter “:value” (useful for certain dynamic data in element conditions)NEW
  • Update default WooCommerce templates (for WC 7.0.1)IMPROVE
  • WooCommerce: Product Stock (element & DD tag) not working with variable productsIMPROVE
  • WooCommerce Cart: Improve responsivenessIMPROVE
  • WooCommerce Checkout: Required fieldsIMPROVE
  • Code element: Skip code execution on builder loadIMPROVE
  • Element conditions: get_users outside of builder caused slow queryIMPROVE
  • Remote templates: Show error message in builder modalIMPROVE
  • Regenerate CSS files when saving a post inside the WordPress editor as wellIMPROVE
  • SwiperJS: Fix autoplay optionsFIX
  • Nestable tabs: Duplicated tab title/pane doesn’t update on canvasFIX
  • Pagination element: Hover styles apply to ‘ul’ instead of ‘a’FIX
  • Products Pagination element: Not showing when used inside of a single templateFIX
  • Element conditions: Element always rendered on frontend when window was opened through “View on frontend” builder buttonFIX
  • Form element: number input set to min=0 accepted negative numbersFIX
  • Accordion / Icon List in template element within page template loses its default styles (external files)FIX
  • Accordion: Copying styles copies items as wellFIX
  • Copy & Paste cross domain: Duplicated classesFIX
  • Sticky Header: “slide up after” with unit (px) breaks the slide-upFIX
  • Search results page + infinite scroll shows repeated resultsFIX
  • Query Loop with custom function: Styles not correct (template preview & external files)FIX
  • bbpress class name conflict: “display: none” elements disappear from the structure panelFIX
  • Post Content element: PHP 8 error generated by sprintf()FIX
  • Nav menu: Submenu color overrides active colorFIX
  • Mobile menu issue with open submenuFIX
  • Multiple mini carts on a page: First mini cart is always openedFIX
  • WooCommerce Cart page: Template element CSS file not loadedFIX
  • Theme Styles: Link styles not applied to WooCommerce elements (short description, etc.)FIX
  • Theme Styles: Form styles missing (external files)FIX
  • Theme Styles: “Related posts” had no controlsFIX