Profile Builder Pro + Addons

WordPress Plugin Profile Builder Pro + Addons v3.11.1 NULLED

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☢️ Add-ons - CLUB ONLY ☢️


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Profile Builder Pro + Addons - Download Profile Builder Pro + Addons free


Hello! Do YOU want to customize your website by adding front-end registration, profile and login forms? You can use Profile Builder PRO - the Profile Plugin for WordPress.
To achieve this, just create a new page, and give it an intuitive name (i.e. Edit Profile). Now all you need to do is add the following shortcode: wppb-edit-profile. Publish your page and you are done!
Profile Builder is the all in one user registration and...

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Profile Builder Pro v3.9.3 + Addons

= 3.9.3 =
* Fix: An issue with the Simple Upload field
* Misc: Load back-end scripts for Mailchimp and Campaign Monitor add-ons only on necessary pages
* Misc: Remove styling for PMS Email Confirmation form from the Form Designs feature
* Misc: Properly style the WPPB Resent Email Confirmation form using the Form Designs
* Misc: Add {{approval_url}} and {{{approval_link}}} tags to the EPAA admin email

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Changelog for Profile Builder Pro 3.10.9

= 3.10.9 =
* Fix: Issue with 2FA functionality not working correctly when language was different than English
* Fix: Match styles of the 2FA fields with the form designs
* Fix: Issue with Selects that are part of a Repeater group and the form designs
* Fix: Allow change of the font family for the form designs when trying to customize the form with Elementor

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