Pretty URLs - SEO Friendly URL | Remove IDs & Numbers

Prestashop Plugin Pretty URLs - SEO Friendly URL | Remove IDs & Numbers v3.0.0

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Pretty URLs - SEO Friendly URL | Remove IDs & Numbers - Download Pretty URLs - SEO Friendly URL | Remove IDs & Numbers free

PrestaShop Advance Pretty URL Module makes SEO friendly URLs of your store by removing auto generated IDs/numbers from URLs of your products, categories, manufacturer & other pages. Auto 301 redirects old URLs to new URLs to avoid 404 errors.

What this Module offers:

  • Removes Ids & Numbers from your Store URLs
  • 301 redirects old URLs to new URLs
  • Provides a duplicate URL report
  • Set the...

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Co7ur a mis à jour Pretty URLs - SEO Friendly URL | Remove IDs & Numbers avec une nouvelle entrée de mise à jour:

Pretty URLs - SEO Friendly URL | Remove IDs & Numbers 3.0.0

Version 3.0.0 - 3/14/2024​

PrestaShop compatibility: - 8.1.5
  • New Feature: Option to edit or create new robots.txt file
  • New Feature: Option to manage and generate sitemaps, multistore and multilanguage dependent
  • New Feature: Option to manage Meta tags and automate the meta tags
  • New Feature: Option to manage OpenGraph data, Twitter, Facebook
  • New Feature: Option to manage redirects for all pages, see reports, manage 404 results, see report of...

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