Prestashop Presta Speed - database / webp / image site optiomization

Prestashop Presta Speed - database / webp / image site optiomization v6.0.0

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Prestashop Presta Speed - database / webp / image site optiomization - Download Prestashop Presta Speed - database / webp / image site optiomization free

Prestashop Presta Speed.jpg

PrestaSpeed optimize your Prestashop database, images, some modules and configuration to increase the front office and back office access speed, and free space on disk.

The module allows you to erase all statistics data that is useless for store management and overloads the database (such as user connections, abandoned cars, old customer messages, logs, store searches, old orders, etc.). We recommend using Google Analytics for advanced statistics...

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[PrestaShop] Fatal error in module file :/var/www/vhosts/**********/httpdocs/classes/db/DbPDO.php:Allowed memory size of 536870912 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 4096 bytes)

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