Payment Form

Joomla Plugin Payment Form v7.0.1

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Payment Form - Download Payment Form free

Payment Form.png
Payment Form (PMF) is a Form creator extension for Joomla allow you to collect information and get payment from your site members / visitors (for a service, for an event registration or for a course registering) via online payment gateway such as Paypal,, Eway and Offline payment gateway.

Forms Management​

Creating, Managing forms to collect customers information and allow them to process payment via payment gateways...

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Co7ur a mis à jour Payment Form avec une nouvelle entrée de mise à jour:

Payment Form - Joomla Payment Form 7.0.1

1. Raise PHP and Joomla Version Requirement

- Minimum PHP version now is PHP 7.4.0
- Minimum Joomla version requirement is now 4.4.0

2. Code Clean Up

In earlier version of Payment Form, we have to maintain old code to support Joomla 3. From this version, we drop support for Joomla 3, so we spent time to clean up code to use latest Joomla API, remove the code which is needed to have the extension works well with Joomla 3.

Also, support for Twitter Bootstrap 2 and Twitter...

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