JetSmartFilters for Elementor WordPress Plugin

WordPress Plugin JetSmartFilters for Elementor WordPress Plugin v3.4.4

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Download Free JetSmartFilters for Elementor WordPress Plugin Premium Nulled Plugin
While creating post and product archive pages, there is no way you can do without filters. An ability to filter WooCommerce products by different criteria, apply several criteria at once for the custom posts or products, is the magic key that allows the visitors find the...

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JetSmartFilters Plugin for Elementor v.3.0.2

## 3.0.2
* ADD: admin ability to open a filter from the list in a new tab
* ADD: pagination filter autoscroll option
* FIX: apply all hierarchical selects on redirect
* FIX: checkbox, radio & visual filter RTL
* FIX: active filters, active tag filters duplicate results after mixed url opening
* FIX: ePro Archive Posts taxonomy with multiple post types
* FIX: Elementor responsive with url parameters
* FIX: additional settings placeholders translation
* FIX: adding tabindex attr

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Co7ur a mis à jour JetSmartFilters for Elementor WordPress Plugin avec une nouvelle entrée de mise à jour:

JetSmartFilters Plugin for Elementor v.3.0.3

## 3.0.3
* ADD: Filter Date Period dates limit
* ADD: indexer counter prefix/suffix & position style
* FIX: refactoring Active filter & Active tag filters
* FIX: Elementor pro v3.9.0 popup
* FIX: ignore disabled filters on set data
* FIX: additional providers
* UPD: renamed url prefix from 'jet-smart-filters' to 'jsf'

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JetSmartFilters v3.1.0

Download JetSmartFilters v3.1.0 for Elementor WordPress Plugin Nulled Free

* ADD: Allow to replace selected parts of the filtered URLs with any alias words you want;
* ADD: Bricks Query Loop provider;
* ADD: PHP 8.2 compatibility;
* UPD: Improve security checks for edit filters settings requests;
* UPD: Visual filter dropdown select for taxonomies and posts data source;
* FIX: Exclude/include data source posts list;
* FIX: Admin filters list pagination;
* FIX: Keep third party...

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JetSmartFilters v3.2.4

Download JetSmartFilters v3.2.4 for Elementor WordPress Plugin Nulled Free

* ADD: sorting filter WPML support
* ADD: .gitattributes
* UPD: optimization for product indexing
* FIX: range filter input decimal numbers
* FIX: additional filters with URL params
* FIX: ePro loop load more with styles
* FIX: Active filters value Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)
* FIX: booking listing & indexer

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JetSmartFilters v3.2.5

Download JetSmartFilters v3.2.5 for Elementor WordPress Plugin Nulled Free

* FIX: fatal error when WPML CMS is disable but WPML string translation is enable
* FIX: Select filter Get Choices From Field Data from WooCommerce Product Data meta box
* FIX: sorting from customizer is reset when use filter and Listing Grid
* FIX: JetEngin listing grid custom styles on load more
* FIX: Bricks. filtration on search result page
* FIX: Bricks. Accordion doesn't work after filtering

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Co7ur a mis à jour JetSmartFilters for Elementor WordPress Plugin avec une nouvelle entrée de mise à jour:

JetSmartFilters v3.2.6

Download JetSmartFilters v3.2.6 for Elementor WordPress Plugin Nulled Free

* FIX: Indexer with _tax_query key in Query Variable
* FIX: redirect for Product grid with Apply type -> Ajax
* FIX: re-init nested Bricks widgets after filtering; the subscription method has been changed
* FIX: Mixed type URL on page reload if 'hc' occurs
* FIX: Active Filters / Active tags if number value
* FIX: indexer with Data Source -> Custom Fields filter

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Co7ur a mis à jour JetSmartFilters for Elementor WordPress Plugin avec une nouvelle entrée de mise à jour:

JetSmartFilters v3.3.0

Download JetSmartFilters v3.3.0 for Elementor WordPress Plugin Nulled Free

* ADD: Added provider preloader
* ADD: Admin UI. Added a list of warnings why the update button is blocked
* ADD: All option and ability to deselect in visual filter when radio behavior
* ADD: Add possibility to use filter values in JetEngine query
* ADD: tabindex with Date Period
* UPD: Hierarchical select
* UPD: redesigned pagination and active elements templates to support unsafe-eval
* FIX: sync...

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Co7ur a mis à jour JetSmartFilters for Elementor WordPress Plugin avec une nouvelle entrée de mise à jour:

JetSmartFilters v3.3.2

Download JetSmartFilters v3.3.2 for Elementor WordPress Plugin Nulled Free

* ADD: valid url params filter
* FIX: ePro Products / ePro Archive Products for search result page
* FIX: Is Checkbox Meta Field option for checkbox meta field created created using the ACF plugin
* FIX: function maybe_parse_repeater_options adding an array check
* FIX: prevent PHP notices
* FIX: if filter option "Exclude Or Include Items" is empty
* FIX: Ajax Request Type -> Referrer / Self plus mixed...

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Co7ur a mis à jour JetSmartFilters for Elementor WordPress Plugin avec une nouvelle entrée de mise à jour:

JetSmartFilters v3.4.1

Download JetSmartFilters v3.4.1 for Elementor WordPress Plugin Nulled Free

- UPD: changing the default Ajax Request Type value to "self"
- UPD: Icons Font
- FIX: filter Apply on -> Click on apply button
- FIX: Filter Data Source->Custom Fields Bulk Manual Input meta field
- FIX: indexer auto re-indexing with serialized data
- FIX: query key_var check

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Co7ur a mis à jour JetSmartFilters for Elementor WordPress Plugin avec une nouvelle entrée de mise à jour:

JetSmartFilters v3.4.3

Download JetSmartFilters v3.4.3 for Elementor WordPress Plugin Nulled Free

- FIX: Products Loop sorting on reload
- FIX: ePro loop grid sorting filter
- FIX: ePro Loop Grid if global widget
- FIX: url aliases
- FIX: location & distance filter with redirect
- FIX: getting additional filters
- FIX: deprecated

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