JetEngine - Adding & Editing Dynamic Content with Elementor

WordPress Plugin JetEngine - Adding & Editing Dynamic Content with Elementor v3.5.0

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JetEngine - Adding & Editing Dynamic Content with Elementor - Download JetEngine - Adding & Editing Dynamic Content with Elementor free

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is a must-have plugin for Elementor allowing to create custom post types, custom taxonomy, add Elementor-built templates for the custom post type or taxonomy terms. It provides the set of dynamic listing widgets for displaying dynamic content and allows to build grid and listing layouts for the custom posts and terms using the most complex...

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JetEngine v3.3.3

Download JetEngine v3.3.3 - Adding & Editing Dynamic Content with Elementor Nulled Free

* ADD: Dynamic Terms widget for Bricks editor;
* ADD: Default value to the color picker field;
* UPD: Dynamic CSS of Listing Item refactoring;
* UPD: Cache Related items query during the single request to avoid SQL queries duplicating;
* FIX: Listing Grid. When lazy load is enabled, the listing disappears;
* FIX: Placeholder for relation meta based on qurey builder does not work;
* FIX...

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JetEngine v3.3.4

Download JetEngine v3.3.4 - Adding & Editing Dynamic Content with Elementor Nulled Free

* FIX: Prevent error if Elementor is not installed;
* FIX: Query result count for Dynamic Visibility in gutenberg does not work;
* FIX: Prevent deprecated notic on PHP 8+;
* FIX: Sorting filters not working with CCT Dynamic Table/CCT listing custom query;
* FIX: Filters with Maps listing and CCT Query;
* FIX: PHP error when using a Query Results Macro in Blocks editor;
* FIX: Error when use...

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JetEngine v3.3.5

Download JetEngine v3.3.5 - Adding & Editing Dynamic Content with Elementor Nulled Free

* ADD: Cluster Max Zoom and Cluster Radius settings for Map Listing;
* ADD: An ability to show dynamic popup for repeater query in Calendar;
* FIX: Only products in paid order display for purchised products macros;
* FIX: Positioning added Options pages in the admin menu;
* FIX: Removal of related items doesn't synch in different languages;
* FIX: Option page for CCT gives 404 error;
* FIX...

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JetEngine - Adding & Editing Dynamic Content with Elementor v.3.3.6

## 3.3.6
* UPD: Maps Listings: Compatibility with Borlabs Cookie v3;
* UPD: Query Builder: Better UX for Dynamic Args popup;
* FIX: Query Builder: Ensure we correctly set array-only query arguments on filtering;
* FIX: SmartFilters Compatibility: Date Period filter & Date query;
* FIX: Dynamic Link: Add to Cart and Permalink WooCommerce sources not taking context;
* FIX: Bricks: Can't show the image as the background of the listing;
* FIX: Bricks: Profile sub page styles loading;
* FIX...

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JetEngine v3.4.2

Download JetEngine v3.4.2 - Adding & Editing Dynamic Content with Elementor Nulled Free

* ADD: an ability to change a cct_created date in CCT Admin UI;
* ADD: Masonry Layout for Images gallery grid callback;
* FIX: Relations + Polylang compatibility;
* FIX: Warnings in CCT Repeater listing;
* FIX: Clickable listing template + Add to Cart source;
* FIX: JS process filters on re-init;
* FIX: Current WP Query. 'Posts per page' settings do not work;
* FIX: Add custom value / save...

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JetEngine v3.4.3

Download JetEngine v3.4.3 - Adding & Editing Dynamic Content with Elementor Nulled Free

* ADD: `jet-engine/maps-listings/autocomplete-url-args/openstreetmap` filter;
* FIX: JetSmartFilters+JetEngine: Pagination/Load More with random order;
* FIX: Bricks. Dynamic field. Image gallery slider, image size;
* FIX: Bricks: Data store button causes error in console, if there is no Elementor plugin installed;
* FIX: Process adding custom meta values with single quotes;
* FIX: Dynamic...

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JetEngine v3.5.0

Download JetEngine v3.5.0 - Adding & Editing Dynamic Content with Elementor Nulled Free

* ADD: Components Functionality;
* ADD: Allow to store default post Meta Data in custom DB tables;
* ADD: Query Builder: new query type - Merged Query;
* ADD: Allow to store repeater sub fields as separate meta fields;
* ADD: Layout Switcher module: stable release;
* UPD: Minor fixes and improvements.

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