DPCalendar Premium

Joomla DPCalendar Premium v9.0.5

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DPCalendar Premium - Download DPCalendar Premium free

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The core of DPCalendar is the calendar view with different layouts for month, week, day and list. Tons of options do allow you to perfectly adapt it to your needs, with a map to let your visitor know where they happen.

Super fast page load while events are fetched in a new Ajax process. Slick design which adapts perfectly to your template.The agenda views can display the events grouped per room.

An event represents an action in DPCalendar. They hold...

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Changelog DPCalendar Premium 9.0.5

Released on: Thursday, 13 June 2024 06:44

Release information​

This is a new version of the DPCalendar Joomla extension. If you are a new user, install the Core or Free (when you don't have a subscription) package and the additional extensions you might need. Please also read the release notes for a complete list of changes in this release.
DPCalendar needs the same requirements as Joomla 4.4 and does run nicely within all the major browsers.


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