Advanced Database Cleaner Pro

Nulled WordPress Plugin Advanced Database Cleaner Pro v3.2.9 NULLED

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Advanced Database Cleaner Pro - Download Advanced Database Cleaner Pro free


Advanced Database Cleaner Pro NULLED
Do you know that even after deleting a plugin/theme from your WordPress website, some of its leftovers may remain in your database? Such as orphan options, orphan tables, and orphan cron tasks. As you may know, not all plugins/themes care about the housekeeping of your WordPress database. As long as you are removing plugins/themes, leftovers will be accumulated in your database and will influence your website...

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Advanced Database Cleaner Pro v3.2.2 NULLED

= 3.2.2 - 22/02/2023 =
- Security fix: when saving the settings
- Fix: changing the 'autoload' of an option may sometimes result in it being created twice
- Fix: activating both the free and pro versions together causes compatibility issues
- Tweak: enhancing some blocks of code to use Ajax
- Tweak: better handling the use of the WP_List_Table class
- Tweak (PRO): enhancing the license page + the update process of the plugin
- Compatibility: Tested with the latest version of WordPress...

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