Admin Menu Editor Pro

WordPress Plugin Admin Menu Editor Pro v2.25

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Admin Menu Editor Pro - Download Admin Menu Editor Pro free


Admin Menu Editor Pro + Toolbar Editor + Branding Addon


Hide menus from roles or users​

Change menu permissions with just a couple of clicks. Click a role, uncheck the menu items that you want to hide, and check the ones that you want to show. You can also change permissions for individual users. For example, you could hide a menu from everyone except yourself, or give a user access to a specific...

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Admin Menu Editor Pro v2.20

= 2.20 (2023-05-30) =
##### Added
* Added the ability to move dashboard widgets and override the number of dashboard columns. The custom dashboard layout can be enabled or disabled per role.
* Added an "open links in a new tab" setting to custom RSS widgets.
##### Fixed
* Fixed a minor plugin conflict with "WPFunnels" and "Email Marketing Automation - Mail Mint" that caused hidden menu items created by those plugins to become visible when AME was activated.
* Fixed a conflict with the...

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Admin Menu Editor Pro 2.23

= 2.23 (2024-01-17) =
##### Added
* Added way to hide posts created by other users. It's a group of new settings in the "Tweaks" tab. It works with posts, pages, media, and custom post types that use the default admin UI.
* Limitations: This feature only affects post tables like the one shown under "Posts -> All Posts". Hiding other users' posts from someone doesn't prevent them from opening those posts by following a direct link, and they can still edit the posts if they have the...

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Admin Menu Editor Pro v2.23.3 + Addons

Download Admin Menu Editor Pro v2.23.3 + Addons Nulled Free
= v2.23.3 (2024-01-21) =

* Hiding the "Author" meta box now also hides the corresponding section of the "Summary" panel in the Gutenberg block editor.
* Updated the "Meta Boxes" tab to automatically reselect the previously selected role after saving changes.
* Fixed dashboard widget visibility not being saved.

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Admin Menu Editor Pro 2.24.0

= 2.24 (2024-04-15) =
##### Added
* Added a way to prevent a role from editing or deleting media files that were uploaded by other users. You can find the new settings in the "Tweaks" tab, in a section named "Media Library Restrictions".
* Added the ability to hide and/or remove block patterns.
* Added an option to hide the "Media" tab in the Gutenberg block inserter.

##### Fixed
* Fixed inability to save various menu styles and menu separator styles without creating an admin menu...

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Admin Menu Editor Pro - WordPress Plugin v.2.24.1

= 2.24.1 (2024-04-22) =
* Fixed a conflict with UIPress that was introduced in version 2.24. The conflict prevented most admin menu settings from being applied. For example, hidden menu items would become visible, menu order would reset, renamed items would display the old title, and so on. Custom menu permissions were still effective, so unchecked items would be visible but inaccessible.

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Changelog Admin Menu Editor Pro 2.25

= 2.25 (2024-07-02) =
##### Added
* Added background color settings for submenu item hover states, both for the admin menu and for the Toolbar.
* Added a background color setting for the currently active admin menu item.
* Added an option to open the admin menu logo link in a new tab.
* Added an option to automatically delete settings associated with missing roles and users. This only applies to certain settings, such as menu permissions and login redirects. "Missing" means that the...

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