Permalink Manager Pro - Best Wordpress Permalinks Plugin

Nulled WordPress Plugin Permalink Manager Pro - Best Wordpress Permalinks Plugin v2.4.3.5

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= 2.3.0 (December 14, 2022) =
* Dev - For improved readability, the plugin's code has been reformatted and more comments have been added to match WordPress PHP Coding Standards
* Dev - To simplify the codebase, redundant functions and variables were removed
* Fix - The post/term titles in Bulk URI Editor are protected from XSS (Cross-site scripting) attacks by sanitizing the displayed titles
* Fix - Improved compatibility with Groundhogg plugin
* Fix - Improved compatibility with BasePress plugin
* Fix - Minor improvements for WPML compatibility
* Fix - The bug that caused the message "You are not allowed to remove Permalink Manager data!" to show up randomly in the admin dashboard has been fixed
Download Permalink Manager Pro v2.2.20.4 Nulled Free
= v2.2.20.4 (November 23, 2022) =

* Fix - The "URI Editor" for individual term pages is now called later to ensure that all custom taxonomies are registered
* Dev - The "nonce" field has been renamed for clarity
* Dev - New filter added - 'permalink_manager_get_language_code'
Download Permalink Manager Pro v2.2.20.3 Nulled Free
= v2.2.20.2 / v2.2.20.3 (November 15, 2022) =

* Fix - A nonce field has been added to debug tools code for increased security
* Fix - The "Fix language mismatch" function now functions exactly the same way in Polylang as it does in WPML
Download Permalink Manager Pro v2.2.20.1 Nulled Free
= v2.2.20.1 (October 31, 2022) =

* Fix - Security fix for BAC vulnerability found in the debug function that allowed unauthorized removal of single URIs