Permalink Manager Pro - Best Wordpress Permalinks Plugin

Nulled WordPress Plugin Permalink Manager Pro - Best Wordpress Permalinks Plugin v2.4.4.2

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Download Permalink Manager Pro v2.4.4.2 Nulled Free
October 16, 2024 - v2.4.4.2

Dev – Improved support for REGEX formulas in “Find & Replace”
Dev – Code adjustments to improve WPCS compliance
Fix – Fixed search functionality bug in Bulk URI Editor
Download Permalink Manager Pro v2.4.4.1 Nulled Free
August 28, 2024 -

Fix – Fixed the deprecated warning for The SEO Framework plugin
Fix – Fixed taxonomies’ custom permalink import feature for WP All Import in Permalink Manager Lite
Dev – Code adjustments for WPForo integration
Dev – Minor code improvements
Download Permalink Manager Pro v2.4.4 Nulled Free
= v2.4.4 (July 24, 2024) =

* Fix - The native slug is updated when changed from permalink editor via Gutenberg/Block Editor
* Fix - The URLs with empty "attachment" endpoint returns 404 error
* Dev - The translated taxonomies' slugs are used when %taxonomy% tag is used in Permastructures
* Dev - Code refactoring & further improvements
Download Permalink Manager Pro v2.4.3.5 Nulled Free
=v2.4.3.5 (June 6, 2024) =

* Fix - Security fix for Permalink_Manager_UI_Elements->get_the_form() function
* Dev - The breadcrumbs support can only be enabled for content items that have custom permalinks
= (May 16, 2024) =
* Dev - Optimization of "Permalink_Manager_Core_Functions::fix_pagination_pages"
* Dev - The canonical redirect function has been improved to fully handle the "/page/1" and "/1/" endpoints as well as the "p", "page_id", and "name" query parameters in URLs
* Fix - The plugin may save the native slug for "draft" posts and pages even if WordPress has not generated it yet
* Fix - "Customize URL" in the admin toolbar works now correctly also for categories, and custom taxonomies
* Fix - "Auto-update mode" is now respected in Advanced Translation Editor (WPML)
= (March 18, 2024) =
* Fix - Further security improvements for AJAX functions and "Bulk Tools"
* Dev - Minor code improvements
= 2.4.3 (February 6, 2024) =
* Fix - Code refactoring and optimization
* Fix - Minor improvements for RankMath redirection hooks
* Enhancement - Improvements for "Force 404 on non-existing pagination pages" functionality
* Enhancement - The "Regenerate/reset" & "Find/replace" now can be used in preview mode without saving the changes
* Dev - New filter hooks - "permalink_manager_pre_update_post_uri" & "permalink_manager_pre_update_term_uri"
* Dev - Support for translated "page" endpoint in Polylang Pro
* Dev - Support for primary terms controlled by All In One SEO Pro
= 2.4.2 =
* Fix - The Permalink_Manager_Helper_Functions::replace_empty_placeholder_tags() no longer decodes invalid ASCII characters
* Fix - The old slug ("_wp_old_slug") is now saved correctly in Block Editor (Gutenberg)
* Dev - New 'permalink_manager_sanitize_title' filter is added
* Dev - Duplicated dashes are now removed from default permalinks unless "Strip special characters" is disabled in the plugin settings
Download Permalink Manager Pro v2.4.1.6 Nulled Free
= v2.4.1.6 (November 6, 2023) =

* Dev - Refactoring & minor code improvements
= 2.4.1 (May 22, 2023) =
* Dev - The function that adds the "Permalink Manager" button via 'get_sample_permalink_html' filter has been updated
* Dev - The function that controls permalink trailing slashes has been refactored and improved
* Dev - When WPML is enabled, Permalink Manager uses "term_taxonomy_id" instead of "term_id" for language mismatch functions to avoid compatibility issues
* Dev - To avoid problems with other 3rd party plugins, the function that places the "Permalink Manager" button below the title editor field in Classic Editor mode no longer overwrites the whole HTML
* Enhancement - The plugin interface's text descriptions and label names have been simplified for readability
* Enhancement - Added new section "Exclusion settings" with a field to manually enter IDs of posts/terms to be ignored by Permalink Manager
* Fix - The compatability problem that caused "fatal error" for some RankMath users has been resolved