Dokan – La meilleure solution de place de marché multi-vendeurs WooCommerce

Nulled WordPress Plugin Dokan – La meilleure solution de place de marché multi-vendeurs WooCommerce v3.11.2 NULLED Business

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Download Dokan Business v3.7.18 - Multi Vendor Marketplace Nulled Free
v3.7.18 Apr 10, 2023

- **fix:** [VendorDashboard] Fixed announcement menu is not highlighted for the announcement details page.
- **fix:** [VendorDashboard] Fixed wrong navigation link on the order details page on product line items lists.
- **fix:** [VendorDashboard] Fixed duplicating any product bypass the New Product Status feature, now set to draft as default product status
- **fix:** Fixed some deprecated PHP warnings
- **fix:** [StoreSupport] Fixed Support ticket wasn't loading from admin panel if vendor id wasn't found on topic meta.
- **fix:** [RequestForQuote] Fixed unable to add variable products to the cart if the request for quotation module is enabled
- **fix:** [StoreOpenCloseTime] Fixed time selector of the store open close time settings was broken.
- **fix:** [Refund] Refund request wasn't successful if tax amount rounding precision is greater than 2
- **update:** [StripeExpress] Admin will be able to disconnect/delete connected seller accounts from the admin dashboard user details page
- **update:** [MangoPay] Added support for non-recurring payments for Vendor Subscription products.
v3.7.17 Mar 23, 2023
- **new:** [StripeExpress] Support for cross-border onboarding and transfer within the boundary of the European Union and SEPA
- **new:** [NewVendorDashboard] Added support for Rank Math Module
- **new:** [NewVendorDashboard] Added support for Geolocation Module
- **new:** [StripeExpress] Added support for purchasing product advertisement via Stripe Express
- **new:** [MangoPay] Added support for purchasing product advertisement via Mango Pay
- **new:** [FollowStore] Added API endpoint to get a vendor follower list (wp-json/dokan/v1/follow-store/followers?vendor_id=1)
- **update:** [StripeExpress] Optimized payment request buttons implementation on the cart page
- **update:** [SPMV] Removed the capability to clone Grouped Products.
- **update:** [PayPalMarketplace] Display a formatted error message if a refund request gets canceled due to insufficient balance under the vendor’s PayPal account.
- **update:** [PayPalMarketplace] Set PayPal product type to PPCP only if UCC mode is enabled and supported otherwise product type will be selected as Express.
- **update:** [HPOS] Added High Performance Order Storage support for MangoPay and StripeExpress
- **fix:** [ProductCategoryPopup] Default category is selected by default during bulk edit has been fixed
- **fix:** [SPMV] Product Advertisement Payment & Reverse Withdrawal Payment product showing on SPMV list
- **fix:** [FollowStore] Fixed permalink reset issue after activating the module
- **fix:** [StoreCategories] Uncategorized count increases after adding new users other than seller role
v3.7.16 Mar 09, 2023
- **update:** [WithdrawDisbursement] Added unsubscribe option for auto disbursement schedule for vendors.
There is no unsubscribe option for the withdrawal auto-disbursement schedule. Vendors can't disable auto-withdraw requests once it is enabled.
- **update:** [WithdrawDisbursement] Added announcement support for the withdraw disbursement schedule after admin reset (disable/enable) that particular disbursement option. There's no option for a vendor to know whether his/her schedule method is reset or not.
- **update:** [Shipping] Added Free Shipping validity check support for individual vendors shipping if set from individual shipping options or coupon
- **fix:** [GEOLocation] The product is not showing when searching for products using the product location address on the shop page
- **fix:** [VendorStoreSettings] State option appear while choosing the country with no state
- **fix:** [Refund] Fixed a fatal error while refunding an order from vendor dashboard if order line item doesn’t contain tax.
- **fix:** [Refund] The vendor earnings become negative after the admin approves any refund request.
Download Dokan Business v3.7.15 - Multi Vendor Marketplace Nulled Free
v3.7.15 Feb 23, 2023

- **update:** [Shortcode] Added user role-based validation for the customer-to-vendor migration shortcode.
- **update:** [StoreSettings] Added DateRangePicker library instead of DatePicker for vacation mode settings.
- **update:** [ShipStation] Dsiplay admin dependency notice to resolve conflict with “WooCommerce – ShipStation Integration” plugin
- **update:** [SellerBadge] Removed the placeholder condition part for the badges that do not require a condition and placed a self-explanatory content on that part.
- **update:** [SellerBadge] Replaced the Logical select dropdown with the text ‘More Than’ as the dropdown was not required.
- **update:** [DistanceRateShipping] Replaced `Second Address` text with `City` under Distance Rate Shipping Vendor Settings page under City text box description.
- **update:** [DeliveryTime]: Added Delivery/Pickup time in order confirmation email of admin, vendor, and customer.
- **fix:** [Shortcode] The customer-to-vendor migration form throwing a fatal error after submitting has been fixed.
- **fix:** [Refund] Vendor can't refund if the remaining amount is in fraction (e.g. 0.01) for order total/tax/shipping
- **fix:** [StoreSettings] DatePicker was disabling wrong dates after adding a vacation schedule on seller vacation mode settings.
- **fix:** [StoreSettings] Duplicate `Set Vacation Message` textbox was displaying if `Date wise close` mode is selected for vacation mode settings.
- **fix:** [StoreSettings] Unnecessary validation message for `Set Vacation Message` textbox after store settings have been saved.
- **fix:** [RequestAQuote] Getting a "Your quote is currently empty." message when a customer submitted the quotation request has been fixed
- **fix:** [Elementor] Hiding the vendor info from the WP admin dashboard Dokan setting still the vendor information appearing on the single store page has been fixed.
- **fix:** Vendor profile picture becomes blurred if the profile picture is uploaded from the admin dashboard.
- **fix:** [AdminCoupon] Fixed minimum amount of admin coupon applies based on the base product price, excluding tax
- **fix:** [SellerBadge] Removed animation from badge add/edit page
- **fix:** [Geolocation] If products are exported without meta value and trying to update them, it gets stuck and returns a fatal error when the Geolocation module is enabled.
- **fix:** [StoreReview] The markup on the Vendor Dashboard Reviews page is broken if the Vendor Product Review option is disabled in the admin settings.
- **fix:** [StripeConnect] The `Processing Fee Paid By` tooltip generated by Dokan Stripe Connect is sending the wrong message if the gateway fee was paid by the admin.
- **fix:** [Booking] Vendors are getting incorrect links via emails to view the single order and all orders.
v3.7.14 Feb 13, 2023
- **new:** [Module] Seller Badge: Offer vendors varieties of badges by their performance in your marketplace.
- **new:** [API] new endpoint to duplicate product via API: `/dokan/v2/products/:id/duplicate`
- **fix:** [Refund] The search option in the Refund menu is not operational.
- **fix:** [VendorStaff] Product importer gets stuck when a vendor staff tries to import products.
- **fix:** [RestAPI]: fatal error for deleting product variation
- **fix:** [MinMaxQuantities] Min-max rule for products cannot be disabled.
- **fix:** [DokanShippingStatus] The order note email is sent to the customer when a shipping status is added to an order by the vendor alongside the shipping status email.
- **fix:** [Dokan Wholesale]: Wholesale customer approval setting is not working correctly.
- **fix:** [Refund] Using more user-friendly alert for sub-orders refund from the main order and refunded products are not being restocked.
- **fix:** [Elementor] The available templates do not show up on the Library modal window.
- **fix:** [VendorReports] Fixed wrong calculation of net sales on vendor reports
- **fix:** [AdminReports] Fixed "By Day" & "By Vendor" filter screen keeps loading
- **fix:** [RequestForQuotation] Customer search of Request for Quotation not working on the plain permalink structure
- **fix:** [RequestForQuotation] Error on updating existing quote of Request for Quotation module if plain permalink selected
- **fix:** [RequestForQuotation] Error on adding new quote rule of Request for Quotation module if plain permalink selected
- **fix:** [RequestForQuotation] Error on updating existing quote rule of Request for Quotation module if plain permalink selected

=v3.7.13 Jan 26, 2023=​

- **new:** Extended REST API support for Dokan
- **new:** Added a filter hook named `dokan_vendor_biography_form` to control vendor biography form arguments
- **new:** Added a filter named `dokan_paypal_marketplace_product_type` hook to control PayPal marketplace default product type
- **update:** Allow vendors to add new values to predefined attributes
- **update:** Added a new section to regenerate variable products author under Dokan → Tools page.
- **fix:** Multiple store category modal wasn't working for some theme
- **fix:** [StoreReview]: Reviews page markup broken if Vendor Product Review option disabled from admin settings
- **fix:** [Booking] The vendors are getting an error on the vendor dashboard while adding a person type.
- **fix:** [Booking] Enabling two booking products that require confirmation is throwing an email error.
- **fix:** [DeliveryTime] Added translation support for delivery slot calendar under checkout page.
Download Dokan Business v3.7.12 - Multi Vendor Marketplace Nulled Free
v3.7.12 Jan 10, 2023

- **update:** [StripeExpress ] Added support for source transaction in Stripe Express
- **fix:** [DeliveryTime] Missing delivery time for the newly registered customer at the time of ordering
Download Dokan Business v3.7.11 - Multi Vendor Marketplace Nulled Free
v3.7.11 Dec 26, 2022

- **fix:** [VendorSubscription] Vendors subscription pack validity date invalid, it was getting the date without formating from subscription product.
Download Dokan Business v3.7.10 - Multi Vendor Marketplace Nulled Free
v3.7.10 Nov 30, 2022

- **fix:** [Stripe Express] Payment error when WooCommerce subscription is disabled
- **fix:** [Geolocation] Product filtering was not working when geolocation was not set in the filters
- **fix:** [RMA] A fatal error occurs when the RMA Requests page is visited from my account page if order doesn't exists on database
- **fix:** [Rank Math SEO] Assets dependency issue with the latest version of Rank Math SEO
- **update:** Updated UI/UX of vendor dashboard submenu
- **update:** [Vendor Subscription] Enabled support for guest users to purchase vendor subscription pack.
Download Dokan Business v3.7.9 - Multi Vendor Marketplace Nulled Free
= v3.7.9 Nov 3, 2022 =

**fix:** Store category filter was not working in the admin panel
**fix:** [Geolocation] Store filtering was not working when geolocation was not set in the filters
**fix:** SweetAlert library is conflicting with the WooCommerce Conversion Tracking plugin
**fix:** Fixed a fatal error after installing the Disable Rest API plugin
**fix:** [DeliveryTime] Delivery time box is showing on admin orders, even though the delivery setting is not enabled
**fix:** [DeliveryTime] Delivery time box is showing on vendor orders, even though the delivery setting is not enabled
**fix:** [DeliveryTime] Fixed some warnings on a fresh installation