Dokan – La meilleure solution de place de marché multi-vendeurs WooCommerce

Nulled WordPress Plugin Dokan – La meilleure solution de place de marché multi-vendeurs WooCommerce v3.11.2 NULLED Business

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v3.9.7 Jan 11, 2024
- **fix:** [StripeExpress] Performance improvement for Stripe Express module.
Previously, the Add to Cart button and proceed to the checkout page took extra time to load. With this release, we've fixed the loading time issue.
Download Dokan Business v3.9.6 - Multi Vendor Marketplace Nulled Free
v3.9.6 Dec 15, 2023

- **fix:** Fixed an issue where the Dokan Subscription product switched to Simple Product after saving from WordPress Admin Panel --> Products --> Edit Product page.
- **fix:** Resolved a fatal error that occurred when attempting to renew a subscription within the WordPress Admin Panel. Specifically, this issue occurred while navigating to WooCommerce > Subscription > Edit a single subscription that included a line item coupon.
v3.9.5 Dec 12, 2023
- **chore:** Removed PayPal Adaptive Payment Gateway module from Dokan Pro
- **fix:** Refund request with line item quantity 0 support added.
Previously, if the vendor tried to set the line item as 0 manually and tried to request a refund, they would get an unwanted validation error. Not the request will proceed as intended.
- **fix:** Product reviews widget in vendor dashboard visible even after disabling from the WooCommerce's setting
- **fix:** Missing assets on the RFQ page with WPML
- **fix:** Fixed a fatal error due to a type casting error under the vendor coupon OrderDiscount section
- **update:** Ambiguous text RMA Requests is replaced with Returns & Refunds in my account menu list.
- **update:** Vendors will see a new notification with the count of new Refund and Return requests beside the Return Request menu.
- **update:** A new Email called Dokan Send Refund Request Conversation Notification to Vendor and Customer will be triggered when a vendor or customer replies to any RMA Request Conversation notifying the other party.
v3.9.4 Nov 30, 2023
- **new:** [Announcement] Introduce API for vendor announcements.
1. `dokan/v1/announcement/notice/{notice_id}` For Getting, updating, deleting single notice data
2. `dokan/v1/announcement` For getting all the announcement records. Parameters `vendor_id, search, status, read_status, from, to` are now supported
- **new:** [DokanAuction] Previously vendors could not duplicate auction products from the vendor dashboard. After this update vendors will be able to duplicate auction products.
- **update:** [DeliveryTime] Enhanced Validation and Descriptive Messages: We've added several validation checks and descriptive messages to the "delivery time" admin settings, making it easier to configure and understand.
- **update:** [DeliveryTime] Order Notifications: Order update email notifications will now only be triggered when there are updates to the order's delivery time and/or date, ensuring that customers receive relevant information.
- **update:** [DeliveryTime] Revamped Vendor Dashboard: We've updated the design of the delivery time settings in the vendor dashboard, providing a more user-friendly and intuitive experience.
- **update:** [DeliveryTime] Improved Date Selection: Non-available dates are now automatically disabled on the admin dashboard when editing orders, simplifying the process of selecting delivery dates and times.
- **update:** [StripeExpress] Improved Stripe Account Deletion: Synced Removal from Admin Dashboard.
In the past, when an admin deleted a Stripe account from the admin dashboard on the user edit page, the Stripe settings were only removed locally, while the remote user account on Stripe remained unaffected. With this update, we've enhanced the process. Now, when you delete a Stripe account from the admin dashboard, not only will the local settings be deleted, but the corresponding remote Stripe user account will also be removed. This ensures a synchronized and comprehensive removal process for a more efficient and consistent user experience.
- **update:** [VendorDiscount] Replaced vendor discount implementation with coupons.
The vendor discount system has been overhauled to incorporate coupons for both Product Quantity Discounts and Order Discounts. The new system automatically generates and applies coupons based on cart items and order total, which enhances the user experience and streamlines vendor discounts. This will also fix some of the issues related to vendor discounts our users were having till now.
- **update:** [Booking] Added missing `Linked Products Section` under Booking Product Edit Page
- **fix:** [DeliveryTime] Fixed an issue where users got a fatal error under the checkout page if the corresponding vendors didn’t add their store address.
- **fix:** Fixed a typo under Add New Vendor Modal
- **fix:** [SingleStepProductCreate] Fixed some issues like product data not being saved for the first time when the single step product create feature is enabled.
- **fix:** [ProductAddons] Fixed some translation issues under vendor dashboard → Settings page.
- **fix:** [MangoPay] Fixed the automatic connection of the vendor account to Mangopay.
Previously, when a customer transitioned to become a vendor, their vendor account is automatically linked to a MangoPay account without the need to submit a connection request. Now the issue is resolved.
- **fix:** [StoreSupport] Fixed an issue where the new support ticket email was not sent to the admin and corresponding vendors.
- **fix:** [StripeConnect] Fixed an issue where the Dokan Stripe Connect is no longer showing the webhook url under payment gateway settings page description help text.
- **fix:** [RMA] Fixed an issue where overriding the RMA for a variable product was not working. With this release, the problem was resolved by fetching RMA data from the parent product if the cart item is a product variation.
- **fix:** [PayPalMarketplace] Fixed an issue where the pop up to connect the PayPal account of the vendors wasn’t working in Firefox browser.
- **fix:** [VendorShipping] Fixed an issue where the Shipping Zones were missing under the vendor dashboard on newly created sites.
- **fix:** Live Search option `Autoload Replace Current Content` under Dokan admin settings now replaces the page content for displaying product list under frontend.
- **fix:** [VendorShipping] Fixed an issue where the admin were getting fatal error while storing shipping zone data under WooCommerce → Settings → Shipping
- **fix:** [VendorDiscount] Addressed an issue with Product Quantity Discounts on Variable Products. The update ensures correct commission allocation to administrators and accurate earnings for vendors, maintaining financial integrity.
- **fix:** [VendorDiscount] Resolved discrepancies in order totals between Vendor Orders and Order Details when both Product Quantity and Order Discounts are applied. This fix ensures consistency and prevents mismatch alerts during a refund.
- **fix:** [VendorDiscount] Implemented fixes for incorrect tax calculations, ensuring accurate tax amounts are applied and displayed in accordance with the applied discounts.
- **fix:** [VendorDiscount] Updated the Order Details to correctly show discounts on subscription products, ensuring all discounts are transparently and accurately reflected.
v3.9.3 Nov 13, 2023
- **fix:** In the past, when an admin deleted the auto-generated page for the Request for Quote module, clicking the “Request a Quote” button would erroneously redirect users to the home page. However, with this recent update, if the page is no longer available, the Request for Quote auto-generated page will be recreated, and users will be correctly redirected to the appropriate page.
- **fix:** Fixed an issue where the `Shipping Status` cannot be changed from the `Order Details` page
- **fix:** [PayPalMarketplace] Fixed an issue where the "Refund via Dokan PayPal Marketplace" Option was missing for the booking products order that needed confirmation.
- **fix:** Fixed an issue where the `Inventory` tab is appearing for the Dokan Subscription products when the WooCommerce Simple Auction plugin is activated.
- **fix:** Fixed a fatal error while trying to "batch update wholesale customer" with non-existing user ids
- **fix:** Fixed an issue where the geolocation of a product is not working when adding a new bookable product.
- **update:** Displaying wholesale price on product category archive which was missing on the earlier version of Dokan Pro
- **update:** [SellerVacation] Displaying Seller Vacation message on a single product page, previously there was no way for the customers to know if the seller was on vacation until they visited the single store page.
v3.7.24 Jun 09, 2023
- **fix:** [VendorVerification] Fixed a fatal error and some warnings when the vendor verification module is enabled.
v3.7.22 May 24, 2023
- **update:** [AdminReport] A new column has been added to the admin commission report in WordPres Dashboard → Dokan → Reports → Logs to display Shipping Tax. Additionally, detailed tooltips have been included to indicate the type of earnings for both admin and vendors.
- **update:** [VendorDashboard] Added Shipping tax refund restriction based on tax settings.
- **update:** [DeliveryTime] Delivery time selection now prevents choosing past times.
- **fix:** “Change Store Photo" text blocks image upload clickable region
- **fix:** [ProductReviews] Disabling Product Reviews in WooCommerce Does Not Hide Reviews Menu in Vendor Dashboard.
- **fix:** Fixed some warnings and fatal errors for PHP versions 8.1 and 8.2.
- **fix:** [DokanWPML] Fixed an issue where categories were not appearing on the multistep category UI when using the latest version of WPML Multilingual CMS and it was not configured.
- **fix:** [VendorDashboard] Translation wasn’t working for some modules eg: Seller Badge.
- **fix:** [EuComplianceFields] Fixed new customer created from checkout page getting a "None" user role
- **fix:** [StripeExpress] An issue with saving payment methods for customers without a billing address in Stripe Express module has been resolved.
Download Dokan Business v3.7.21 - Multi Vendor Marketplace Nulled Free
v3.7.21 May 10, 2023

- **fix:** Remove assigned store categories from a user while deleting a user account
- **fix:** Fixed wrong counts of store categories under Dokan admin page
- **fix:** [ProductVariationController.php] fix syntax error in get_item_schema() call
- **fix:** [SellerBadge] fixed a typo in the properties key of the item schema
- **fix:** [VendorSubscription] Added null check for $product before checking its type
- **fix:** Fixed badge events are firing even though no badge has been created yet.
- **fix:** Fixed badge search doesn't work after providing an invalid search value under vendor dashboard
- **fix:** [StripeExpress] Save Card for stripe connect doesn't work correctly if the Stripe Express module is enabled
- **fix:** [StripeExpress] Can not add a new Payment Method using Stripe Express from the My Account page if the cart is not empty (Vendor should be connected using Stripe Express)
- **fix:** [StripeExpress] Fixed a fatal error while adding a customer payment method (card) from the My Account --> Payment Methods page.
- **fix:** Fixed after expiration of a subscription, repurchasing vendor subscription publishes all vendor products regardless of product status[draft, pending review, online]
- **fix:** [Booking] Fixed calendar doesn't show up while creating booking from the Vendor Dashboard --> Booking --> Add Booking menu
- **fix:** [VendorVerification] Fixed verified badge on the single store page is not appearing in all store headers.
- **fix:** [DokanStripeExpress] Fixed the vendors are redirected to the first step of the seller setup wizard after they connect their Stripe account in the second step.
- **update:** [ProductAdvertisement] Added sold individually param to true for advertisement base product when creating it, so that quantity can't be changed
- **update:** Added Dokan dummy data link under WordPress Dashboard --> Dokan --> Tools menu
- **update:** [DistanceRateShipping] Added a new section to check if Distance Matrix API is enabled for Google Map API Key.
- **update:** [ColorSchemeCustomizer] Used color set by Color Scheme Customizer Module instead of hardcoded value for Report Abuse modal header color
- **update:** [RFQ] Changed REST base dokan/v1/customers to dokan/v1/request-for-quote/customers since Dokan Mobile App already occupied this REST base
- **update:** [RFQ] Changed REST base dokan/v1/dokan-quote-rule to dokan/v1/request-for-quote/dokan-quote-rule
- **update:** [RFQ] Changed REST base dokan/v1/dokan-request-quote to dokan/v1/request-for-quote/
- **update:** [RFQ] Changed REST base dokan/v1/roles to dokan/v1/request-for-quote/roles
- **update:** [VendorSubscription] Added cart notices under vendor subscription list page, previously error messages were displaying only on cart or checkout pages.
- **update:** Remove expected earning calculation from subscription and variable products
- **update:** [StripeExpress] Set country field as required if Cross Border Transfer and Onboarding feature is enabled from Payment Gateway setting
- **update:** [StripeExpress] Added a button to cancel onboarding process from Vendor Dashboard payment settings page
v3.7.20 Apr 28, 2023
- **update:** [VendorAnalytics] Completed Google verification for Vendor Analytics App.
v3.7.19 Apr 17, 2023
- **new:** [API] Added new API endpoint for SPMV module, endpoints are
- **update:** [StripeExpress] Moved some CSS code to the Astra theme support folder.
- **fix:** Fixed a design issue under the Social profile link on the vendor dashboard.
- **fix:** [ProductReviews] Fixed bulk actions are not working on the review list page under vendor dashboard
- **fix:** Fixed some PHP warning under admin dashboard users profile edit page