ZOOlanders Essentials YOOtheme Pro

Joomla Plugin ZOOlanders Essentials YOOtheme Pro v2.2.10

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Version 2.2.10 - May 8, 2024​

Bug Fixes​

  • Fixed database auth migration
  • Fixed Storage creation regression
  • Fixed fatal error when a Database source table doesn't exist
  • Fixed form option fields validation and support for a zero value


  • Email cloaking will be disabled only when an Email input field present in a form
  • Google Business Profile location time periods are properly merged now plus support More Hours
  • Form email action will warn against using From Email setting (use reply-to instead)
## Version 2.2.0 - January 24, 2024
### New Features
- Added Dynamic Query Arguments 🥳
- Added Google Photos source
- Added Google Calendar source
- Added Mailchimp actions
- Added Airtable source and actions
- Added datemodify source filter globally
## Version 2.1.4 - January 10, 2024
### New Features
- Added optional metadata field to ChartJS data
### Bug Fixes
- Fixed listing sources grouped as Global

Version 2.0.7 - June 6, 2023​

Bug Fixes​

  • Fixed ui issue related to repeatable fields not displaying properly
  • Fixed pagination in Youtube Channel and Playlists queries
  • Fixed warnings in Google My Business reviews query
  • Fixed email action dynamic attachment field
  • Fixed dynamic condition not showing eval field for less than evaluation

Version 2.0.5 - May 30, 2023​

Bug Fixes​

  • Fixed layout libraries ui regressions
  • Fixed dynamic fields resolving regressions
  • Fixed dynamic button appearing multiple times
  • Fixed support for Google Sheet sheets with custom names

Version 2.0.2 - May 26, 2023​

Bug Fixes​

  • Fixed displaying graphql errors not related to essential sources
  • Fixed PHP warning about form captcha elements id attribute generation
## 1.9.8 (April 4, 2023)
- Fix auto-update regresion (WordPress).
## 1.9.6 (March 14, 2023)
- Fix Forms Checkbox and Radio options custom id support.
- Fix Forms View Helper conflicting with 3rd party plugins.
- Fix RSS Source for feeds containing list of strings.
- Fix Database source issue with relations having uppercase field names.

1.9.5 (March 7, 2023)​

  • Fixed
    Fix Form source type fields name display.
  • Fixed
    Fix Form fields custom id attribute support.
  • Fixed
    Fix Form upload when using space in field control name.
  • Fixed
    Fix Chart Element color rendering regression.
  • Fixed
    Fix Customizer UI Dropdown display regression.