WP Table Manager

WordPress Plugin WP Table Manager v4.1.0

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= 4.1.0 =
* Add : Ninja form connector: Create table from Ninja form data
* Fix : Improved for table rendering function on front-end
* Fix : fix table display in Elementor theme
Version 4.0.1
Add Get cell style from conditional formatting in Excel import
Fix Improved performance for table rendering function on front-end
Fix Special character in cell tooltip
= 4.0.0 =
* Add : Gravity form connector: Create table from Gravity form data
* Add : Possibility of creating and editing Gravity Form entries directly within WP Table Manager tables
* Fix : Responsive for chart
* Fix : Missing values of row when import csv
Version 3.8.0
  • Add Preview table in Gutenberg block
  • Add Preview chart in Gutenberg block
  • Add Improve compute recursively in some formula on table
  • Add Possibility to keep formula in cell as text (not calculating formula result) when import/sync Excel file
  • Fix Improve the function import excel file