WP-Lister Pro for Amazon

WordPress Plugin WP-Lister Pro for Amazon v2.6.17

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Download WP-Lister Pro for Amazon v2.6.17 Nulled Free
= v2.6.17 - 2024-05-30 =

Fix: More compatibility issue with WC_Order::get_stock_reduced()
Fix: Order fulfillment feed status update to prevent missed order updates
Dev: Security fix
= 2.6.12 - 2024-03-22 =
* Fix: SQL error in the Edit Product page
* Fix: Warning when checking if an order is FBA-fulfillable
* Fix: Backward-compatibility with set_order_stock_reduced and get_order_stock_reduced
* Fix: Product-level bullet points not getting overwritten by the profile value
* Fix: Inherit the parent's profile when matching new variations
* Dev: Announcements adjustments
* Dev: Removed deprecated code that's causing notices
* Dev: Performance enhancement in the Feeds table
* Dev: Security fixes
* Dev: Added missing country marketplaces in the Endpoints.php file
Download WP-Lister Pro for Amazon v2.6.11 Nulled Free
= v2.6.11 - 2024-02-28 =

* New: Added support for the Order Attribution Tracking in WooCommerce
* Fix: Missing flags of the newly added marketplaces
* Fix: Variable ASINs not getting pulled after getting listed
* Tweak: Make announcements hideable
Download WP-Lister Pro for Amazon v2.6.10 Nulled Free
= v2.6.10 - 2024-02-13 =

* New: Added a setting to override the Prices Include Taxes in WooCommerce
* Fix: Category Template installer not recognizing valid values for the IT marketplace
* Fix: Check for the required tables using the information_schema table
* Fix: Added context to the processShortcodeInContent() method to prevent attributes from being run through wpautop()
* Fix: Uninstall routine does not clear WPLA data from the postmeta table
Download WP-Lister Pro for Amazon v2.6.9 Nulled Free
= v2.6.9 - 2024-01-25 =

* Fix: Escape input data from URL
* Fix: Allow the installation of Feed Templates for the newly added marketplaces
* Fix: When uploading invoices to Amazon, send the order number if the invoice number is not set
Download WP-Lister Pro for Amazon v2.6.8 Nulled Free
= v2.6.8 - 2024-01-17 =

* Hotfix - Feed value for standard_price and sale_price not getting set properly
Download WP-Lister Pro for Amazon v2.6.7 Nulled Free
= v2.6.7 - 2024-01-16 =

* New: Added the ability to parse the newer listing templates from Amazon
* Fix: Javascript issue preventing the Change Profile bulk action tool from working
* Fix: Convert price value to use a decimal point character if coming from a profile field attribute
Download WP-Lister Pro for Amazon v2.6.6 Nulled Free
= v2.6.6 - 2024-01-10 =

* New: Added new beta support for these marketplaces: Belgium, Egypt, Mexico, Poland, Singapore, South Africa, Sweden, Turkey, Polan
* Fix: Added the missing MY_VOEC reseller category
* Fix: List on Amazon and Change Profile window not working
* Dev: Display local time in the log files
Download WP-Lister Pro for Amazon v2.6.5 Nulled Free
= v2.6.5 - 2024-01-02 =

* Fix: List on Amazon not working when WC Block Editor is enabled
* Fix: Link to download personalization archive not showing up
* Fix: Lowest offer details window not showing Lowest Offer Data
* Dev: The wpla_mcf_enabled_order_statuses filter must have the same values in both places where it is used
* Dev: Log files not getting created
* Dev: Display local time in the order details window