WP Cerber Security Pro - WordPress Antispam & Malware Scan

Nulled WordPress Plugin WP Cerber Security Pro - WordPress Antispam & Malware Scan v9.6.2

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Download WP Cerber Security Pro v9.6.2 - WordPress Antispam & Malware Scan Nulled Free
= v9.6.2 =

New: Introduced an admin tool that provides clear explanations of security events in WP Cerber logs and security settings WP Cerber applied in processing requests.
New: Implemented settings for configuring header-based exceptions for WP Cerber’s anti-spam and firewall.
Improved: A new activity log event, "Comment marked as spam", to simplify spam comment management and related plugin settings.
Improved: A new quick filter, "Spam Events" on the Activity tab. It helps admins to easily view all spam-related events and actions taken by WP Cerber’s anti-spam.
Improved: WP Cerber now logs the reasons for blocking IP addresses with better accuracy making it simpler to discern the root cause of lockouts.
Improved: To mitigate plugin conflicts, implemented a dequeuing mechanism that removes conflicting JavaScript scripts loaded by other plugins on WP Cerber admin pages.
Improved: The layout of several WP Cerber admin settings pages and translations have been improved for better admin experience.
Improved: Refined the wording of WP Cerber plugin settings, improving clarity for a better understanding of the plugin’s behavior.
Fixed: A minor PHP bug "An error of type E_ERROR was caused in line 661 of the file /wp-cerber/cerber-lab.php."
Fixed: A minor PHP bug "PHP Warning: Undefined array key net_connection_ip in /wp-cerber/cerber-lab.php on line 330"
= 9.6 =
New: You can control the amount of sign-in attempt details that are shown in 2FA email messages. You can also disable this section completely.
Improved: You can have individual 2FA email configuration for each role on your WordPress and configure per-user settings as well.
Improved: A new "Login Security" section on the user edit page in the [professional version of WP Cerber](https://my.wpcerber.com/ps/).
Improved: New status for activity log entries: "Access denied by plugin settings." It indicates that a given request is denied based on settings within the WP Cerber configuration.
Breaking changes: The feature to use a separate user email address for receiving 2FA codes is available in the [professional version of WP Cerber only](https://my.wpcerber.com/ps/).
Fixed: A fatal PHP error occurs when "Data Shield" is enabled, and a plugin tries to change WordPress settings without loading pluggable PHP functions: "Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function wp_get_current_user() in /wp-cerber/cerber-common.php:1820"
= 9.5 =
New: Get an email notification whenever a new version of a plugin is available.
New: An additional option for [granting access to users’ data via REST API](https://wpcerber.com/restrict-access-to-wordpress-rest-api/) for selected user roles.
New: An additional option for [sending activity alerts](https://wpcerber.com/wordpress-notifications-made-easy/). Email alerts can be sent to an email address you have on your WordPress account.
Improved: WP Cerber now permanently stores users’ last login data (IP address, time, user’s country) for all users. [The data can be erased by website admin](https://wpcerber.com/delete-personal-data/).
Improved: To prevent having insecure plugin configuration, WP Cerber validates required HTTP headers before enabling [the behind a proxy mode](https://wpcerber.com/wordpress-ip-address-detection/) in the WP Cerber settings.
Fixed: A specially formatted request can bypass the disabled redirection from a /wp-admin/ locations to the [custom login page](https://wpcerber.com/how-to-rename-wp-login-php/).
Fixed: The [integrity scanner](https://wpcerber.com/wordpress-security-scanner/) labels a file as "File is missing" if the folder containing the file is on the "Directories to exclude" list.
Fixed: After clicking "Apply" on the "Screen Options" on the [Cerber.Hub](https://wpcerber.com/manage-multiple-websites/) admin page, a blank page is displayed.
Download WP Cerber Security Pro v9.4.0 - WordPress Antispam & Malware Scan Nulled Free
= v9.4 =

New: In addition to weekly reporting, WP Cerber can be configured to generate and send monthly activity reports once a month.
New: Weekly activity reports now can be generated either for the last 7 days or the previous calendar week.
New: Redirecting requests to a specified URL instead of generating a 404 page when attempting to access prohibited locations on a website.
New: The "Remember Me" checkbox on the WordPress login form can be disabled.
Improved: No access to author archives via any possible URLs if "Block access to user pages via their usernames" is enabled.
Improved: The default period of weekly reports is the previous calendar week.
Fixed: If WordPress is installed in a subfolder and the custom login page is configured, submitting the password reset form doesn’t redirect users to the page with a success message showing "Not Found" instead.
Fixed: If the custom login page is configured, disabling the login language switcher has no effect on the login form and the language switcher is still displayed.
Fixed: On some multi-site WordPress installations, WP Cerber can produce warning messages about using undefined UPLOADBLOGSDIR constant
Fixed: If the access lists contain IPv6 addresses and the Activity log contains entries with IPv6 addresses, viewing those entries causes PHP warnings "undefined property: stdClass::$comments".
Fixed: If Pushbullet mobile notifications are enabled and the list of available devices contains inactive (removed) devices, WP Cerber produces PHP notices "Undefined index: nickname" while parsing the list.
Download WP Cerber Security Pro v9.3.3 - WordPress Antispam & Malware Scan Nulled Free
= v9.3.3 =

* Fixed: A bug that prevents loading default values of some WP Cerber settings upon the plugin activation. On some websites the bug can cause plugin configuration inconsistency and suboptimal security.
= v9.3.2 =
* Improved: Every locked-out IP address on the "Lockout" tab has a link to check its suspicious activity in the Activity log.
* Improved: The activity log provides more details on [two-factor authentication (2FA)](https://wpcerber.com/two-factor-authentication-for-wordpress/) events with several new statuses that are logged if an attempt to log in using 2FA was aborted.
* Improved: The activity log provides more details when a user was forcefully logged out (user session has been terminated) due to a restriction.
* Fixed minor vulnerability: If WordPress is installed in a subfolder and [access to WordPress REST API has been blocked on the "Hardening" tab](https://wpcerber.com/restrict-access-to-wordpress-rest-api/), a bad actor can get access to REST API by using a specially formatted request.
* Fixed minor bug: Multiple duplicate notifications are sent via email and [Pushbullet](https://wpcerber.com/wordpress-mobile-and-browser-notifications-pushbullet/) if an IP address is permanently getting blocked due to multiply consequent malicious requests and the notification limit is set to 0.
Download WP Cerber Security Pro v9.3 - WordPress Antispam & Malware Scan Nulled Free
= v9.3 = Thanks To @Legolas

* This is a bug fix and code optimization version
* Fixed: Unable to remove a blocked IP network class C (with an asterisk) from the list of locked out IP addresses by clicking the "Remove" link on the Lockouts tab.
* Fixed: "Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Cannot use object of type WP_Error as array in … /cerber-common.php on line 4634". The bug occurs if the PHP constant WP_ACCESSIBLE_HOSTS is defined and it does not contain 'downloads.wpcerber.com'.
Download WP Cerber Security Pro v9.2 - WordPress Antispam & Malware Scan Nulled Free
= v9.2 =

* New: Custom login error message. If showing the default WordPress login error message is disabled, you can optionally specify your own login error message. Available in the professional version.
* New: Custom password reset error message. If showing the default WordPress password reset error message is disabled, you can optionally specify your own password reset error message. Available in the professional version.
* Improved: Implemented Content-Security-Policy HTTP header as an extra layer of protection for the WP Cerber admin pages.
* Fixed A critical XSS vulnerability.
* Fixed: Fatal error "Call to a member function is_block_editor() on null" that occurs when attempting to load any admin page (starting with /wp-admin/) by an unauthorized request. The bug only occurs if the two following settings are configured as: "Disable dashboard redirection" is enabled and "Display 404 page" is set to "Use 404 template from the active theme".
* Fixed: No country flags are shown in some log rows while viewing WP Cerber logs on the managed website via Cerber.Hub.
* Fixed: The file viewer doesn't show the content of a file while viewing the results of a scan on the managed website via Cerber.Hub.