WordPress Automatic Plugin

Nulled WordPress Plugin WordPress Automatic Plugin v3.99.0 NULLED

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NEW: Import/Export feature for campaigns
NEW: Multi-page scraper/Feeds new option to remove unwanted parts by Visual selector/XPath
NEW: Multi-page scraper original time now support custom REGEX for extraction
NEW: Only import the post if the a specific criteria applies new option to allow if any
NEW: Skip the post if the a specific criteria applies new option to check all
NEW: Feeds/Multi-Scraper new option to search and replace in extracted tags
NEW: OpenAI new option to only post one article per keyword
Fix: eBay now reset the page number if reached last page
Fix: Multi-scraper now bypass cache for created feed files especially on OVH
NEW: OpenAI option to use keywords directly for articles instead of generating titles
NEW: OpenAI option to set the post as pending if prompt failed
Fix: [gpt3] shortcode now works for Amazon campaigns
Fix: Youtube skip posts older than a specific minute now generate a dynamic date for search
Fix: Careerjet module updated to get full description again after changes from CJ side
Download Wordpress Automatic Plugin v3.60.0 Nulled Free
3 January 2023 v3.60.0

NEW: OpenAI GPT support to create articles and use with any module with shortcode [gpt3] prompt [/gpt3]
NEW: option to translate the content between square brackets
NEW: Facebook events import now set the post date to the event start date if option enabled
Fix: Amazon custom HTML product extraction algorithm improved
NEW: option to extract and import amazon products from any page HTML
Fix: Facebook events import back to work after recent changes from FB
Fix: Youtube Auto-hyperlink URLs now correctly hyperlink links with @handle
Fix: Reddit flairs as categories/tags back to work
Fix: Tiktok back to work again after new changes
Fix: eBay all images extraction back to work after new changes from eBay
NEW: Option to filter the comments and skip comments containing a specific keyword
NEW: Youtube new tag [vid_duration_in_seconds] for duration filteration
NEW: Make permalink link directly to the source now works for custom post types
Fix: Instagram featured image now works correctly
Fix: Workaround added to sort WordPress adding line breaks inside JavaScript
Fix: Fixing relative paths algorithm improved
Fix: Tiktok can now import from users with dot in username
Fix: CareerJet now reset page index after 1000 results
Fix: Search and replace now aware of encoded chars like & char
Fix: Tags/Categories extraction now removes unnecessary slashes
Fix: Amazon now returns book description
Fix: Amazon now returns correct description/item features
Fix: Envato now reset page after reaching page 60
Fix: Apify back to work after recent changes that triggered an error Field input.proxyConfiguration is required
Fix: Facebook group posts full text extraction now back to work
Improved: Youtube posting from a channel can now accept channel URL instead of ID
NEW: Feeds/Multi-scraper option to extract original meta description and set as SEO meta description
NEW: Twitter option to auto embed direct video URL instead of Twitter embed code
NEW: Twitter new tag [item_video_url_direct] to get direct video URL for embed

NEW: Reddit option to set flairs as tags/categories and a new tag [item_flairs] to return them
NEW: option to not remember imported posts urls
Fix: Facbook events import back to work for new page experience pages
Fix: eBay now reset the keyword search index after reaching 10k results which is eBay limit
Fix: Feeds/Multi-scraper relative links fix algorithm improved
Download Wordpress Automatic Plugin v3.57.4 Nulled
v3.57.4 (19 September 2022)

NEW: Option to filter returned posts by fields equal to a specific value, contains a specific value, greater than a specific value and more
Fix: Feeds/Multi scraper specific part to custom field regex extraction single value tag now work
Fix: Keyword to category check option now works correctly
Fix: Twitter format from:user filter:videos now works
Download Wordpress Automatic Plugin v3.57.3 Nulled Free
v3.57.3 (6 September 2022)

Fix: The previous version created categories even if the option was not enabled, now sorted