Woocommerce Gift Cards

WordPress Plugin Woocommerce Gift Cards v1.16.13

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Vous pouvez télécharger 10 fichiers tous les 24 heures. Devenez Membre Premium pour outrepasser cette limite.
2024.04.15 - version 1.16.13
* Fix - Fixed regression 'Invalid quantity configuration. Please review the recipients count.' error for multiple gift cards with the same recipient email.
Download Woocommerce Gift Cards v1.16.12 Nulled Free
2024.04.10 - v1.16.12

* Tweak - Improved how gift cards emails are displayed in small screens.
* Tweak - Updated the way of identifying hydration context in Store API requests.
Download Woocommerce Gift Cards v1.16.11 Nulled Free
2024.03.26 - v1.16.11

* Tweak - Updated Gift Cards notices to use the new block styles.
* Fix - Resolved a PHP error that can occasionally occur when using WooPayments.
* Fix - Fixed fatal error triggered when recalculating totals with orders with gift cards and fees.
Download Woocommerce Gift Cards v1.16.10 Nulled Free
2024.02.14 - v1.16.10

* Tweak - Hide 'Refund to gift cards' button from orders that do not include any debited gift cards.
* Fix - Fixed an issue that prevented admin scripts from loading when High-Performance Order Storage was used.
* New - Introduced 'woocommerce_gc_cart_gift_cards_template_args' filter.
Download Woocommerce Gift Cards v1.16.9 Nulled Free
2024.01.24 - v1.16.9

* Tweak - Added compatibility with PHP 8.3.
* Tweak - Deferred frontend scripts.
* Tweak - Updated the WooPayments integration to remove express checkout buttons in gift card product pages.
* Tweak - Updated the PayPal integration to remove smart buttons in gift card product pages.
Download Woocommerce Gift Cards v1.16.8 Nulled Free
2023.12.19 - v1.16.8

* Fix - Fixed 'Invalid quantity configuration. Please review the recipients count.' error for multiple gift cards with the same recipient email.
Download Woocommerce Gift Cards v1.15.6 Nulled Free
2023.05.22 - v1.15.6

* Tweak - Introduced basic event tracking support via Tracks.
* Fix - Fixed a fatal error that was triggered when importing gift cards with corrupted activity data.
Download Woocommerce Gift Cards v1.15.1 Nulled Free
2023.01.23 - v1.15.1

* Important - Security improvements.
* Tweak - Added support for uploading translation files to GlotPress after each release.
Download Woocommerce Gift Cards v1.15.0 Nulled Free
2022.12.12 - v1.15.0

* Important - Declared compatibility with the new High-Performance Order Storage.