WC Vendors Pro - Marketplace Plugin for WordPress

Nulled WordPress Plugin WC Vendors Pro - Marketplace Plugin for WordPress v1.9.0 NULLED

Aucune permission de téléchargement
Présentation Mises à jour (4) Historique Discussion
☢️ Add-ons - CLUB ONLY ☢️
Vous pouvez télécharger 10 fichiers tous les 24 heures. Devenez Membre Premium pour outrepasser cette limite.
Version 1.9.0 - 4th April 2024

* Feature: Implement new license manager and license page settings
* Automation Fix: Vendor is inactive
* Bug fix: The vacation message is not displayed on the vendor store
* Bug Fix: Store Description For Header Not Wrapping In Div
* Bug Fix: The Country shipping rate is not saved in the product edit screen
* Bug Fix: Store Social Icons Not Linking to Social Pages
* Bug Fix: Product Category Commission Not Being Saved
* Bug Fix: Vendor rating is not working properly
* Bug Fix: Min and Max Shipping Charge per order HTML not rendered on the product page
* Bug Fix: Country Table Rate Shipping Not Being Rendered Properly
* Bug Fix: Single Product Tools does not show
Version - 23rd February 2024
* Bug Fix: Correct the plugin folder name
Version 1.8.9 - 21st February 2024

* Feature: Allow vendors to sort their orders by order status
* Improvement: Surface new preferred payment method setting on the Pro dashboard
* Bug Fix: Pro Dashboard reports are not showing on some installs after upgrading to 1.8.8
* Bug Fix: The tax calculation on the orders dashboard is incorrect when there are products from different vendors
Version 1.8.6 - 31st March 2023
* Fixed: Taxes display incorrect on the order details (#1725)
* Fixed: Author drop down title overridden on post's page.
* Fixed: Before Coupon Action not deducting from vendors' commission (#1721)
* Fixed: Elementor global styles not working with ratings page (#1720)
* Fixed: Marketplace Coupons not working (#1700)
* Fixed: Bulk editing products from WordPress dashboard changes the assigned vendors #1703
* Fixed: All coupon authors being assigned to admin
* Fixed: Global commission bug (#1714)
* Fixed: Vendors dropdown conflict with marketplace (#1712)
* Added: New actions to store headers for hooking into various sections.
* Added: Coupons author checking tool
* Updated: Sentence case for tools screen.