Uncanny Automator Pro WordPress Plugin

WordPress Plugin Uncanny Automator Pro WordPress Plugin v5.6

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5.6 [2024-03-13]​

New Feature:
  • Recipe UI - Delay - Use a custom token/value option #2683
New Integrations:
  • Date and Time #2671
  • Generator #2625
  • Magic Button #2363
  • QR Code #2657
  • Run Code #2481
  • wpDiscuz #2604
New Triggers:
  • Gravity Forms - A list row is submitted in a form #2670
  • SureCart - A refund for a product is issued to a customer #2521
  • SureCart - A user renews a subscription to a product #2520
  • SureCart - A user's subscription to a product is cancelled #2519
  • wpDiscuz - A guest comment is submitted on a user's post #2601
  • wpDiscuz - A guest comment on a user's post is approved #2602
New Actions:
  • Date and Time - Generate a date #2655
  • Date and Time - Generate a date and time #2656
  • Date and Time - Generate a date and time based on a date #2661
  • EDD Recurring - Cancel the user's subscription matching a subscription ID #2634
  • Generator - Generate a hash #2672
  • Generator - Generate a nonce #2673
  • Generator - Generate a random email #2654
  • QR Code - Generate a QR code #2662
  • WooCommerce - Get order details by an order ID #2610
  • Woo Subscriptions - Extend the user's next subscription renewal date to a specific product variation of aspecific product by a number of days #2643
  • WordPress - Verify a nonce #2674
  • wpDiscuz - Add a comment to a post #2603
New Condition:
  • LearnDash - The user is/is not a leader of a group #2617
  • WordPress - The user does not have a specific role #2697
New Post Loop Filters:
  • WooCommerce - An order ID is between a start ID and end ID #2557
  • WooCommerce - An order has/does not have a status #2559
  • WooCommerce - An order was placed between a start date and end date #2558
New Token:
  • GamiPress - A user earns an achievement - Image URL & Achievement ID tokens #2641
  • Advanced Custom Fields - Support for 'user_role' #2621
  • BuddyBoss - Create a group - Add a group type option #2624
  • LearnDash - Send a certificate - New WP Filter automator_pro_learndash_certificate_filename to change the filename #2650
  • LearnDash - User is/is not a member of a group - "Any group" option #2693
  • Woo Memberships - Remove the user from a membership plan - Membership plan field token support #2659
  • WordPress - Taxonomy triggers - "Also include child categories" option #2668
  • BuddyBoss - A user joins a private group, A user joins a hidden group, A user joins a public group, A user joinsa private group - Not working when multiple users added by admin #2684
  • BuddyBoss - Set the user's Xprofile data - Not handling date fields properly #2690
  • BuddyPress - A user is removed from a group - Trigger not firing when an admin removes a user from backend#2663
  • BuddyPress - A user joins {{a private group}} - Trigger not firing when an admin adds a user from backend#2638
  • Formatter - Replace values in a string - Not replacing data in a JSON string #2689
  • Forminator - File field token returning as Array and not the file path #2665
  • LearnDash - Add a course to a group - Remove "Any course" option #2686
  • LearnDash - Add the user to a group - Tokens not rendering proper values #2626
  • WPForms - A user submits a form with PayPal payment - Trigger not firing #2623
  • Woo Subscriptions - A user's renewal payment for a subscription product fails - Set the correct context of the user in logs #2629
  • WooCommerce - A product in a specific term in a specific taxonomy has its associated order set to a specific status - Not firing for some users #2680
UI Updates:
  • Magic Button and Links triggers moved to "Magic Button" Integration #2479
  • "Call a custom function" actions moved to "Run Code" integration #2482
  • "Generate a string" action moved to "Generator" integration #2625
Under the hood:
  • Magic Button and Links - Additional WordPress filters #2542
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v5.5 [2024-01-25]
New Trigger:

  • Easy Digital Downloads - A file is downloaded #2486
New Actions:
  • BuddyBoss - Unsubscribe the user from a forum #2514
  • BuddyPress - Unsubscribe the user from a forum #2515
  • Easy Digital Downloads - Delete a customer by ID #2065
  • LearnDash - Extend the user's access to a course by a number of days #2529
  • Woo Subscriptions - Extend the user’s next subscription renewal date to a specific product by a number of days #2528
  • Woo - Add a note to an order #2561
New Trigger Tokens:
  • Woo - Order item(s) total #2550
  • Woo - User's total spend & User's total spend (unformatted) #2549
  • WordPress - Post content (formatted) #2605
New Action Tokens:
  • WordPress - Add an image to the media library - Media Library ID and Media Library image URL #2599
  • LearnDash - Reset the user's progress in a course - "Reset Simple Course Timer data" checkbox when Uncanny Toolkit Pro is active #2576
  • Woo - Generate and email a coupon code - Added generated coupon property for Recipe logs #2546
  • Easy Digital Downloads - "Product" text changed to "Download" for consistency #2608
  • OpenAI - Use a prompt to generate text with the Davinci model - Action deprecated, existing recipes switched to davinci-002 model #2589
  • Paid Membership Pro - Filters missing hidden levels #2586
  • WordPress - "Post content" token renamed to "Post content (raw)" #2606
  • Amelia - A user's booking of an appointment for a service has been changed to a specific status - Set the context of the trigger to the current user #2554
  • Background actions - Condition group incorrectly show as skipped in the Recipe logs #2588
  • BuddyBoss - Set the user's Xprofile data - Handle multiple options #2574
  • JetFormsBuilder - Tokens are now being rendered inside the User Loop #2587
  • Loop filters - A post is a specific type of post - Now only displays public post types #2583
  • Paid Membership Pro - An admin assigns a membership level to a user - Set member as the current user for recipe logs #2566
  • WordPress - A user updates a post - No longer fires on publish and on trash events #2543
  • WordPress - A user updates a post in a specific status - Validation to check if array key exists #2564
Under the hood:
  • Data management - Auto prune cron now includes settings for hours and minutes #2562
  • Loop Filters - Make Loop Filters a post type as private #2580
  • Magic button/link - WP Filters and actions - automator_pro_magic_link_tokens, automator_pro_magic_buttons_tokens, automator_pro_magic_link_triggered, automator_pro_magic_button_triggered #2539
Download Uncanny Automator Pro v5.4 WordPress Plugin Nulled Free
v5.4 [2023-12-21]
New Actions:

  • WooCommerce Bookings - Create a booking #2397
  • WooCommerce Bookings - Change a booking to a specific status #2360
New Conditions:
  • EDD Software Licensing - A user has/does not have an active license for a download #2487
  • Easy Digital Downloads - A user has/has not downloaded a file #2485
New Loop Filters:
  • BuddyBoss - A user does not have a value in an Xprofile field #2496
  • BuddyBoss - A user has a value in an Xprofile field #2497
  • BuddyPress - A user does not have a value in an Xprofile field #2495
  • BuddyPress - A user has a value in an Xprofile field #2491
New Tokens:
  • MemberPress - Quiz triggers - Course ID #2503
  • Woo #2516
    • Order fee
    • Order fee (unformatted)
    • Shipping fee
    • Shipping fee (unformatted)
    • Stripe fee
    • Stripe fee (unformatted)
    • Stripe payout
    • Stripe payout (unformatted)
  • Formatter - Output the year in date formatter #2535
  • LearnDash - Send a certificate - Checkbox to "CC the user's Group Leaders" #2527
  • Data management - Auto-prune recipe logs - Added a dropdown to select time frame #2538
  • WooCommerce - User purchased conditions - Add "Any product" #2500
  • MemberPress - A coupon code is redeemed - Expects a user ID check #2483
  • WooCommerce - A user's order status changes to a specific status - Handle "Any" status #2522
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v5.3 [2023-11-20]
New Feature:

  • Loops - Post Loops #2453
New Integration:
  • WooCommerce Bookings #2391
New Triggers:
  • WooCommerce Bookings - A booking is updated #2357
  • WooCommerce Bookings - A booking status is changed to a specific status #2358
New Loop Filters:post Loop
  • WordPress
    • A post is a specific type of post #2459
    • A post has/does not have a specific meta key #2459
    • A type of post has/does not have a term in a taxonomy #2460
    • A post's field meets a condition #2458
    • A post's meta value meets a condition #2457
User Loop
  • LearnDash
    • The user has/has not completed a course #2422
    • The user has/has not completed all courses in a group #2423
    • The user is/is not enrolled in a specific course #2420
    • The user is/is not enrolled in a specific group #2421
  • WooCommerce - The user has/has not purchased a specific product #2418
  • WooCommerce Subscriptions - The user has/does not have an active subscription of a product #2419
New Token:
  • Studio Cart - Payment option label #2455
  • BuddyBoss - Add a post to the activity stream of Group - Add an option to preview link. #2450
  • User Loops - User specific tokens in new "Loop" token category #2475
  • BuddyBoss - Posting to groups only works for admins #2461
  • MemberPress - The user meta fields coming form MemberPress are not returning the correct information when using the "User meta" token #2474
  • The Event Calendar - PHP Error when parsing tokens #2464
  • WP Fusion - Remove a tag from the user - Tag Names showing as [object] [Object] #2468
  • WordPress - A taxonomy term is added to a specific type of post - Not listing the custom taxonomies when a custom post is selected #2449
  • WordPress - A user updates a post - Firing when a post is auto saved #2470
Under the hood:
  • Loop filters - Added dependency method in parent class to allow filters to conditionally load the filter #2440
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v4.13 [2023-05-25]
New Integrations:

  • Charitable #2072 (Requires Automator v4.15+)
  • Formatter #2054 (Requires Automator v4.14+)
  • ThriveCart #2074
  • Typeform #2075
New Triggers:
  • BuddyBoss - A guest replies to a topic #2091
  • BuddyBoss - A user is removed from a group #1932
  • BuddyBoss - A user joins a specific type of group - 50744 #2063
  • BuddyPress - A user is removed from a group #1592
  • Charitable - A donation to a campaign is made for an amount greater than, less than, or equal to an amount #2107
  • ThriveCart - Receive data from ThriveCart webhook #2115
  • Typeform - Receive data from Typerform webhook #2089
New Actions:
  • Formatter - Convert date into format #2097
  • Formatter - Convert number into format #2098
  • Formatter - Convert text into format #2099
  • LearnDash - Repair the progress of a completed course for the user #2086
  • Gravity Forms - A form is submitted with a specific value in a specific field - Code quality updated #2113
  • WS Form LITE - Renamed to WS Form #2082
  • WordPress - Set post meta - Support serialized input #2102
  • bbPress - A user replies to a topic - Does not select the correct user when Automator makes the reply on behalf of a user #1960
  • BuddyBoss - Send a notification to all members of a group - The "Notification link" is not redirecting the users #2084
  • Fluent Support - Tickets created by Automator does not display title on Ticket Management page #2104
  • WP Mail SMTP - Pro triggers not appearing #2077
  • WordPress - A user updates a post in a specific taxonomy is triggering twice #2092
  • WordPress - A user's comment on a specific type of post receives a reply not running reliably #2078
Under the hood:
  • Incoming Webhooks - WP filter automator_pro_webhook_response_$recipe_id to modify Webhook success response #2111
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v4.10 [2023-02-15]
New App Integration:

New Plugin Integration:
New Triggers:
  • BuddyPress - A user requests to join a specific type of group #1911
  • BuddyPress - A user creates a group #1912
  • BuddyPress - A user is removed from a specific type of group #1913
  • BuddyPress - A user leaves a specific type of group #1914
  • BuddyPress - A user rejects a friendship request #1915
  • BuddyPress - A user replies to an activity stream message #1916
  • BuddyPress - A user's topic in a forum receives a reply #1917
  • LearnDash - A user answers a quiz question correctly #1837
  • LearnDash - A user answers a quiz question incorrectly #1838
  • Wholesale Suite - A wholesale lead is approved #1807
  • Wholesale Suite - A wholesale lead is rejected #1808
  • Wholesale Suite - A wholesale order for a specific product is received #1811
New Actions:
  • LearnDash - Unenroll the user from all courses associated with a group #1830
  • OpenAI - Use a prompt to generate text with the Davinci model #1940
  • Wholesale Suite - Deactivate a wholesale customer #1810
  • Wholesale Suite - Reject a wholesale lead #1809
  • Wholesale Suite - Set the wholesale price of a product to a specific amount for a role #1819
New Conditions:
  • LearnDash - The user is not enrolled in a course #1855
  • Groundhogg - A user does not have a tag #1921
  • Groundhogg - A user has a tag #1920
New Tokens:
  • BuddyBoss
    • A user's topic in a forum receives a reply #1918
      • Topic ID
    • A user joins a hidden group #1926
    • A user joins a private group #1926
    • A user joins a public group #1926
      • Group ID
  • JetEngine - Now supports custom content type module #1850
  • Elementor - Popup logic revised for anonymous form submissions #1906
  • WordPress - Removed "All" option from the "Update the content of a post" action #1909
  • WooCommerce - Increased product count to return all products for bigger sites #1902
  • BuddyBoss - "A user joins a hidden group" doesn't trigger when the user is added in the backend #1922
  • BuddyBoss - A user leaves a group trigger - Added the "Group ID" token and the trigger now fires when admin removes the user from the group #1931
  • BuddyBoss - Send an email to all members of a group - CC/BCC fields are no longer required fields #1933
  • GamiPress - A user earns an achievement - The trigger now fires for "award" of an achievement instead of achievement only #1907
  • WooCommerce - Create an order with product actions - Order ID token not showing in some situations #1948 #1949
  • WordPress - A user's specific meta key is updated to a specific value now fires when the meta value is first time added #1942
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v4.9 [2023-01-18]
New Plugin Integration:

  • Thrive Apprentice #1882
New Triggers:
  • BuddyBoss - A user requests to join a specific type of private group #1589
  • BuddyBoss - A user creates a group #1588
  • BuddyBoss - A user is removed from a specific type of group #1598
  • BuddyBoss - A user leaves a specific type of group #1591
  • BuddyBoss - A user rejects a friendship request #1547
  • BuddyBoss - A user replies to an activity stream message #1587
  • BuddyBoss - A user's topic in a forum receives a reply #1601
  • Thrive Apprentice - A user makes a purchase #1859
  • Thrive Apprentice - A user starts a module in a course #1862
  • Thrive Apprentice - A user attempts to access a restricted course #1865
  • Thrive Apprentice - A user progresses in a course #1863
  • Thrive Apprentice - A user starts a course #1860
  • Thrive Apprentice - A user starts a lesson in a course #1861
New Actions:
  • Thrive Apprentice - Grant the user access to a product #1867
  • Thrive Apprentice - Remove the user's access to a product #1868
  • WooCommerce Subscriptions - Extend a user’s subscription to a specific product by a number of days #1656
  • WordPress - Update the author of a post #1784
  • WordPress Multisite - Add a specific user to a specific subsite #1791
New Action Tokens:
  • Fluent Support #1671
    • Ticket ID
    • Ticket URL
  • GamiPress #1676
    • The user's previous points total
    • The user's new points total
  • Elementor - Show a popup - Now works reliably in certain situations #1895
  • Gravity Forms - A specific field in an entry for a form is updated to a specific value - Field and Value tokens now parse reliably #1896
  • LearnDash - "Send a certificate" does not support vertical layout #1730
  • PeepSo - Add a post to the site wide activity stream - Shows empty instead of the content #1875
  • Recipe Logs - Show User ID in the filter dropdown #1826
  • Recipe UI - Field labels in conditions standardized #1892
  • WP Mail SMTP Pro - Integration active updated to only show when Pro version is active #1893
  • WooCommerce - Create order actions - Show all shipping zones and methods #1831
  • Add a taxonomy term to a post in a post type not working for tags #1854
  • Automator - "A recipe completes with a specific status" is completing with incorrect status #1463
  • BuddyBoss - Send a private message to all members of a group action is returning "Message could not be sent. Please enter a recipient." error #1885
  • GamiPress - A user attains a rank - Passing wrong user id to the action of the recipe if marked complete by the admin #1876
  • H5P - Triggers can't be edited when you add them unless you refresh the page first #1824
  • PeepSo - Add a post to the site wide activity stream - PeepSo Permission issue #1874
  • WoCommerce - Create an order - Not storing Country or State properly #1835
  • WooCommerce - A guest order's status is changed to a specific status - Enforcing user ID wrongly #1878
  • WooCommerce - A user purchases a variable product with a variation selected - Add a condition to select "paid for, completed, thank you" #1843
  • WordPress - Update the slug of a post - Switch $uncanny_automator to Automator() #1857
Under the hood:
  • Fixed deprecated notices on PHP 8.1+ #1887
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v4.8 [2022-12-08]
New App Integration:

  • MailerLite #1705
New Plugin Integration:
  • WS Form LITE #1803
New Triggers:
  • Jetpack CRM - A tag is added to a company #1737
  • Jetpack CRM - A tag is added to a contact #1738
  • LearnDash - A course is added to a group #1780
  • WP All Import - An import fails #1690
  • WPForms - A user submits a form with a specific value in a specific field with PayPal payment #1793
  • WS Form LITE - A form is submitted with a specific value in a specific field #1756
  • WS Form LITE - A user submits a form with a specific value in a specific field #1755
New Actions:
  • LearnDash - Add a course to a group #1781
  • LearnDash - Remove a course from a group #1782
  • MailerLite - Add a subscriber to a group #1706
  • MailerLite - Create a group #1582
  • MailerLite - Remove a specific group #1583
  • MailerLite - Remove a subscriber from a group #1584
  • WordPress Multisite - Add the user to a subsite #1790
New Trigger Token:
  • WooCommerce - Shipping method #1765
New Action Tokens:
  • BadgeOS #1674
    • Revoke a number of a certain type of points from the user
      • The user's previous points total
      • The user's new points total
  • BuddyBoss - Notification actions - Filter to optionally strip HTML #1761
    • apply_filters( 'automator_action_send_notification_to_members', $notification_content, $this );
  • BuddyBoss - Send a private message to a specific user - Now shows if action is completed with errors #1768
  • BuddyBoss - Send an email to all members of a group - Show relevant tokens #1805
  • LearnDash - Send a Certificate - "From name" field added #1778
  • Affiliate WP - A referral is rejected no longer throws a PHP Error #1773
  • A delayed action is no longer stuck in progress when there is a user selector and the condition doesn't run the action #1795
  • GamiPress - A user attains a rank - Fix Any rank option #1785
  • User Data not parsing JetFormBuilder dynamic token fields #1757
  • WooCommerce Memberships - A user's access to a membership plan cancelled - Tokens not parsing #1792
  • Recipe Logs - Some Pro icons not appearing #1769
Download Uncanny Automator Pro v4.7.0.1 WordPress Plugin Nulled Free
v4.7.0.1 [2022-11-11]

  • JetEngine - PHP Error on some PHP 8+ sites #1748
v4.7 [2022-11-10]
New Integrations:

  • Jetpack CRM #1562
New Triggers:
  • BuddyBoss - A user is banned from a specific type of group #1600
  • BuddyBoss - A user receives a type of on-screen notification #1710
  • Gravity Forms - A specific field in an entry for a form is updated to a specific value #1660
  • Jetpack CRM - A company is deleted #1556
  • Jetpack CRM - A contact is deleted #1554
  • Jetpack CRM - A quote is created #1557
  • Jetpack CRM - A quote status is accepted #1558
  • Jetpack CRM - A transaction is deleted #1560
  • Jetpack CRM - An invoice is created #1559
  • Jetpack CRM - An invoice is deleted #1561
  • LearnDash - A user submits an essay for a quiz #1677
  • WP Simple Pay - A subscription for a form is renewed #20
  • WooCommerce Subscriptions - A user's subscription switches from a specific variation to a specific variation #1654
New Actions:
  • BuddyBoss - Send an email to all members of a group #1712 Jetpack CRM - Change a contact's status to a new status #1563 The Events Calendar - RSVP on behalf of an attendee for an event #1695
New Conditions:
  • A post has a taxonomy term #1453
New Action Tokens:
  • Advanced Coupons #1666
    • Add a specific amount of store credit to the user's account
      • User's total store credit
    • Remove a specific amount of store credit from the user's account
      • User's total store credit
  • AffiliateWP #1667
    • Create a referral for a specific affiliate
      • Referral ID
      • Referral URL
    • Create a referral for the user
      • Referral ID
      • Referral URL
    • Create an affiliate
      • Affiliate ID
    • Affiliate URL
  • bbPress #1672
    • Post a reply to a topic in a forum
      • Reply URL
    • Post a topic in a forum
      • Topic URL
  • BuddyBoss #1664
    • Create a group
      • Group ID
      • Group URL
    • Post a reply to a topic in a forum
      • Reply ID
      • Reply URL
    • Post a topic in a forum
      • Topic ID
      • Topic URL
  • BuddyPress #1665
    • Create a group
      • Group ID
      • Group URL
  • Easy Affiliate #1669
    • Add a new affiliate
      • Affiliate ID
    • Record a sale for an affiliate
      • Affiliate sale URL
  • GiveWP
    • Create a donor
      • Donor ID #1675
  • PeepSo #1673
    • Add a post to the site wide activity stream
      • Post URL
  • Amelia - Custom fields tokens support #1663
  • BuddyBoss - Create a group - Add "Additional users to add to the group" field #1703
  • Recipe UI - Support custom values in selections inside conditions #1691
  • WooCommerce Subscriptions - New filter automator_pro_woocommerce_subscriptions_token_parser to update return value #1701
  • Events Calendar - 'RSVP for an event' - deprecated #1696
  • Events Calendar - 'RSVP on behalf of the user for an event' - deprecated #1694
  • PeepSo - Add a post to the sitewide activity stream - Action sentence no longer displays complete contents of the field #1708
  • WooCommerce - Create an order actions - Allow tokens in "Quantity" field #1724
  • WordPress Multisite - A user is added to subsite - Setting user_id as the currently signed in user for the trigger #1713
  • Delayed actions - Action Scheduler throws fatal error if length is over 8000 characters #1733
  • LearnDash - Improved reliability of LearnDash Group ID validation when WPML is enabled #1655
  • PHP 8 error in a certain situation for some actions #1727
  • PeepSo - Token override is messing up action token label in other integrations #1735
  • Recipe logs - Action with multiple filters and "Any" criteria erroneously adding "Skipped" status in logs if a condition is met #1739
  • Scheduled actions - Scheduled actions are still running if the recipe is not live or trashed, the action is drafted or deleted #1698
Download Uncanny Automator Pro v4.6.0.1 WordPress Plugin Nulled Free
v4.6.0.1 - [2022-10-26]

Webhooks - Legacy tokens are shown as invalid in some situations #1661