Standard Library by Xon

Xenforo Plugin Standard Library by Xon v1.20.1

Aucune permission de téléchargement
Vous pouvez télécharger 10 fichiers tous les 24 heures. Devenez Membre Premium pour outrepasser cette limite.
  • Fix \SV\StandardLib\Helper::repo()->aliasClass() had a compatibility issue with XF2.2.13+ when the aliased class was the top-most class extension.
Note; The 1.18.x branch will be the last branch to support XenForo 2.1.x
  • Deprecate getContentPermissions function, as the 2nd string argument was not actually used, with a replacement function getPerContentPermissions added.
  • Add \SV\StandardLib\Helper::isAddOnActive() helper function. Similar to \XF::isAddonActive(), except it understands version strings
  • Shim template funciton is_addon_active code to understand version strings