Stackable - Gutenberg Blocks (Premium)

Nulled WordPress Plugin Stackable - Gutenberg Blocks (Premium) v3.13.1 NULLED

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= 3.13.1 =
* Fixed: (Hotfix update): Style codes can show on some instances
* Fixed: Copy and paste styles now work correctly #350
= 3.12.15 =
* New: Tabs Block - added new option to set anchor links per tab that you can use to open each tab #3124
* New: Accordion Block - added support for anchor links that you can use to open each accordion block #3136
* Fixed: Accordion Block - now shows gradient colors with the correct z-index #3138
* Fixed: Accordion Block - removed video background option since it's not supported by browsers #3138
* Fixed: Metabox Settings - now shows properly other options registered in settings pages #335
* Fixed: Video Popup Block - prevent theme from adding button styles to the video popup #3121
* Fixed: Carousel Block - no longer clones slides when the screen is resized #3132
* Fixed: Carousel Block - DOM events now work correctly in slides when infinite scrolling is enabled #3137
* Fixed: Columns Block - block error when deleting a block in Firefox #3148
Download Stackable v3.12.14 - Reimagine the Way You Use the WordPress Block Editor Nulled Free
= v3.12.14 =

* Fixed: Table of Contents Block - WordPress 6.5 compatibility in the Site Editor #3133
* Fixed: Table of Contents Block - Auto-generate anchors now work after the editor refreshes #3133
* Fixed: (Hotfix) Rolled back separator fix since it was producing errors #3131
* Fixed: Some blocks may produce errors when editing in multisite when editing as a non-super user #3130
* Fixed: In multisite, prevent parts of custom icons from being stripped #3130
* Fixed: Buttons block - full width now occupies the entire full width correctly #2991
Download Stackable v3.12.13 - Reimagine the Way You Use the WordPress Block Editor Nulled Free
= v3.12.13 =

* Fixed: (Hotfix update) Rolled back some optimizations that caused styling issues in the frontend after saving.
= 3.12.11 =
* New: You can now use YouTube shorts and unlisted Vimeo videos in the Video Popup block
* Fixed: Ordered Icon List block numerals no longer wrap to the next line
* Fixed: Native list block behaviors no longer create Stackable Icon List Item blocks
* Fixed: Clicking WooCommerce add to cart button no longer changes the Tabs block to the first tab
* Fixed: No longer need to have v2 compatibility enabled for the random order option to work in the Posts block
* Fixed: Carousel block default icon color can now be changed correctly
* Fixed: Pasting a bullet list no longer converts it to a Stackable Icon List block
* Fixed: Frontend scripts now will not initialize more than once
* Fixed: Updated .pot file to allow manual JS strings translations
Download Stackable v3.12.10 - Reimagine the Way You Use the WordPress Block Editor Nulled Free
= v3.12.10 =

* Fixed: (Hotfix update) Some themes can add bullets or numbers on the Icon List block
Download Stackable v3.12.7 - Reimagine the Way You Use the WordPress Block Editor Nulled Free
= v3.12.7 =

* New: Better multisite support
* New: Multisite network license key activation is now possible
* New: Font Awesome 6 support, you can now choose between Font Awesome 5 and 6 icon libraries from the settings
* Fixed: You can now use text formatting on Image block captions
* Fixed: Dynamic Content show different post data when used with JetEngine loops and other query builders
* Fixed: Better scrollbar styling support with Firefix
* Fixed: Column size indicator sometimes shows up as a square / no icon and without a label
* Fixed: Dynamic breakpoints not producing correct breakpoints when used with specific values
* Fixed: Conditional Display can produce a PHP error if post meta is an array
* Fixed: Inner block gap option sometimes resets to 0
* Fixed: Accordion block now opens correctly when editing in the theme Customizer
* Fixed: Carousel & Horizontal scroller height issues when images are lazy loaded
* Fixed: Corrected account and contact us links in the settings when network activated
* Fixed: Network activating will no longer redirect to a 404 page
= 3.8.2 =
* Fixed: Dynamic Content sometimes not displaying in the frontend
* Fixed: Dynamic Content backend field picker issues with ACF
* Fixed: Lightbox now works with PerfMatter's Image Lazy Loading option
* Fixed: Lightbox compatibility issues with Twenty Twenty One theme
* Fixed: Feature Grid Column gap option resets
= 3.7.2 =
* New: WordPress 6.2 compatibility
* New: Stackable blocks now appear in the new Style Book
* New: Stackable global settings are now available in the Site Editor / FSE
* Fixed: Responsive block settings now working in the Site Editor
* Fixed: Tablet styles sometimes show up in the editor when the screen is small
* Fixed: Reusable blocks performance improvements
* Fixed: Blocksy theme responsive breakpoints conflict
* Change: Removed v2 editor migration helper (it's been 1.5 years since it was introduced)
= 3.7.1 =
* Fixed: Dynamic Content issue where ACF image fields sometimes did not output correctly
* Fixed: Shape separators were always covering some content in some blocks #2268
* Fixed: Cannot select a color for shape separator layers
* Fixed: Custom roles did not appear in the Conditional Display role picker #2409
* Fixed: Shape separator layer 2 options were not visible
* Fixed: Block error that resulted when using a Display Condition taxonomy that was deleted
* Fixed: CSS optimization post meta options are now hidden from the custom fields view
* Fixed: Some strings in the Countdown block were not translated #2585
* Fixed: Some JS hook tweaks #2588