Slider Revolution - Responsive WordPress Plugin

Nulled WordPress Plugin Slider Revolution - Responsive WordPress Plugin v6.7.14

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Version 6.7.3 (12th April 2024)​

  • Carousel Interaction Issue: Dragging the carousel with a longer delay causes an overjump of the next element if it's already in focus.
  • Rapidly click on Navigation elements makes the Carousel aniamtion stuttering
  • Text Layer Issue: Text layers cannot be selected, even with 'Layer Selectable' enabled in default settings.
  • Video Dimension Issue: HTML5 video elements receive incorrect dimensions on the 2nd and subsequent slides if a fullscreen video exists on the first slide.

Version 6.7.2 (11th April 2024)​

  • Background Color Animation Issue: Animations fail to transition from a colored background to a transparent background when custom colors are set within the animation settings.
  • Dimension Calculation Error: Elements with a previously set Module alignment within any container are miscalculating dimensions, due to issues with the marked Module-based alignment setting.
  • DOM Layer Rewrite Conflict: Existing layers in the Document Object Model (DOM) are being rewritten upon initializing the module, which results in the malfunction of shortcodes and similar components.
  • File Name Loading Error: Files that contain 'none-break narrow space' characters in their names fail to load, leading to potential accessibility and data retrieval issues.
  • Module Resizing Inconsistency: In specific scenarios, modules that are excessively large (both vertically and horizontally) encounter issues in linearly resizing underlying layers, leading to inconsistent display and layout problems.
  • Responsive Module Sizing Error: Incorrect module sizing observed when Responsive dimensions are not previously modified, leading to layout discrepancies.
  • Background Overlay: Issues with background dotted overlays not rendering on colored or image-based module backgrounds; dotted overlay omitted from slide backgrounds when globally enabled.
  • Image List Modification Conflict: Third-party cache plugins altering image lists and modifying data attribute names, causing disruptions in the Image loading process of SR7.
  • Plugin Extension Removal by Third-party Integrations: Third-party themes and plugins are removing loaded plugin extensions, leading to significant layout and functionality issues in Slider Revolution 7.
  • Rapid Slide Change Issue: If multiple slide change requests are made in quick succession, the slides switch immediately without waiting for animations to complete, creating a disjointed and buggy user experience.

Version 6.7.1 (8th April 2024)​

  • Unpublished slides showed up in V7 Velocity engine
  • Quick selection of sliders in the page in the top admin bar is missing in V7 Velocity engine
  • German translation files have some wrong translations
  • Modules larger than the screen size in mobile view are limited to the screen size, breaking the layout
  • Enhanced protection for images loading from external servers: initially attempting with cross-origin, and using without cross-origin attributes as a fallback.
  • Horizontal scrollbar appears upon resizing if modules have not yet been initialized.
  • Issue with Saving Global Settings in SR6 Before SR7 Initialization: Global settings in SR6 fail to save properly if SR7 is not initialized beforehand
  • Misalignment with Percentage-Sized and Right-Aligned Elements: Elements sized by percentage and aligned to the right using max-width exhibit misalignment
  • Layer Actions Disabled in Non-Interactive Videos: Videos set to 'no interaction' mode inadvertently disable associated layer actions
  • Delayed Background Color Rendering: Background colors experience a delay in rendering, leading to brief flashes during scrolling
  • Redundant Creation of Font Tester Containers: The font tester is generating multiple similar containers, leading to unnecessary clutter in the DOM

Version 6.7.0 (5th April 2024)​

Introducing Velocity Engine​

  • Upgraded to SR7 “Velocity” Engine for improved efficiency and animation fluidity. Legacy SR6 Engine included for continued support

Version 6.6.20 (21st December 2023)​

New Features
  • Added WPML compatibility with the upcoming WPML Sliders AddOn
  • Importing certain Slider will result in warnings
  • Instagram functionality fixes

Version 6.6.19 (7th December 2023)​


  • Fullscreen carousel with padding overflows the module
  • Security vulnerability associated with unserializing objects from the ‘custom_animations.txt’ file.

Version 6.6.18 (23rd October 2023)​

  • Regression in 6.6.17 causes sliders with height greater than window height get cropped
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Réactions: anastasedelichere

Version 6.6.14 (30th May 2023)​


  • Backend: Whenever an empty folder is reopened, it will now automatically be reconnected to the root directory.
  • Backend: Now, when opening an empty folder, a brief breadcrumb will be displayed to explain its empty status.
  • Updated google fonts list


  • Changed ajax call request name for the backend as the OWASP Core Ruleset does not allow the use of the old name
  • Carousel jumps to wrong slide while navigating if slider is different height slides
  • Opening modal with specific slide doesn’t work correctly on carousel slider
  • Setting the zIndex value to “Auto” on hover resulted in a zIndex of 500, inadvertently leading to overlap with other areas.
  • Editor: When the background color of a module is changed, it doesn’t update live to reflect the selected color. The background color only updates after the color picker modal is closed.
  • Backend: Action references on global layers originating from slides other than the global slide are non-functional. Selecting any layer from global slides consequently results in the removal of the action from the list.
  • SFX Block Layer transition only fades in Safari

Version 6.6.13 (4th May 2023)​

New Features​

  • Module Creation Guide: New Content Editing Guide modal will be displayed on creating new module that will provide you links to and videos to guide you through settings and features to create new modules
  • Template Editing Guide: New Template Editing Guide modal will be displayed when you are editing premium template, it will feature links to articles that explain only the features that are used in the template.
  • Global Settings: Global settings are added to enable disable guide modals


  • Carousel opacity has issues rendering on PHP 8.x
  • Settings sticky bar label displays “undefined” on right side
  • Modal Countdown is not stopping after closing modal, which breaks any further opening of Modal
  • Blend Mode is not working on complex canvas animations
  • Editor: sometimes layout settings fields are empty on loading editor
  • Preview doesn’t work in backend if Yoast SEO is enabled
  • Blend mode does not work during transition
  • Improved security for manual imports
  • Layers disappear on safari during transition in Carousel Module

Version 6.6.12 (29th March 2023)​


  • Some AddOn kills references on image loading. Further protection needed on internal lazy loading
  • Background images don’t scale correctly in carousel when switching to fullscreen mode
  • Resetting the size of shapes or images in the editor adds double “px” to the values
  • Global layers do leave the stage on earlier slide if the layer is not animating out at the end of the slide
  • Basic transforms causes layers to display behind another layer. iOS issue – Introducing iOS fix: perspective
  • zIndex on hover is not working
  • Material icons are loaded from google even if it is disabled in the global settings
  • Action Needed filter in AddOn overview is not updated after updating an AddOn.
  • Slider are loaded on post/page save, which causes in some case longer loading times
  • Like
Réactions: borankaradeniz