
WordPress Thème Shoptimizer v2.7.7

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2.7.7 - 31-05-2024
* New: Shoptimizer cart total shortcode and Elementor widget. Can now include cart total with the slideout sidebar within a custom-built header.
* Fix: Constant FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING is deprecated.
* Accessibility: Out of stock red color made slightly darker for color contrast.
* Accessibility: Improved keyboard focus states on PDPs.
* Accessibility: Theme modals (call back and search) now use native HTML <dialog> element.
* Accessibility: Cart in navigation bar now uses a <nav> element with an aria-label rather than a <ul>.
* Accessibility: Mobile filters close icon now uses a <button> element rather than a div.
* Performance: Elementor Pro, Germanized, WP Forms and YITH Filter specific CSS will now only load if plugin is active.
* Performance: Any CSS related to CommerceKit moved to the appropriate module within the plugin itself.
* Tweak: CommerceKit is now a recommended plugin rather than required.
* Tweak: General RTL improvements.
2.7.6 - 03-05-2024
* Fix: Sidebar mini cart thumbnails visibility issue when inner scroll active.
* Fix: Close icon visibility when size guides modal is active.
* Compatibility: Support for SEO Framework breadcrumbs.
* Tweak: Improved cross-sells display on mobile.
* Tweak: RTL improvements.
2.7.5 - 06-02-2024
* Tweak - Mobile left/right grid padding restored when 2-column grid is active.
* Tweak - Improved position of close icon within search modal.
* Tweak - Mobile scroll option now works within the category description area.
* Compatibility - Improved mobile grid spacing in Elementor Pro.
* Compatibility - One row header hover search color styling when Elementor Pro is active.
* Compatibility - YITH Filters plugin sidebar panel visibility on mobile.
2.7.4 - 31-01-2024
* New - Two-column mobile catalog layout (Appearance > Customize > Layout > General) now works when CommerceKit swatches are enabled on PLPs.
* New - Option to display an account icon on desktop when the header layout is set to: Logo / Navigation / Cart
* Tweak - Default WooCommerce block notifications styling improved.
* Accessibility - Search toggle icon now uses a button element rather than a link.
* Compatibility - Sidebar cart now works with the GTM4WP plugin.
2.7.3 - 15-12-2023
* Fix - Three column grid blog archive layout now displays correctly.
* Fix - Extra condition wrapped around the PLP ratings quantity so it displays only on the Shop and Catalog pages.
* Tweak - Removed the "Category:" prefix from archive titles by default.
2.7.1 - 01-12-2023
* Tweak - Adjustment to theme.json as block editor link underlines were appearing on some sites.
2.7.0 - 29-11-2023
* New - Customizer option to display reviews count next to stars on shop/catalog pages.
* New - Option to create a separate menu for mobile.
* Fix - The "Enable AJAX add to cart buttons on archives" WC option caused the single add to cart ajax event not to work when caching was active.
* Fix - Search results sidebar not displaying on mobile.
* Fix - Empty cart page styling resolved after WC7.8.x release.
* Fix - Swiping past the add to cart button caused the mobile menu to close.
* Fix - Cannot redeclare function error when ShopEngine plugin is active.
* Fix - Mega menu dropdowns double-tap issue on large tablets.
* UX - Improved focus-visible styling when navigating with the keyboard.
* UX - Make Inter the default font for new installations rather than IBM Plex Sans.
* Tweak - Cart quantity arrows on cart page - can now enter a custom value.
* Tweak - Cart quantity arrows - improved styling in iOS devices when it becomes 16px on focus.
* Tweak - Custom no search results page now works for all use cases.
* Tweak - Sidebar mini cart quantity JS improvements.
* Tweak - Single product add to cart JS improvements.
* Tweak - Checkout page product thumbnails now have a skip-lazy class to prevent duplication in certain instances.
* Tweak - Standardized gap when regular or skinny gallery layout selected.
* Tweak - Styling for alignwide and alignfull included.
* Tweak - Product long descriptions now order correctly on mobile, i.e. image first, then text.
* Tweak - Numerous RTL improvements.
* Compatibility - WooCommerce Product Recommendations style improvements.
* Compatibility - Support for the Advanced Woo Search plugin -
* Compatibility - Sendy Pro widget styling added.
* Compatibility - Initial theme.json version included (beta) for enhanced block editor controls.
* Accessibility - Primary menu dropdown items now have aria-expanded true/false labels when interacting with them.
* Accessibility - Sidebar cart now traps focus when interacting with it via the keyboard and can be closed with the Esc key.
2.6.7 - 29-05-2023
* Fix - Replaced deprecated use of get_page_by_title with WP_Query for the custom 404 and "No search results" pages.
* Tweak - Styling for a Password protected product improved.
* Compatibility - WooCommerce Google Analytics Pro by SkyVerge error resolved.
CommerceKit 2.2.4:
* Fix - Attribute swatch variations appeared out of stock on listings pages when certain conditions were present.
* Tweak - Order bump now includes left and right arrows when multiple bumps are present.
* Tweak - Additional checks added to ensure fatal error doesn't occur when % is mistakenly used instead of %s within inventory bar module.
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Réactions: prithvirajvv
2.6.6 - 15-05-2023
* New - Update cart page quantity via ajax without a plugin. Customize > Layout > WooCommerce - Ajax update cart page quantity
* New - Option to display the default 'Shop' h1 heading. Customize > Layout > WooCommerce - Display shop heading
* New - Create a Custom "No Search Results" page.
* New - Create a Custom 404 Page.
* Fix - added_to_cart event not being fired within single-product-ajax.js.
* Fix - Quantity buttons on cart page now remain visible after updating quantity value.
* Fix - "The content of your post doesn’t match the template assigned to your post type" message within product admin area.
* Fix - "Site doesn’t include support for the "woocommerce/product-tab block" message within product admin area.
* Fix - Modal class changed to cg-modal to prevent conflicts with modals in other plugins.
* Compatibility - YITH Quick View plugin.
* UX - Mobile search toggle icon interaction is snappier now.
* UX - Cart page quantity selector now matches the mini cart style. This is also easier to interact with on mobile.
* Performance - Load single-product-ajax.js in the footer.
* Accessibility - GPSI suggestion: Remove aria-hidden="true" from PDP modal.
* SEO - Changed search modal heading from a h4 to a div.
* Tweak - Include "nolink" CSS class option within mega menu.
* Tweak - Improved hover intent menu targeting.
* Tweak - Added scroll snap for mobile products scrolling elements.
* Tweak - RTL improvements.
* Removed - "Full width contained" page template.
2.6.5 - 07-03-2023
* New - Sidebar cart quantity option. Customize > Header and Navigation > Cart.
* New - Hover intent theme option for less jarring sudden interactions with dropdown menus. Customize > Header and Navigation > Navigation
* Fix - Typography 2.0 PHP error resolved and updated Google Fonts list included.
* Fix - PDP button gap if only 1 in stock.
* Tweak - More robust sale discount calculation function.
* Tweak - Improved review reply styling.
* Tweak - One row header layout on the thank you page style corrections.
* Tweak - Removed lazy loading background image for below header category banner as this would typically already display above the fold.
CommerceKit 2.2.2:
* New - Multiple order bumps within the mini cart and checkout.
* New - Product swatches can now display 2 colors if desired.
* New - Waitlist option to send mails to everyone on the list when an item is back in stock.
* New - Waitlist footer text input.
* New - Waitlist emails can now include HTML in contents.
* New - Choose a custom icon for the size guides.
* Fix - Product gallery on mobile no longer requires two interactions to initialize.
* Fix - Sticky add to cart bar mobile display issue.
* Tweak - Product gallery primary image now includes the fetchpriority="high" tag.
* Tweak - Reposition mobile gallery pagination dots to be underneath the gallery.
* Tweak - Swatches PLPs: when linking to the PDP and there is only one attribute remove the 'Select options' button.
* Tweak - Ajax search now supports custom taxonomies e.g. various brands plugins.
* Tweak - Ajax search suggestions previously had a max height of 600px, this is now dynamic.
* Tweak - Countdowns variable JS names changed to prevent conflicts.
* UX - Size guides admin area now suggests you create your first size guide if one does not exist.