
WordPress Thème Shoptimizer v2.7.7

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Optimize your WooCommerce store for speed and conversions with Shoptimizer​

Shoptimizer is a FAST WooCommerce theme that comes with a ton of features all designed to help you convert more users to customers.

CommerceGurus Commercekit
A companion plugin for the Shoptimizer WooCommerce theme with additional conversion focused features. Made by CommerceGurus.

1) The fastest eCommerce theme.​

Speed is essential — a delay of even miliseconds equals lost orders. We've benchmarked Shoptimizer against the most popular WooCommerce themes in the industry.​

2) Designed for conversions​

A conversion optimized theme for your store is important in that it can multiply your success without you having to spend more time and money on traffic acquisition.​

3) SEO enhancements​

Organic search is most often the primary source of website traffic. Choosing a theme optimized for SEO is crucial for online businesses.​

4) Additional features​

Shoptimizer includes only carefully thought eCommerce and WordPress features to make building your online store a breeze.​

5) Built for accessibility​

It's important to make your website accessible to as many users as possible. Reaching more customers makes business sense and is the right thing to do.​

6) Compatibility​

Although Shoptimizer's demo data utilizes Elementor, it also works with other major page builders!​

Co7ur Co7ur Auteur
369 Affichages
v2.7.7 Version
14 Téléchargements
0.00 étoile(s) 0 avis
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  1. Shoptimizer 2.7.7

    2.7.7 - 31-05-2024 * New: Shoptimizer cart total shortcode and Elementor widget. Can now include...
  2. Shoptimizer 2.7.6

    2.7.6 - 03-05-2024 * Fix: Sidebar mini cart thumbnails visibility issue when inner scroll...
  3. Shoptimizer 2.7.5

    2.7.5 - 06-02-2024 * Tweak - Mobile left/right grid padding restored when 2-column grid is...