PowerPack Beaver Builder Addon

WordPress Plugin PowerPack Beaver Builder Addon v2.36.2

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== 2.36.2 ==
Release date: April 5, 2024

* Fix: Content Grid - Scroll pagination was repeating posts when using FacetWP filters
* Fix: Album - Cover height was getting applied on the button trigger
* Fix: Social Icons - New Twitter icon displays incorrectly on Windows
* Fix: Hover Cards - Opacity issue when using global color for the overlay
* Fix: Hover Cards - Do not set transparent background when the overlay color is not provided
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== v2.36.0 == Release date: March 21, 2024

* Enhancement: Row extensions - Added global colors support and refactored fields
* Enhancement: Smart Heading - Enabled media button for the description WYSIWYG field
* Enhancement: Advanced Menu - Added background color and border options for the mobile toggle button
* Enhancement: Advanced Accordion - Added saved column to the content dropdown in the module settings
* Enhancement: Advanced Accordion - Added border option for the whole item
* Enhancement: Advanced Tabs - Added saved column to the content dropdown in the module settings
* Enhancement: Off-canvas Content - Added saved column to the content dropdown in the module settings
* Enhancement: Category Grid - Moved "Show Empty" field to the bottom of the first Content tab
* Fix: Pricing Table - Text added in the Matrix layout was getting added in the Card layout in responsive view
* Fix: Modal Box - Template edit button does not work sometimes in the module settings
* Fix: Album - Images do not show when custom height is provided and trigger type is set to cover
* Fix: Video Gallery - Changed CSS target for the nav arrow color
* Fix: Content Grid - Global button colors introduced in BB 2.8 were overriding carousel navigation button colors
* Fix: Content Grid - Beaver Builder's layout shortcode does not output necessary assets in AJAX response
* Fix: Advanced Accordion - Removed text default colors
* Fix: Advanced Accordion - Item collapses in builder when responsive iframe UI is enabled
* Fix: FAQ - Item collapses in builder when responsive iframe UI is enabled
* Fix: Image Carousel - Image aspect-ratio issue in the recent version of iOS Safari
* Fix: Filterable Gallery - Removed extra spacing after the "All" filter
* Fix: Photo Gallery - Removed border on hover from lightbox navigation button that is caused by BB's Global Styles
* Fix: Video Gallery - Removed border on hover from lightbox navigation button that is caused by BB's Global Styles
* Fix: Sliding Menu - Hide dropdown icons injected by Astra theme
* Fix: PHP 8.x deprecation fixes
* Development: Advanced Accordion - Added logic to enable FAQ schema from accordion items by using the filter hook pp_accordion_enable_faq_schema
== 2.35.0 ==
Release date: February 29, 2024

* Enhancement: Added new row separator - Twin Curves
* Enhancement: Contact Form - Added Beaver Themer field connection for the email field
* Enhancement: Content Grid - Added support for WooCommerce catalog ordering dropdown on shop page
* Enhancement: Social Icons - Hide the corresponding icon when the link is not provided
* Enhancement: Modal Box - Prevent closing Modal Box when clicking on page anchors in the modal by using this CSS class anchor-click-no-event
* Enhancement: Modal Box - Converted modal box border, shadow, and margin multiple fields to single compound field
* Enhancement: Logos Grid - Added an option to upload bulk images including support for Beaver Themer's field connections
* Enhancement: Animated Headline - Added experimental CSS class "no-loop" to prevent animation loop for rotating text
* Enhancement: Advanced Menu - Added an option to provide custom toggle icon from font icons library
* Fix: Table - Scroll swipe feature was not working when there are multiple instances on the same page
* Fix: Hover Cards 2 - Image scaling issue in Safari browser in some cases
* Fix: FAQ - Radius was not working on hover in some cases
* Fix: WPForms Styler - Some styles were not working due to CSS class change in WPForms
* Fix: Video - JavaScript error when rendering video from Facebook
* Fix: Gravity Forms Styler - Removed default tabindex value from the module settings
* Fix: Infolist - Issues with items spacing
* Fix: Album - Cover width and height options are not working for large breakpoint
* Fix: Advanced Menu - PHP notice in some cases when background opacity field is empty
* Fix: Pullquote - Background and text color were not getting applied in some cases
* Fix: Hover Cards 2 - Do not set background none if color field is empty
* Fix: Content Grid - JS error in some cases
* Fix: Modal Box - Overlay was showing despite the option was set to hide
* Fix: Pricing Table - Icon center alignment issue when there is no item text
* Development: Social Icons - Added filter hook pp_social_icons_empty_link_hide_icon
* Development: Business Hours - Added filter hook pp_business_hours_enable_schema to disable schema markup
Download PowerPack Beaver Builder Addon v2.34.5 Nulled Free
== v2.34.5 == Release date: December 21, 2023

* Enhancement: Image Carousel - Added srcset attribute on <img> tags
* Enhancement: Image Carousel - Added centeredSlides parameter when the module has CSS class centered-slides in the Advanced settings
* Fix: WPForms Styler - Form styles were not getting applied in some cases
* Fix: Advanced Menu - Alignment issue
* Fix: Advanced Menu - Horizontal spacing was not getting applied when it is set to 0
* Fix: Modal Box - Added missing HTML alt attribute for <img> tag
* Fix: Table - WPML error in some cases
* Fix: Smart Button - Default Custom width unit was getting applied for large, medium, and small breakpoints
* Fix: Video Gallery - Carousel items were not equally aligned in some cases
* Fix: Video - Video was not loading on iOS when it is set to autoplay but not muted
* Development: Video - Added filter hook pp_video_hosted_params
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== v2.34.4 == Release date: November 30, 2023

* Fix: Formidable Form Styler - Input box shadow was getting applied even if the shadow color is not provided
== 2.34.1 ==
Release date: November 25, 2023

* Fix: Advanced Menu - Horizontal layout issue in responsive view
== 2.31.2 ==
Release date: June 1, 2023
* Enhancement: Image Carousel - Background image will render as <img> tag with object-fit property for accessibility and SEO
* Fix: Instagram Feed - Feed was not loading as Instagram removed likes and comments count parameters from its API
* Fix: Devices - JavaScript error when Type is set to Image instead of Video
* Fix: Info Box - Inherit column equal height feature was not working in some cases
* Fix: Video Gallery - Responsive columns spacing issue
* Fix: Pullquote - Icon rendering issue on frontend
* Fix: Advanced Tabs - Description field was not WPML translatable
* Fix: Hover Cards 2 - Content vertical alignment issue in Safari browser
* Fix: Hover Cards 2 - Image fit issues
* Fix: Content Grid - pp_cg_post_permalink filter was not getting applied to the post image
Download PowerPack Beaver Builder Addon v2.31.1 Nulled Free
== v2.31.1 ==
Release date: May 11, 2023

* Enhancement: Logos Grid - Added support for the large breakpoint
* Fix: Info Box - Text alignement issue in some cases
* Fix: Info List - Responsive stack was not working in some cases
* Fix: Info List - Minor accessibility issue
* Fix: Video - Minor PHP error in Dailymotion video type
* Fix: PHP fatal error due to "lessc" class name change in Beaver Themer 1.4.6
== 2.31.0 ==
Relase date: April 27, 2023
* Enhancement: Testimonials - Added options to provide hover colors for nav arrows of slider
* Enhancement: Testimonials - Added option to set arrows either bottom or side
* Enhancement: Testimonials - Added option to provide arrow spacing
* Enhancement: Modal Box - Added role attribute to the anchor tag and added support for spacebar keypress to trigger popup
* Enhancement: Modal Box - Added more units for modal width
* Enhancement: Modal Box - Added link to edit the saved template in the builder
* Enhancement: Advanced Accordion - Added link to edit the saved template in the builder
* Enhancement: Advanced Tabs - Added link to edit the saved template in the builder
* Enhancement: Off-Canvas Content - Added link to edit the saved template in the builder
* Fix: Category Grid - SVG arrow rendering issue in the slider
* Fix: Content Grid - Module setting crashes the page when there are too many product attributes
* Fix: Pullquote - Added max-width so the content doesn't overflow the column when user sets custom width
* Fix: Testimonials - Issue with slider showing other slides on tab switch on page load
* Fix: Testimonials - Autoplay was working in mobile on swipe even it was not enabled
* Fix: Logos Carousel - After the recent update, navigation arrows were displaying even if the setting is disabled
* Fix: Advanced Menu - Responsive link color options were showing only for off-canvas menu type
* Fix: WPForms - Button style was getting overridden by WPForms default style
* Fix: Google Map - Map not loading in some cases
* Fix: Devices - Autoplay issue for self-hosted video
* Development: Advanced Accordion - Added filter hook pp_accordion_icon_image_size
== 2.30.0 ==
Release date: March 16, 2023

* Enhancement: Smart Banner - Enabled alpha channel for overlay color field and removed separate opacity field
* Enhancement: Twitter Embedded Grid - Updated module to support Twitter List (collection is no longer supported by Twitter)
* Enhancement: Video Gallery - Added logic to stop other videos in the carousel/grid when one is being played
* Enhancement: Photo Gallery - Added support for large breakpoint for number of columns
* Enhancement: Reviews - Replaced fontawesome arrow icons with SVG
* Enhancement: Logo Carousel - Changed nav arrow anchor tag to button tag to improve accessibility
* Enhancement: Advanced Menu - Close submenu on Esc keypress and return focus to the submenu toggle
* Enhancement: Advanced Menu - Added option to provide submenu link separator hover color
* Fix: Advanced Menu - Responsive link background color was not working for the default menu type
* Fix: WPForms - Input margin was not working in some cases
* Fix: Content Grid - Clicking on Previous pagination button was reverting to page 1
* Fix: Content Grid - Button background hover color was not working in carousel mode
* Fix: Content Grid - Added missing hook pp_cg_post_permalink for AJAX filter
* Fix: Subscribe Form - Not working when "Fixed at Bottom" is set and the module is placed in Beaver Themer's part layout
* Fix: Dual Button - Transparent background color was getting set when there is no background color provided
* Fix: Login Form - Send password reset email in plain text to avoid any possible error due to server misconfiguration
* Fix: Testimonials - Grid item width issue on small devices
* Fix: Hover Cards - Columns were not working for large breakpoint
* Development: Hotspot - Added filter hook pp_hotspot_markers_data
* Development: Devices - Added filter hook pp_devices_skin_path