Page Builder CK Params

Joomla Plugin Page Builder CK Params v3.2.2

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VERSION 3.2.2 - 29/01/24
  • Use option list instead of text box for link target in Button, Image, Icon, Heading
  • Fix issue with special characters in the media manager
  • Fix issue with module title not showing
  • [Pro] [Blog] Fix issue with the checkbox position to send a copy of the email
  • [Pro] [Slider] Add option to put the link in a readmor, on the title, or on the slide
  • [Pro] [Slider] Add styles options for arrows, caption, title, text, and readmore
VERSION 2.18.6 - 28/02/23
  • [Pro] [Contact] Add option to force email copy
  • [Pro] [Blog] Fix issues with date language
  • [Pro] [Blog] Fix issues with readmore button alignment
  • Fix issues with Youtube thumnail position
  • Fix issue with Bitninja security that blocks some requests
  • Fix issue with addons called in a page embed in another page with the tag
  • Fix import issue
  • Fix PHP warning