JupiterMeet Pro - Video Conference

Untouched JupiterMeet Pro - Video Conference v1.5.0 - November 4th, 2022 Untouched

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v1.5.0 - November 4th, 2022
Added: Webhooks to create meetings and users
Added: Number of participants in the meeting
Added: List of participants in the meeting
Added: The user can now log in with a username or email
Added: Consent will be shown to the participants when someone starts the recording
Added: Meeting features can be turned on/off even if the payment mode is off
Added: Message counter to the meeting chat
Added: Easily Add SMTP from the global config
Added: Registration enable/disable toggle
Added: Email verification on new registration with toggle
Added: Welcome email on sign-up if the Verify Email is activated
Added: Analytics in the admin dashboard
Improvement: Updated Socket.io to the latest version
Improvement: Check meeting API will not be called when the meeting ID length is less than 9 characters
Improvement: Restrict instant meeting creation as per the plan limit
Improvement: Join meeting button is enabled only after the socket is connected to the signaling server