
Joomla Plugin JGive v3.0.4

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Vous pouvez télécharger 10 fichiers tous les 24 heures. Devenez Membre Premium pour outrepasser cette limite.
  • Bug #194855: Unauthorised error after payment
  • Bug #195522: Replacement tag (amount_in_word) is not working in the donation certificate
  • Bug #196452: The goal amount in the campaign edit/create email is not shown in the price formatted pattern
  • Bug #196671: Access control permissions not working for the "com_tjfields"
  • Bug #199922: Form Giveback repeatable issue fixes
  • Bug #203617: Fixed- API for getting donations and organization contact
  • Bug #195818: Select Campaign in " Donation" form
  • Bug #207269: Include ActionlogModel as per the Joomla version
  • Bug #209629: Individual Contacts > Export functionality
  • Bug #209610: Individual Contacts > Send Email functionality
  • Bug #211218: Error while sending email to the donor
  • Bug #154801: Error On submitting the donation form
  • Bug #211326: Accept today's date while creating an individual donation
  • Bug #211479: New Organization Donor > Contact number field accept the correct value
  • Bug #211522: Campaigns Form > Add additional info while multiple form groups exist
  • Bug #211541: Error On deleting individual contacts
  • Bug #211596: Error On Edit/Save the campaign report
  • Bug #211672: Images are uploaded more than the set 'Maximum No. of images in image gallery' in the config