JetFormBuilder + Pro Addons

WordPress Plugin JetFormBuilder + Pro Addons v3.3.4.1

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Présentation Mises à jour (5) Historique Discussion
☢️ Add-ons - CLUB ONLY ☢️
Vous pouvez télécharger 10 fichiers tous les 24 heures. Devenez Membre Premium pour outrepasser cette limite.
– FIX: Advanced Validation with Server-Side callback does not work on frontend
– FIX: Honeypot protection breaks the form on frontend
– FIX: Incorrect value in Calculated Field after page loading
– FIX: Compatibility with PHP version < 8.0
– FIX: Use macros in Send Email when verifying a submission or processing a gateway.
– FIX: Apply advanced validation for optional field
– Tweak: Support for old namespaces for Radio, Select, Checkbox classes
– ADD: Switcher Field
– ADD: Welcome block with form patterns
– ADD: Generate forms with Open AI
– ADD: Improved preset sanitize. Option for disable sanitize
– ADD: Possibility to verify manually the form by admin
– ADD: “Greater than or equal” and “Less than or equal” operators were added to the Conditional Block
– UPD: Improved Server-Side validation
– FIX: Compatibility with JetBooking on the frontend
Changelog didn't updated
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Réactions: slobodannikolic
– UPD: Removed support for required attribute in Calculated Field
– FIX: Forms are displayed on the front when their status is trash
– FIX: WYSIWYG toolbar in JetPopup (by ajax)
– FIX: Removed rtl support for Text Field with input mask due to “flipping” value
– FIX: ActiveCampaign action does not show all fields
– FIX: Changed the form selection control in the JetForm widget in Elementor due to a compatibility bug with Safari
– FIX: Media Field and Firefox ESR browser compatibility
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Réactions: reynelobordo