Grupo Chat - Chat Room & Private Chat System

Nulled PHP Script Grupo Chat - Chat Room & Private Chat System v3.7 NULLED

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Grupo V3.7​

  • Added an option to categorize groups
  • Added screen share feature (Video Chat)
  • Added an option to enable maintenance mode
  • Added lyzico Payment Method
  • Added Xendit Payment Method
  • Added an option to generate fake user accounts
  • Added option to search & share videos in chat (Video Search Engine – YouTube)
  • Added an option to set the number of groups to show on the landing page
  • Added an option to arrange pinned groups in your preferred order
  • Added an option to show membership packages on the landing page
  • Added an option to restrict the number of groups a user can create (site roles)
  • Added an option to normalize text messages (For example: Previeuy to Preview).
  • Added an option to disable the requirement for a billing address when ordering a membership package
  • Added option to arrange membership packages in your preferred order
  • Added an option to disable message text formatting (text styles: bold, italic, underline, and lists)
  • Added site notification to inform users when their membership is about to expire or has expired.
  • Fixed Bugs

Grupo V3.6​

  • Added Group Audio Call feature
  • Added One-to-One Audio Call feature
  • Added the feature for users to share their location in chat
  • Added the option to moderate images using Google Cloud Vision
  • Added the option to moderate text content using Perspective API
  • Added the option to preview PDF files without downloading
  • Added support for MKV video file format (requires FFMPEG)
  • Added the option for users to react to private chat messages
  • Added RazorPay Payment Gateway
  • Added NowPayments Payment Option
  • Added toyyibPay Payment Option
  • Added Flutterwave Payment Option
  • Added the option to send a welcome email for new users
  • Added a separate section for editing mail contents
  • Added the option to skip text and image moderation for specific site roles
  • Added an option to display the total group users and online users count on the landing page (Groups section)
  • Added an option to disable password editing for specific site roles
  • Added an option to prevent specific site roles from setting their time zone
  • Added a plugin to integrate Grupo with QuickDate for Single Sign-On
  • Fixed Bugs

Grupo V3.5.1​

  • Added CoinBase Payment Gateway
  • Added Bank Transfer Payment Option
  • Added Support (Video Chat)
  • Added Firebase Cloud Messaging (Push Notification)
  • Plugin for WoWonder Integration (Single Sign On)
  • Plugin for Sngine Integration (Single Sign On)
  • Fixed Bugs
  • Like
Réactions: telvetto

Grupo V3.4​

  • Message Scheduler
  • Mobile Number Verification via OTP
  • Option to Edit Group & Private Messages
  • Option for users to delete their own account
  • Option to enable photo upload during signup
  • @everyone – Mention Everyone in Group
  • Adblock Detector
  • Added Cloudflare Turnstile CAPTCHA
  • Added GetIPIntel and services (IP Intelligence)
  • Option to send push notifications for new private messages (regardless of online status) and new friend requests
  • Option to send email notifications on: new private message, new friend request, and new user registration pending approval
  • Advanced user searches
  • Radio – “Now Playing” information
  • Sign in with phone number instead of username
  • Added image moderation for group and profile images, as well as group and profile cover pictures.
  • New ad slots added for the chat page in the header and footer locations
  • Added profanity filter for full name and username
  • Option to send system message on groups when a group member’s role changes.
  • Option to set maximum and minimum guest nickname length
  • Option to display profile URL in the profile section [Site Roles]
  • Option to hide/show email and phone number in profile [Site Roles]
  • Option to hide footer section on the landing page
  • Option to set default background image for private and group chats
  • Added New Fonts – Inter & M Plus 1p
  • Fixed Bugs