Greenshift Page Builder + Addons

Nulled WordPress Plugin Greenshift Page Builder + Addons v8.8.4 NULLED

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  • Added: Global Class creation from Stylebook
  • Fix: Gradient for slider and vimeo lightbox

Greenshift 8.7.2 Update​


  • Added: Copy – Paste by type option supports copying classes from block to block


  • Added: Support for tabs, accordion, slider, video lightbox, toggle, sliding panel scripts in template ajax loading and in ajax Infinite scroll options
  • Added: Better video block support for dynamic queries


  • Added: New Form Elements to Element block
  • Added: On Input change Interaction Layer trigger and Input value conditions
  • Added: Slider pause/resume Interaction Layer actions
  • Added: RTL improvements in interface
  • Added: Selector Rule Builder for class system
  • Added: Mix Blend for Overlay panel


  • Added: Class system has options for Flex Child
  • Fix: rating star colors for progress bar


  • Added: Option to set default units (Greenshift Settings – Interface)
  • Added: Option to enable 4 breakpoints for Blocksy theme (Greenshift Settings – Css Options)
  • Added: Progress bar has option to have Star rating style
  • Added: Row can have margin left/right instead auto
  • Added: Support for WP 6.5 font manager
  • Added: Better support for WP 6.5
  • Changed: default Icon color is inherited from text color
  • Fix: sliding panel issue with not styled background, custom gap option as default attributes and many other


  • Added: Vertical align option for Image tag block


  • Added: Countdown types have also Fake countdown option with memory
  • Added: option to disable auto generation of anchors in core heading block (GS Settings – Interface)
  • Added: option to disable default padding for columns (GS Settings – Interface)
  • Added: Word Wrap option for Advanced typography
  • Fix: accordion block custom icon has improved transform point


  • Fix: Preset panel fix


  • Added: Element block now inherits flexible child options from Column, Containers and Css grid
  • Added: Reordering panels to make them consistent between different blocks


  • Added: Option to copy styles from one block to another by separate design type
  • Added: Option to disable pause on hover for slider in auto play mode


  • Added: HTML type support for Element block
  • Added: HTML type has code syntax/helper (requires installation for Smart Code AI free addon)
  • Added: fix for extra spacing in SVG shape for images
  • Added: New Interface setting panel in GS with new options (dark accent, option to disable element blocks)
  • Added: Dark mode support for server side (Settings – CSS options)
  • Added: Dark mode support for server side (Settings – CSS options)


  • Added: Element block has UL, LI, NAV, FIGURE tags support
  • Added: Element block UL variation includes predefined one list item and each inner list items will be created on Enter key
  • Fix: responsive options for Element block


  • Added: New Dark mode switcher
  • Added: Stylebook has option to overwrite default colors for dark mode
  • Added: SVG shape option for images, svg shape presets
  • Added: More attributes are allowed to set as default for blocks
  • Added: Stretch align option for Slider to make inner containers fit whole space
  • Added: Filters have option to set dark mode filters
  • Added: FSE templates section for library and some UI changes in library
  • Added: Better reset for height, width, flex content
  • Added: Support for Core framework variable system (Greenshift – Settings – CSS management)
  • Added: Clean Canvas template is working with FSE themes
  • Added: Improved UI for some panels + option to enable Dark accent UI (Greenshift – Settings – CSS management)
  • Added:New Element Block for vanilla html tags
  • Fix: Safari bug for wrong spacing visual helpers


  • Added: background color option for backdrop in sliding panel
  • Fix: improvements in scripts for reusable templates, tabs, interaction layers, slider


  • Added: Button presets
  • Added: Active state for button design panels
  • Added: Option in library to import animated version of template + New templates
  • Added: More priority for Stylebook body element to overwrite some core wordpress styles


  • Fix: Slider creative effects fix, videobox align fix, added Trigger action in GSAP library for Animation panel

Animation Addon​

3.6.2 version – 19 March 2024
  • Fix: Better support for Split text option in Element block

Query Addon​

4.3 version – 19 Apr 2024
  • Added: Click Infinite pagination
  • Added: Support for tabs, accordion, toggles, video lightbox, slider inside Query loop filters, and infinite loops
  • Added: Support for Sliding panel inside Query loop block for making custom quick view panels
4.2 version – 15 Apr 2024
  • Added: User Query Builder for Repeater builder block
  • Added: Sorting option to Gallery block
  • Added: Improvements for Thumbs/Hot block
  • Added: Inline style for query loop and repeater builder
  • Added: Container link for Repeater builder
4.1 version – 9 Apr 2024
  • Added: Flex Container option to repeater builder
4 version – 4 Apr 2024
  • Added: Taxonomy option to Repeater Builder
  • Added: Content Egg data for Repeater builder
  • Unixtime to WordPress date formater for Meta getter
  • A better translation for the Login form block
  • Dynamic image doesn’t return text if it has no image
  • Improvements for repeater block
  • Query builder has Query source to show items of current logged user

Woocommerce Addon​

2.0.8 version – 19 April 2024
  • Added: Price color option for Sliding panel for cart block
2.0.7 version – 9 March 2024
  • Added: support for Blocksy Variation extension
2.0 version – 25 March 2024
  • Added: Sliding panel in cart button can has also quantity inputs
  • Added: You can disable quantity inputs in single cart button
  • Added: Improved patterns for query loops and single product templates
    Added: + 8 inner product templates in library (FSE – single product) version – 16 March 2024
  • Added: Out of stock label for button block
  • Added: Single template button has option to stretch button, and to have full width quantity input
  • Added: Cart button block has option to open panel after adding products to cart
  • Added: Products tabs block has option to disable Headings
  • Added: Performance improvements for single templates


  • Fix: Slider images in scenarios when you use it in FSE templates + slider link bug.
  • Added: New FSE templates section in Library


  • No Information Provided

  • Added: Smart scroll has option to select width type and make custom arrow buttons

  • Added: support for video block inside repeater builder
  • Fix: sliding panel/popup in footer option

  • Added: support for GS stylebook in Kadence theme
  • Fix: duplicated pattern performance bug
  • Change: container width/height calculation in editor


  • Added: New Bulk stretch and align option for inner items for CSS grid builder
  • Fix: Accordion inner items background issue


  • Added: Colors for simple social share buttons
  • Fix: improvements for gutenberg API 3 performance


  • Added: Custom close selector for sliding popup and other improvements for block
  • Added: Video actions for Interaction layers
  • Added: Rive App actions for Interaction layers check more in Fancy Academy
  • Added: More layouts for wireframe library


  • Added: additional align options for CSS grid
  • Added: compatibility with older versions of wordpress


  • Added: Accessibility improvements for tabs, accordions, content toggler, sliding panel, switcher. Added aria options, focusable elements and controlling from Keyboard


  • Added: some improvements for Blocksy theme 2.0
Whats new:
Greenshift 5.9.7
Added: Modal fix
Added: Woocommerce premium addon
Animation Addon 3.3.4
Update: GSAP library update
Query Addon 2.9.3
Fix: Fixes for sorting order, improves for gallery block, new better way for CSS generation for Query builder, better ajax support for wishlists
Woocommerce Addon 0.9.2
Added: GS WooTools has the option to disable core woocommerce gallery scripts
Added: Improved Product gallery block with many new options
Added: Inner product rating block (link will open rating section)
Added: New pattern for woocommerce query with 2 columns on mobiles
Added: New Greenshift Woocommerce theme FSE template
Fix: Possible issues with cart button block


  • Added: Theme palette colors now uses variables instead flat colors
  • Added: Map field supports FSE template creation environment
  • Added: Accessibility labels for Button block
  • Added: Accordion script supports ajax render
  • Added: Repeater block (in Query Addon)