Glover – Grocery, Food, Pharmacy Courier & Service Provider + Backend + Driver & Vendor app

Nulled Android/IOS-APP Glover – Grocery, Food, Pharmacy Courier & Service Provider + Backend + Driver & Vendor app v1.7.44 NULLED

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1.7.44 - 2024/05/01
1. Fix Product/vendor html description on customer app
2. Fix Product request issue after ordering
3. Enable/Disable show vendor phone at backend for customer app
4. Apps change theme: system, dark or light
5. Allow vendor register with address details
1.7.42 - 2024/04/06
1. Fix pharmacy upload prescription
2. Prevent Disable account from ordering or using app
3. Improve Arabic printing on vendor app
4. Referral Reward. Allow reward on regirstration/first order
5. Allow parcel vendor manager, create parcel order from backend
6. Fix vendor open/close auto. Add setting to enable how many hours before auto open/close kicks in
7. Fix role error during account creation
8. Improve Wysiwyg editor
1.7.40 - 2024/02/16
1. Product approval system.
2. Vendor & Driver In-app earning, sales & payout report.
3. Fix Customer digital product download.
4. All product option creation directly from vendor app - new /edit product.
1.6.63 - 2023/05/15
1. Fix reported bugs
- filter vendor by zones for app
- improve the driver fetch from firestore without the need for firebase function.
2. Allow offline file upload through app webview
3. Auto cancel pending wallet topup after 5mins (you specify your time from backend)
4. Enable Email/Phone Login or both for apps(customer/driver)
5. Taxi settings, to show pickup info(address & distance) &/ destination info(address & distance) to driver accepting new order
6. Vendor Type by zone