Glover – Grocery, Food, Pharmacy Courier & Service Provider + Backend + Driver & Vendor app

Nulled Android/IOS-APP Glover – Grocery, Food, Pharmacy Courier & Service Provider + Backend + Driver & Vendor app v1.7.44 NULLED

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Fuodz NULLED – E-commerce, Grocery, Food, Pharmacy Store & Parcel/Courier Delivery Mobile App with PHP Laravel Backend (Customer App + Delivery Boy App + Admin Backend)​

Flutter App Features:​

  • Customer Flutter app Source Code – (Flutter Framework)
  • Delivery boy Flutter app Source Code – (Flutter Framework)
  • Backend Source Code – (Laravel Framework)
  • Documentation
  • Quick Start Guide

Flutter App Features:​

  • E-Payment, credit cards integration.
  • Import data vis Excel Spreadsheet (Categories, Vendors, Menus & Products)
  • Cash on delivery and payment on pickup/delivery methods
  • Support RTL languages (Arabic etc.)
  • Dark Mode
  • Push notification using FCM (Firebase Cloud Messaging)
  • Clean & organized Dart Language code using Provider
  • Easy to restyle and theming.
  • Awesome animations are ready to use: Parallax Animations, Sliding & Swiping animations
  • Working really well on both iOS and Android with support with 60 frames per second (fps).
  • Login
  • Register
  • Forgot password
  • Vendor & Product/Food search
  • Vendor/store Details
  • Products Listing
  • Product Details
  • Cart
  • Checkout
  • Wallet system
  • Driver WALLET SYSTEM!!!
  • Vendor Open/close time
  • Auto-assignment for orders
  • 3wordsmap
  • Vendor Parcel skip preparing -> ready after order placement
  • User Profile
  • User Orders
  • App Settings
  • Notifications
  • Help & Supports
  • Account Settings
  • SMS Gateways – Twilio/MSG91/GatewayApi

Admin Pannel (PHP Laravel) Features:​

  • Admin dashboards and statistics.
  • Multi Roles and Permission (Admin, Vendor Manager, Client,...).
  • Create, Update or Delete Products, Vendors, Categories, Option Groups, Options and so on
  • Stripe, RazorPay, Paystack & Flutterwave Payments Gateway.
  • Send notification to users
  • Like
Réactions: alihoubbane
Co7ur Co7ur Auteur
203 Affichages
v1.7.44 NULLED Version
17 Téléchargements
0.00 étoile(s) 0 avis
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Dernières mises à jour

  1. Glover 1.7.44 NULLED

    1.7.44 - 2024/05/01 1. Fix Product/vendor html description on customer app 2. Fix Product...
  2. Glover 1.7.42 NULLED

    1.7.42 - 2024/04/06 1. Fix pharmacy upload prescription 2. Prevent Disable account from ordering...
  3. Glover 1.7.40 NULLED

    1.7.40 - 2024/02/16 1. Product approval system. 2. Vendor & Driver In-app earning, sales &...