Dynamic Content for Elementor - Create Your Most Powerful Website

Nulled WordPress Plugin Dynamic Content for Elementor - Create Your Most Powerful Website v3.0.7 NULLED

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Download Dynamic Content for Elementor v2.12.9 Nulled Free
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Download Dynamic Content for Elementor v2.12.5 Nulled Free
v2.12.5 - 2023/11/30

* Notice: from this version is required Elementor >= v3.6.0 and, if used, Elementor Pro >= v3.6.0
* Tweak: Dynamic Google Map: added setting to close all InfoWindows on mouse click
* Fix: Mirror Field didn't work properly
* Minor Fixes
v2.12.3 - 2023/11/22
* Fix: Upgrades could cause the deactivation of the Elementor's Container feature (this could have important effects on the fronted, for example blank pages)
* Fix: Visual issue in the Elementor Editor for some of our Elementor Pro Form Actions
* Fix: In some cases, the arrows of a Dynamic Posts Carousel would control other Carousels on the same page
* Fix: Conditional fields did not work with Elementor Pro Form Action Mailpoet 3.
* Fix: Dynamic Posts, skin grid with filters, fix the "All" filter not working when is not the default filter
* Minor Fixes
v2.10.2 - 2023/05/30
* Fix: Provides redundancy for the PHP fix in 2.10.1 to cover some edge cases
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Réactions: santiagoacosta
v2.10.0 - 2023/05/29
* Notice: from this version is required Elementor > v3.5.0 and, if used, Elementor Pro > v3.5.0
* New: Dynamic OpenStreetMap widget
* Tweak: We've enabled the tokens filters whitelist for everybody, it's automatically generated for those who hadn't already switched it on. If so you should check whether there is something to add or remove from it
* Fix: Copy to Clipboard widget was incompatible with ACF Repeater widget
* Fix: Stripe Field for Elementor Pro Form, Nonce Error in the frontend reported in some cases
* Fix: Dynamic Visibility, Visibility tab icon missing since Elementor 3.13
* Fix: Match Height for Dynamic Posts widgets didn't work in very specific cases since version 2.9.3
* Fix: Dynamic Posts, date filter for post time did not respect time zone in some cases
* Fix: Dynamic Posts: Skin Carousel. When the slide effect is "Fade", "Cross Fade" is now enabled by default in order to avoid seeing content behind or underneath
* Fix: Inertia Scroll Horizontal was not only applied to top-sections, and when inner sections were present they caused the wrapper to stretch disproportionately. It is now only applied to 'elementor-top-section' divs or the custom class defined in the settings
* Fix: Dynamic Posts: Missing "Items" settings on the Timeline Skin
* Fix: Custom background on a loop didn't work correctly for containers
* Minor Fixes
Download Dynamic Content for Elementor v2.9.4 Nulled Free
v2.9.4 - 2023/05/11

* Fix: Dynamic Google Maps, fixed a problem with Elementor templates when used in a custom InfoWindow
* Fix: Dynamic Posts, Dual Carousel, JS Error in the browser console
* Fix: Stripe Field for Elementor Pro Form, Alpha3 error related to currency input with spaces
* Minor Fixes
v2.9.3 - 2023/04/28
* Tweak: Match Height is now compatible with Elementor's Containers. We initially release this as beta, please try it let us know if you encounter any problem
* Tweak: Dynamic Posts, date filters, add a setting to specify if the condition date timezone is UTC or the WordPress settings time zone
* Tweak: The ACF Token is now compatible with Elementor's Loop Grid
* Fix: Dynamic Visibility regression bug in version 2.9.2 involving some triggers
* Fix: Dynamic Posts, with more than one Carousel on the same page, their scrollbars were in conflict in some cases
* Fix: Dynamic Posts, Carousel set in Free Move mode had visual glitches appearing at times
* Fix: Dynamic Posts: added setting 'Results per Page' for the Query Type 'ID List'
* Fix: Conditional Fields, avoid error message flash of content
* Fix: Avoid "Field_Base missing" error appearing in the PHP error logs
* Fix: ACF Slider, some style settings had no effect
* Fix: ACF Repeater widget, JS error in browser console in some cases
* Fix: Items Style didn't work correctly on Accordion Skin after v2.9.1
* Fix: Toolset Relationship didn't retrieve correctly relationship fields
* Minor Fixes