Divi - The Ultimate WordPress Theme & Visual Page Builder

WordPress Thème Divi - The Ultimate WordPress Theme & Visual Page Builder v4.26

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version 4.20.1 ( updated 03-06-2023 )
- Fixed Widget Area Creator panel not rendering in Widget Block Editor.
- Fixed issue allowing users to switch to default editor when creating a new post.
- Fixed unable to switch to Default Editor when creating new post.
- Fixed white space issue on top and bottom of embedded media.
- Fixed a JavaScript error that occurred in some cases when switching the Block Editor from Visual to Code or vice-versa.
- Fixed compatibility issue for WordPress 6.2 that affected the Edit Post/Page page.
version 4.19.5 ( updated 01-25-2023 )
- Fixed order of icon font loading as .woff should be loaded before .ttf as it's a better format and is supported across modern browsers.
- Fixed unexpected behavior of Global Colors when using undo/redo buttons in Visual Builder.
- Fixed Global Colors rendering for Specialty Columns in Visual Builder.
- Fixed issue where global colors not working in VB for button.
- Fixed Global Colors usage in fields borders settings.
- Fixed Social Media Follow module text being shown in the excerpt inside Blog Module, when excerpt is empty and Blog module is using content as excerpt.
- Fixed issue where countdown timer title margin remains visible when the title is empty.
- Fixed an issue where sticky elements would not work due to a JavaScript error that occurred in some rare cases.
- Fixed nested list bullets styling issue for ol and ul list types.
- Improved presets saving performance in Visual Builder.
- Fixed modal not closing after clicking use this layout on Theme Builder.
- Fixed Global Colors preview in Edit mode.
- Fixed bug where backup exists popup shows every time when opening Theme Builder.
- Fixed an issue where the canonical link would get duplicated in some cases.
- Fixed illegal string offset user and API key when saving on the Updates tab.
- Fixed Global Colors not properly exporting from the Divi Library in some cases.
- Fixed BOM character included file can not be imported.
- Fixed an issue where the Divi parent style would not be correctly enqueued in some cases when child themes were used.
* core/components/Portability.php
* epanel/core_functions.php
* epanel/custom_functions.php
* functions.php
* includes/builder/feature/dynamic-assets/assets/js/src/sticky-element.js
* includes/builder/feature/global-presets/History.php
* includes/builder/feature/global-presets/Settings.php
* includes/builder/frontend-builder/bundle.js
* includes/builder/frontend-builder/theme-builder/theme-builder.php
* includes/builder/functions.php
* includes/builder/scripts/utils/sticky.js
Download Elegant Themes Divi v4.19.4 WordPress Theme Nulled Free
v4.19.4 ( updated 12-16-2022 )

- Fixed a bug that was causing Theme Builder Templates to be deleted unintentionally.
* includes/builder/frontend-builder/theme-builder/theme-builder.php
Download Elegant Themes Divi v4.19.2 WordPress Theme Nulled Free
version 4.19.2 ( updated 11-29-2022 )
- Fixed issue where presets where not importing when tb library item is duplicated from cloud to local.
- Fixed divider view always being 100% in phone view in VB.
- Fixed issue with image border styles in Blog module images that were not applying properly in some cases.
- Fixed bug where backup exists popup shows every time when opening Theme Builder.
- Fixed Replace Existing Content option in Layouts Library.
- Fixed server error when deleting items too quickly from Divi Cloud.
- Fixed issue where the code snippet library was not closing on ESC keyboard shortcut.
- Fixed JS error that occurs on saving empty content to the cloud from code snippet editor modal.
4.18.1 ( updated 10-27-2022 )
- Introduced confirmation modal before user clear Divi Layout block content.
- Fixed errors on Divi Layout block when opening Site Editor page.
- VB Video Module Refused to Connect is Fixed.
- Fixed a bug in the settings field mini modal where the max height was not calculated correctly.
- Fixed a bug where default position on sections using section divider(s) was set to static instead of relative.
- Added Cart Quantity option to the Menu and Fullwidth Menu modules.
- Added compatibility with the YITH WooCommerce Discounts & Pricing plugin.
- Enables copy/paste style via right-click and keyboard shortcuts in edit preset mode.
- Fixed issue in theme builder where error message modal appears after importing template or set.
- Removed unsupported Help button from Import Templates modal.
- Fixed padding not removed from Login module without background.
- Updated Divi Builder translation strings.
- Introduced new filter to override Product Tour status from the client side.
- Fixed audio module's progress handle being white when text is dark.
- Fixed video module being unable to retrieve thumbnail from domain-restricted vimeo videos.
- Fixed disappeared Split Testing module when switching between subjects via next or prev buttons.
- Fixed PHP error regarding incorrect use of trim function.
- Introduced processed shortcode as second parameter of et_required_module_assets filter.
- Fixed borders to show up on Sections that have borders of 1 or 2px as well as Dividers on them.
- Fixed issue where dropdown menu reappears after it closes if we move the cursor back to the coordinate where submenu was showing previously.
- Fixed issue where sticky columns shrink sometimes if Equalize Column Heights option enabled.
- Fixed a bug in Video Slider module which was causing video to disappear in some cases.
- Fixed Download backup option in Import Templates modal for Cloud items.
- Adding context menu with new actions to Existing pages tab.
- Fixed incorrect position after scrolling to anchor if header has fixed sections with negative top offset.
- Fixed a bug that occurred in the Visual Builder (Extra only) where users were unable to drag & drop modules when the Post Content module was used in the Body area.
- Fixed missing margin for social media follow module last icon in RTL.
- Fixed anchor scroll position in Chrome browser when navigating from different pages.
- Added functionality to select a range of saved items on Shift + Click in the Divi Library modal.
- Video Slider Module Tests are updated.
- Fixed MailPoet subscribers not being added to lists when a Form has required custom fileds .
- Updated Google Fonts list.
- Introduced Private App Access Token as API Key replacement for HubSpot authentication.
- Fixed a PHP error that may occur in some cases when responsive images are used.
- Added new filter hook for WP_Filesystem connection arguments.
- Improved i18n translations to better handle some special keywords from being translated.
- Fixed Email Optin type error with Convertkit when PHP 8 is in use.
- Fixed custom color scheme overriding bar counter color.
- Fixed Customizer preview for Secondary Menu background color not working.
- Fixed menu module dropdown items not aligning to the right.
* cloud/i18n/library.php
* core/components/api/email/ConvertKit.php
* core/components/api/email/HubSpot.php
* core/components/api/email/_MailPoet3.php
* core/components/cache/Directory.php
* core/functions.php
* core/json-data/google-fonts.json
* core/languages/ar.po
* core/languages/bg_BG.po
* core/languages/cs_CZ.po
* core/languages/da_DK.po
* core/languages/de_DE.po
* core/languages/el.po
* core/languages/en_US.po
* core/languages/es_ES.po
* core/languages/fi.po
* core/languages/fr_FR.po
* core/languages/he_IL.po
* core/languages/hu_HU.po
* core/languages/id_ID.po
* core/languages/it_IT.po
* core/languages/ja.po
* core/languages/ko_KR.po
* core/languages/ms_MY.po
* core/languages/nb_NO.po
* core/languages/nl_NL.po
* core/languages/pl_PL.po
* core/languages/pt_BR.po
* core/languages/ro_RO.po
* core/languages/ru_RU.po
* core/languages/sk_SK.po
* core/languages/sr_RS.po
* core/languages/sv_SE.po
* core/languages/th.po
* core/languages/tl.po
* core/languages/tr_TR.po
* core/languages/uk.po
* core/languages/vi.po
* core/languages/zh_CN.po
* core/ui/utils/property-resolver.js
* functions.php
* includes/builder/class-et-builder-element.php
* includes/builder/core.php
* includes/builder/feature/BlockEditorIntegration.php
* includes/builder/feature/Library.php
* includes/builder/feature/dynamic-assets/assets/js/src/sticky-element.js
* includes/builder/feature/dynamic-assets/class-dynamic-assets.php
* includes/builder/feature/gutenberg/EditorTypography.php
* includes/builder/framework.php
* includes/builder/frontend-builder/bundle.js
* includes/builder/frontend-builder/i18n/generic.php
* includes/builder/functions.php
* includes/builder/languages/ar.po
* includes/builder/languages/bg_BG.po
* includes/builder/languages/cs_CZ.po
* includes/builder/languages/da_DK.po
* includes/builder/languages/de_DE.po
* includes/builder/languages/el.po
* includes/builder/languages/en_US.po
* includes/builder/languages/es_ES.po
* includes/builder/languages/et_builder-ar-et-builder-gutenberg.po
* includes/builder/languages/et_builder-bg_BG-et-builder-gutenberg.po
* includes/builder/languages/et_builder-cs_CZ-et-builder-gutenberg.po
* includes/builder/languages/et_builder-da_DK-et-builder-gutenberg.po
* includes/builder/languages/et_builder-de_DE-et-builder-gutenberg.po
* includes/builder/languages/et_builder-el-et-builder-gutenberg.po
* includes/builder/languages/et_builder-es_ES-et-builder-gutenberg.po
* includes/builder/languages/et_builder-fi-et-builder-gutenberg.po
* includes/builder/languages/et_builder-fr_FR-et-builder-gutenberg.po
* includes/builder/languages/et_builder-he_IL-et-builder-gutenberg.po
* includes/builder/languages/et_builder-hu_HU-et-builder-gutenberg.po
* includes/builder/languages/et_builder-id_ID-et-builder-gutenberg.po
* includes/builder/languages/et_builder-it_IT-et-builder-gutenberg.po
* includes/builder/languages/et_builder-ja-et-builder-gutenberg.po
* includes/builder/languages/et_builder-ko_KR-et-builder-gutenberg.po
* includes/builder/languages/et_builder-ms_MY-et-builder-gutenberg.po
* includes/builder/languages/et_builder-nb_NO-et-builder-gutenberg.po
* includes/builder/languages/et_builder-nl_NL-et-builder-gutenberg.po
* includes/builder/languages/et_builder-pl_PL-et-builder-gutenberg.po
* includes/builder/languages/et_builder-pt_BR-et-builder-gutenberg.po
* includes/builder/languages/et_builder-ro_RO-et-builder-gutenberg.po
* includes/builder/languages/et_builder-ru_RU-et-builder-gutenberg.po
* includes/builder/languages/et_builder-sk_SK-et-builder-gutenberg.po
* includes/builder/languages/et_builder-sr_RS-et-builder-gutenberg.po
* includes/builder/languages/et_builder-sv_SE-et-builder-gutenberg.po
* includes/builder/languages/et_builder-th-et-builder-gutenberg.po
* includes/builder/languages/et_builder-tl-et-builder-gutenberg.po
* includes/builder/languages/et_builder-tr_TR-et-builder-gutenberg.po
* includes/builder/languages/et_builder-uk-et-builder-gutenberg.po
* includes/builder/languages/et_builder-vi-et-builder-gutenberg.po
* includes/builder/languages/et_builder-zh_CN-et-builder-gutenberg.po
* includes/builder/languages/fi.po
* includes/builder/languages/fr_FR.po
* includes/builder/languages/he_IL.po
* includes/builder/languages/hu_HU.po
* includes/builder/languages/id_ID.po
* includes/builder/languages/it_IT.po
* includes/builder/languages/ja.po
* includes/builder/languages/ko_KR.po
* includes/builder/languages/ms_MY.po
* includes/builder/languages/nb_NO.po
* includes/builder/languages/nl_NL.po
* includes/builder/languages/pl_PL.po
* includes/builder/languages/pt_BR.po
* includes/builder/languages/ro_RO.po
* includes/builder/languages/ru_RU.po
* includes/builder/languages/sk_SK.po
* includes/builder/languages/sr_RS.po
* includes/builder/languages/sv_SE.po
* includes/builder/languages/th.po
* includes/builder/languages/tl.po
* includes/builder/languages/tr_TR.po
* includes/builder/languages/uk.po
* includes/builder/languages/vi.po
* includes/builder/languages/zh_CN.po
* includes/builder/module/BarCountersItem.php
* includes/builder/module/FullwidthMenu.php
* includes/builder/module/Login.php
* includes/builder/module/Menu.php
* includes/builder/module/Video.php
* includes/builder/module/VideoSliderItem.php
* includes/builder/module/field/Position.php
* includes/builder/plugin-compat/styles/yith-woocommerce-dynamic-pricing-and-discounts-premium.css
* includes/builder/plugin-compat/yith-woocommerce-dynamic-pricing-and-discounts-premium.php
* includes/builder/scripts/frontend/global-functions.js
* includes/builder/scripts/frontend/scripts-dynamic.js
* includes/builder/scripts/frontend/scripts.js
* includes/builder/scripts/utils/sticky.js
* js/src/theme-customizer.js
* lang/ar.po
* lang/bg_BG.po
* lang/cs_CZ.po
* lang/da_DK.po
* lang/de_DE.po
* lang/el.po
* lang/en_US.po
* lang/es_ES.po
* lang/fi.po
* lang/fr_FR.po
* lang/he_IL.po
* lang/hu_HU.po
* lang/id_ID.po
* lang/it_IT.po
* lang/ja.po
* lang/ko_KR.po
* lang/ms_MY.po
* lang/nb_NO.po
* lang/nl_NL.po
* lang/pl_PL.po
* lang/pt_BR.po
* lang/ro_RO.po
* lang/ru_RU.po
* lang/sk_SK.po
* lang/sr_RS.po
* lang/sv_SE.po
* lang/th.po
* lang/tl.po
* lang/tr_TR.po
* lang/uk.po
* lang/vi.po
* lang/zh_CN.po