Discy - Social Questions and Answers

Nulled WordPress Thème Discy - Social Questions and Answers v5.7.1

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Download Discy v5.7.1 - Social Questions and Answers WordPress Theme Nulled Free
v5.7.1 – 21 April 2024

=== New Features and improved ===
- Added a new option in the landing page to show login form or register form by default.
- Added a new option if you choose the site for the logged users only to show login form or register form by default.
- Added a new option to hide all the header, so if you want to hide all of it to replace it with your custom here by Elemetor for example.
- FIXED: bug fixes.
v5.7.0 – 2 March 2024
=== New Features and improved ===
- Added a new page to see your asked questions you asked for users.
- Added a new option to add your slug for the my asked questions page.
- Added a new option to choose how many replied you want to allow for the users if you choose for user to answer one time.
- Added a new option for the users template to choose which users you want to show with user ids.
- Added a new option to add your custom checkout, so you can send link for the user to pay for anything.
- Added a new option to use shortcode for payment to allow the users that paid can see custom content.
- Added a new option to add title for the pay button for this custom payment.
- Added a new option to choose while user paying to get a new role or allow for them to download file.
- Added a new option to choose while user paying to be a one payment or subscribe payment.
- Added a new option to choose while user paying to pay with points or pay with payment methods.
- Added a new option to add cancel subscription for the custom payments.
- Added a new option to make the subscription monthly, three months, six months, yearly, or lifetime payment.
- Added a new option to add the price and points for the payments.
- Added a new option to add the maximum length for the username.
- FIXED: bug fixes.
Download Discy v5.5.7 - Social Questions and Answers WordPress Theme Nulled Free
v5.5.7 – 11 May 2023

=== New Features and improved ===
- Added a new option to open the payment pages on the new page or the same page.
- Added a new option to add a custom link for the logo.
- Added a new option to show the Stripe card with one input or show card number, expiry date, and CVC separately.
- Added a new option to add many plan for the paid membership to choose different role if you want for each plan with different permissions.
- Added a new option to choose the style of the paid membership plans.
- Added a new option to choose activate the button to choose between yearly or monthly plans.
- Added a new option to choose the role of the trial subscriptions.
- Added a new option to choose the role of the reward subscriptions.
- Added new options to add the link of adding poll link on the slider and call to action.
- Added a new option to add the link of adding poll link on the WPQA - Buttons widget.
- Added a new option to add the link of adding poll link on the WPQA - Custom Links menu.
- FIXED: bug fixes.
v5.5.6 – 14 February 2023
=== New Features and improved ===
- Added a new option to add your Stripe webhook endpoint URL, obtained from your Stripe dashboard.
- Added new options to add your Stripe testing to test your payments.
- Added a new option to add the money equal to the number of points.
- Send a notification to the user when earning a new badge.
- FIXED: bug fixes.
Download Discy v5.5.5 - Social Questions and Answers WordPress Theme Nulled Free v5.5.5 – 27 December 2022
=== New Features and improved ===
- Added new options to show the full permissions features on the subscriptions page and add custom items or text.
- FIXED: bug fixes.
Download Discy v5.5.3 - Social Questions and Answers WordPress Theme Nulled Free
v5.5.3 – 13 December 2022

=== New Features and improved ===
- Added a new option to show the search bar on the group pages to find the groups.
- Added a new option to choose a pagination style for the group posts.
- Added a new option to add a custom name for the emails.
- Added a new option to activate the login on the site or not.
- Added a new option to activate the register on the site or not.
- FIXED: bug fixes.
Download Discy v5.5.2 - Social Questions and Answers WordPress Theme Nulled Free
v5.5.2 – 4 November 2022

=== New Features and improved ===
- Added a new option to confirm the email after editing it.
- Added new 2 emails templates for confirm the editing email and email after edited it successfully.
- Added a new option to re create the two menus of the Header Profile Menu and Profile Page Tabs.
- Added new options to delete the the old spam, pending, and trash, questions, posts, groups, group posts, messages, reports, points, notifications, and activities.
- Added new options to choose the time and spam, pending, or trash of questions, posts, groups, group posts, messages, reports, points, notifications, and activities.
- Added new options to delete the old spam, pending, and trash, comments and answers.
- Added new options to choose the time and spam, pending, or trash of comments and answers.
- Added new options to delete the old under review and activation users and choose which time or type you want to delete.
- FIXED: bug fixes.
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