[DigitalPoint] Security & Passkeys

Xenforo Plugin [DigitalPoint] Security & Passkeys v1.1.8

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If you use the Days to auto-extend two-step device trust setting, the addon will always set the tfa_trust cookie when the user_remember record is extended (since we can't see the cookie duration on the server-side). Before we were only setting the cookie if the user_tfa_trusted.trusted_until value changed.

This will make it work as expected even if you had something unrelated (like a different addon) altering the user_tfa_trusted.trusted_until value (where you had a short cookie duration, but a long user_tfa_trusted.trusted_until value).
  • Added ability to view and delete remembered sessions in admin area (new Sessions tab when editing a user)
  • Fix for PHP warning when on PHP 8 and accessing site through localhost (a test setup)