[DigitalPoint] Security & Passkeys

Xenforo Plugin [DigitalPoint] Security & Passkeys v1.1.8

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Security & Passkeys1.png

  • Support for Passkeys (also known as WebAuthn / FIDO2 security keys) as two-step authentication (hardware devices such as YubiKeys are what large tech companies such as Google require their employees to use to keep their accounts secure).
    • Support for multiple keys per user
  • Option for Days to trust two-step verification. Now you can set it to whatever is appropriate for your site, vs it being hardcoded to 30 days in XenForo.
  • Users can see/manage the trusted devices for their account (under Account -> Password and security -> Two-step verification).
  • Users can see the IP addresses used for their account (under Account -> Password and security).
  • Users can see/manage remembered sessions for their account (under Account -> Password and security).
  • Country-level geo-targeting of IPs for account IPs, sessions and trusted devices is done automatically if the site is using Cloudflare with the the IP Geolocation setting turned on for your zone.
  • Security & Passkeys4.png
    Security & Passkeys4.png
    317 KB · Affichages: 33
  • Security & Passkeys3.png
    Security & Passkeys3.png
    259.7 KB · Affichages: 37
  • Security & Passkeys2.png
    Security & Passkeys2.png
    376 KB · Affichages: 34
Co7ur Co7ur Auteur
95 Affichages
v1.1.8 Version
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  1. [DigitalPoint] Security & Passkeys 1.1.8

    If you use the Days to auto-extend two-step device trust setting, the addon will always set the...
  2. Update 1.1.4

    Added ability to view and delete remembered sessions in admin area (new Sessions tab when...