[DBTech] DragonByte Security

Xenforo Plugin [DBTech] DragonByte Security v4.7.0

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#### v4.7.0
* **Feature:** Improved session information display, now parses browser and OS *2024-04-04*
* **Feature:** Optionally exclude TFA-enabled users from batch update actions *2024-04-04*
* **Change:** Refactored backend code *2024-04-04*
* **Change:** Bump minimum PHP version to 7.4 and recommended version to 8.2 *2024-04-04*
* **Change:** Update dependencies to the latest version(s) *2024-04-04*
* **Fix:** User agent is now updated for login sessions *2024-04-04*
* **Fix:** Bad Behavior would run on PHP versions newer than it supports *2024-04-04*
* **Fix:** Fix PHP 8.2 compatibility issues *2024-04-04*
* **Fix:** Fix PHP 8.4 compatibility issue *2024-04-04*